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[NondualitySalon] xan/dan/self-investigation

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> ><Jodyr:

> >Advaita itself cannot provide the solution, but the

> >work of honest and fearless self investigation can,

> >and will when the aspirant is courageous and sincere.



> >~ There are only 2 things to do in awakening:

> >Give attention to silent eternal awareness/beingness.

> >See each pattern of false identity and let go.


Xan says "only two things":


"seeing the false and letting go" does not appear to be the only way. For

example, the 'false identity' can melt away in the expansive feeling of



Or, if one has innate skill with energetics (laya/kundalini yoga) the rising

of subtle energy can terminate the 'false identity'.


Neither of these approaches requires 'seeing the false' in the traditional

'neti-neti' or 'not this - not this' fashion.


Also, there are many tantric sutras, one like: "On seeing the face (or

keystrokes!?) of a long absent friend, permeate this joy". I think of many

people here when I say "on seeing the keystrokes of an absent friend" !!


IMHO "seeing the false" only works for a fraction of the people, others

don't have the innate skill at that approach and are better off using one of

the other equally valid approaches.



> The only thing to do in awakening is

> "awakening" -- there is nothing

> to be done, only itself as all doing...

> As this is already the case,

> doing less is doing more...


Hi Dan, I'm reading 3 responses you've sent me in the last couple of days.

But perhaps we can pick up the theme here:


When you say "there is nothing to be done", "the only thing to do in

awakening is awakening": are you suggesting that doing/effort is counter

productive for all people at all times? Your comments might be taken this



Seems to me "there is nothing to be done" describes a very advanced practice

which most people cannot effectively utilize until after preparatory steps

have been taken. And we all know how devious the mind/egoic attachment can

be. "There is nothing to be done" could very well be used by a clever ego as

fuel to preserve itself.


I appreciate your comments above, I think you're right on from a particular

perspective. But IMHO there is a stage where subtle effort is essential.



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