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Full Moon

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Hi All,


We have a Full Moon today: Feb. 19, 4:27 pm GMT (11:27 am EST). At exact

opposition the Sun is at 0 degrees Pisces and Moon at 0 degrees Virgo.


The pattern of the Full Moon chart is a beautiful example of the Basket

pattern. All planets except the Moon are within about 150 degrees from

Pluto at 12 Sagittarius to Saturn at 11 Taurus, forming a basket shape, and

the handle of the basket is the Moon. In the planetary chart (18 Taurus as

Ascendant), the Moon is in the 4th house.


The Sabian symbol for the Moon's degree is "In a portrait the best of a

man's traits are idealized." Marc Edmund Jones, who tried to point out

both the positive and negative interpretations of a symbol, says: "The

shaping power of an idea or ideal over outer form and behavior.

Completeness of realization. Pure aggrandizement. Intent." To me it

seems to emphasize the value of visualization, the holding of the image.


The symbol for the Sun degree is "Late Saturday afternoon: crowds fill the

public markets." Jones says: "The social nature of human responsibilities.

A last-moment, joyous rallying to a task. Seed synthesis at end of cycles."


Jupiter at 0 degrees Taurus is trine Moon and sextile Sun, forming a

pattern called the Easy Opposition, showing where the energies of opposing

planets can most easily be channeled. The Sabian symbol is "A clear

mountain stream flows through a rocky defile." Jones says: "Purity,

excellence and immediate availability of the strength and power of being.

Refreshment. Self-sustainment."


There is one more major pattern in this chart: a Finger of Fate (or Yod),

in which planets in sextile (60 degrees) are both quincunx (150 degrees) a

third planet, pointing to something fated or meant for this period. Mars,

the action planet, is at 5 Aries and sextile to a conjunction of Venus and

Neptune, with the Moon's South Node right between them: Venus at 1

Aquarius; S.Node at 2 Aquarius, and Neptune at 5 Aquarius. And the figure

points to the Moon in Virgo. In the planetary chart this is from the 11th

house and 9th house to the 4th.


The Mars symbol is fascinating: "A black square; one of its sides is

illumined red." Jones says: "Primal effort toward individual selfhood.

First and uncontrolled interest in any given thing. Great inner



The symbols for the Aquarius positions:


Venus: "Unexpected thunderstorm brings relief to parched fields."

"Liberation from adverse conditions through violent spectacular

developments. Galvanizing to action. Cosmic visitation."


South Node: "A deserter suddenly realizes the fallacy of his conduct."

"Ability to regrasp past experience and turn it to account. Sharp

self-examination. Awakened fearlessness. Decision."


Neptune: "In an allegorical mystery ritual a man officiates alone."

"Compelling urge in every soul to express the unknown and the

more-than-physical. Sensitiveness to high purpose. Conflict." Rudhyar

speaks of "the release of transpersonal forces" and "A transpersonal




I notice that Saturn and Jupiter have been in the planetary 12th house for

months now. At the Aug. 11 eclipse Jupiter was at 4 Taurus and Saturn at

16 Taurus. They went retrograde and more recently, direct again... now

Jupiter is at 0 Taurus and Saturn at 11 Taurus.


When Saturn is going through the 12th house of an individual's horoscope,

watch for karmic effects. It's best to take care of everything that needs

taking care of before this transit. When Saturn went through my 12th, I

had been so busy working that I hadn't gone for a check-up for several

years... and I ended up with three surgeries.


Some would say that Saturn in this chart is squaring Sun and Moon, though

it's pretty wide orb. If so, it may show karmic matters, the results of

past actions or non-actions. It could also show a secret enemy.


When Saturn reaches the Ascendant and goes into the 1st house, it brings a

period of heavier responsibilities. Some give dire warnings about this,

but when Saturn reached my Ascendant, I got a new job that I loved... and

of course it brought new responsibilities. :)


Saturn will reach 18 Taurus, the Earth's Ascendant, on April 21. Effects

of transits are often felt within several degrees of the exact degree...

so this transit might become noticeable beginning as early as the last week

in March.



If anyone would like a copy of the Full Moon chart, please send me a

private email.




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