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Jerry/ Lao Tzu

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At 08:18 AM 2/18/00 -0400, you wrote:

>umbada (Jerry M. Katz)


>Your apologies are accepted Dan. Lao Tzu also offers one

>perspective as well. He will be making a public apology for

>everything he has said at the summer

>retreat. I enticed him by suggesting he could be the main

>speaker. It is a typical switch and bait tactic on my

>part. The main event is going to be a magic show by Zenbob

>in which he will make the audience levitate exactly 9 inches

>as Jill sings the national anthem in Sanskrit (translated by

>Tony). Lao Tzu's apology will follow in the original

>Chinese. Thanks.



>Love Harsha


>Harsha, that's great that you managed to con Lao Tzu into a

>public apology. He's apologized to me privately more than


>He's usually very shy about speaking in front of large

>groups, let alone offering an apology to such an august and

>learned body as this.

>However you managed this, I salute you! Perhaps he heard a

>rumor about the Sanskrit singing, and this enticed him.

>Knowing that Sanskrit can't be sung, he probably assumed

>that this would be the singing of the Wordless Word that

>would complete the cycle of all his incarnations.


>Love, Dan




>I knew Lao Tzu back in the 60's. His name then was Larry

>Tzanansky. He was a Jewish comic in the Catskills. One day

>we were kibbutzing, I got serious, I said, "Larry, listen,

>you don't got the chops to make it to the big time. It's

>always gonna be kosher hotels in the Borscht Belt for you,

>Sweetheart. This Eastern religion choserye is gonna be very

>big in a few years. What you do is you change your name to

>something like Lao Tzu and say whatever makes the least

>possible sense, in other words, do your act, and these

>spiritual phonies will be eating out of your hand, you

>understand? Pass me the schmaltz herring. Who was the girl

>you were with last night?"




LOL - that's the Lao

we know and love.

Or is it just a butterfly

dreaming up a schtick?




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