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more awakenings?

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¤I wonder what others have noticed (outside of California).




<Some time ago it could be read in the papers (Canary Islands) what is

keeping people's mind busy: if I remember well, family life came first, then

money and last was religion, at a shared place with politics. During the

almost 7 years of living here, I only noticed one (K. ) awakening boy (abt 12

yrs old). In a population (resident plus tourist) of some 750.000, not much

and as a lot of time isn't passed at home (this goes for most inhabitants),

the Internet isn't widely in use. As a large part of the inhabitants of

Northern European countries is having holiday in winter here

(in the course of years), that should have resulted in some "hits" too: it is

unlikely every one awakening/awakened will only visit Asian countries :)





~ I have had quite a few brief encounters in awareness - those fleeting

glances of recognition of awakeness. Besides satsangs where awakeners

gather like dew drops in a gardenia (not a majority, to be sure, but

pleanty), there was a guy in a shopping mall in some city (all those malls

are alike), a young indian man at a gas station in New Mexico, the Dalai Lama

where I sat at the back of a gathering of 5000 people, an old Osho sannyasin

at a movie theatre in Florida, a man with two children in a supermarket.

More American Indian encounters - a couple at a restaurant in Montana, an

elder at a pow wow in Wisconsin, some guys at a Walmart. In India - a beggar

I saw frequently in downtown Lucknow, a sadhu at a train station in Delhi,

and more. A student dancer performing at a nearby university. Last week, a

guy in a local health food store.


These are just some on my list. I never know when they may show up and make

my heart glad.




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