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Jerry/guerillas in the mist

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Hi Jerry.

Thanks for sharing

some beautiful, heartfelt

observations about us.

Guerilla nondualists,

and gorilla nondualists,

and grilled nondualists,

and growling nondualists.

And many more varieties.


On the road,

only without a road.


Good stuff -




>Nondualists, doing it all on the Internet,

>in lonely rooms set aglow by a

>monitor, in tiny groups with our friends and no recognized

>teacher, on the phone with Gene Poole, in chat rooms, in

>motel rooms, in mental institutions, alone with good

>husbands in the living room, alone with wives who don't

>understand, alone with good books, alone in bed and in

>chronic physical pain, paired in bed and in joy, in our

>offices, at our work stations, in prisons or in streets

>among the homeless, in the cemetaries of our love ones, many

>taken while too young, on the top of London busses, in

>revolving doors, driving cabs, in E.R.'s: yes, many of us

>are Guerrilla nondualists, doing the nondual attention thing

>by loving the one they're with and the place they are now

>and knowing it's as good or much better or no different than

>formal Satsang.


>Guerrilla Jerry Katz offers more from Arjuna Nick Ardagh:


>"...for many of us it's time to move beyond preoccupation

>with the minute fluctuations of 'my freedom.' 'Am I getting

>identified with thought? Am I getting caught up? Or am I

>resting? Maybe I should do another retreat, or maybe I

>should have a session.' There comes a time when all that

>becomes like a hamster on one of those wheels. The very

>preoccupation with one's own state of consciousness is what

>keeps identification in place. What arises spontaneously

>from here is a life of service. That is the greatest




>"As soon as the body is used in service, the attention goes

>off this illusion of separate identity and starts to be

>concerned with the larger mind/body. For many of us, it's

>time to move beyond 'my freedom'. There's a pull of the

>heart, a call of the heart, to something bigger than 'my

>spiritual state'."




>I like this quote because Guerrilla Nondualism is all about

>service; it is not about sitting in an audience and watching

>a great and enlightened speaker. That's easy. Guerrilla

>Nondualism is about spending twenty or forty hours a week on

>the internet or in groups with people and taking by giving

>and giving by taking, but not even thinking of those words

>and not even thinking of service and not even thinking that

>you're serving, but only having a great time! But to outside

>eyes it would look like service, what we do. Nobody here

>looks at it that way. That's why it works.



























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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is

Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality

of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,

spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to



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