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>Perhaps you are capable of creating a concept of a silent mind and then

>experience such a concept as silence. It seems to me that this is one of

>the few things thought cannot do. It cannot create an image of silence ie,

>an image of where it is not -because clearly such an image would be part of

>thought and therefore part of the noise.


D: True.


>You somehow assume that the silence of thought brought about through some or

>other practice along the way is of necessity just another thought creation.

>My experience is different.


D: There is a Silence beyond thought that is not of thought.

Practices to still thought don't get to Silence beyond thought.

A quiet brain isn't the Silence before the universe.

There is thought involved in the very cells of the body.

The Silence beyond thought is not dependent on practices

done with the body-mind.

>I agree with you that the relative silence of thought is conditional, or

>still not complete silence of mind . But this is not because it is created

>by thought, but rather because it is still held in place (however subtly) by

>will and attention. True, the mind as thought can become very quiet but in

>such silence the subjective quality which is the basis of duality has not

>been left behind. Such silence manifests only a relatively quiet mind, and

>it is relative because even the slightest subjective sense or presence is

>still part of the noise. This to my experience this is how far mind as

>thought can go along the path of its own silence.


>You then speak of an Original Silence, prior to all manifestation. Perhaps

>you have experience of such silence. Perhaps you can relate what takes

>place between the relative silence of thought, and the manifestation of this

>Primordial Silence. What is your ACTUAL experience? I am very interested

>in this question.


D: Okay. My experience is that this Silence is constant, but

that the "me" of thought leads this Silence to be "heard"

more clearly at some times than others. Nonetheless, the

Silence is timeless. It's when the "me" isn't that the Silence

in clarity is.


My experience is of a vast Stillness with no boundary.

The word vast is a misnomer, used for the sake of suggesting

the expansiveness of the experience.

The Silence includes all that is, not just this world, but

all worlds. All sound arises in that Stillness, vibrates

without disturbing the Stillness, and returns to the Stillness.

So it is with our life and our awareness. From This we arise

and return. "It" breathes me (I'm not suggesting

by this word any sense of an it as an object).

"It" is aware "through" me.

"I" am not aware of It. To "me" it is pure Unknown, although

it is my "true being". It doesn't breathe just me, but all me's.

It is the awareness of all awarenesses.


Stillness is here now. Only the attentional

focus, the constriction of awareness around "me" gives

the impression of any reality other than Silence. And this

is only an impression. That impression is always dissovling into

Silence, even when "I" don't notice. Thus, even the "me" doesn't

impede it - the dichotomy between "realized" and "unrealized"

is an appearance only. My experience is that my "me" only

temporarily obscures anything, as the "me" is dissolving

into "It" each moment. This happens naturally, with no effort,

and is the case in any situation or experience.


This is my experience of it, and my

perception is that this experience is ever-deepening,

simply because experience is boundless...

This life is merely one expression of this Silence, in which

infinite lives are brought forth. The less attachment to

any particular life or event, the more clearly the Silence

reveals itself to itself as timelessness.

>And why would you say the relative silence of thought is in no way 'a

>stepping stone to Original Silence'?


D: Because there is no stepping stone. It simply is.

That is the power of It. There is no "me" that steps

into It. It already, totally, is the case. It already

has "swallowed" me, and has "swallowed" the entire universe.

This already is the case. "I" am already gone, as, in fact,

are "you". Whether "you" know this to be the case or not,

"I" can't say. I just tell you this - "I" am already gone,

all "I's" are gone, only It is - as it was before the beginning,

is after the end... Using the word "It" is clearly a misnomer,

as there is no "itness" to it, whatsoever :-)


>Your valuable comments will be much appreciated.


D: If these words are helpful, I'm very glad.

Questions, answers ... all arising in this Silence...

as do "you" and "I"... let us open to this

Silent presence, knowing that in Reality,

"we" have no choice, as there is no "me"

apart from This.




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