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So my personal uneasiness of explaining all the 'truths' about non-dualism

and wholeness in such detail as some of us tend to do on this forum, has

been mentioned before. But I just wonder to which extent these clear

descriptions and logically correct statements ABOUT non-duality which we so

often find here, are in fact DESCRIPTIONS of the author's actual

disposition, and to which extent they are speculative. If the latter, then

according to the above description of intellectualism, they can only serve

to prolong the illusion, simply because as such they form in intrinsic part

of, and is the very stuff of which illusion is made. I think we must be

sensitised to this possibility lest we delude ourselves further in our

generally deluded present state.



And so self-inquiry remains as the continuous discovery of the unknown.

There is no way to be certain about anything anybody says, nor about ones

own expressions. Full confidence in ones ability to understand is a

pre-requisite to certainty. With self-inquiry, even that ability is

continously questioned.



This is why I said to Dan that if no-one has ever told us of the non-dual

condition of being, judged by the present evidence of our LIVING REALITY,

would we have been able to discuss this matter of wholeness so elequently?

If we ONLY had our present experience to go by, would it have been possible

for us to DESCRIBE that which has in many cases not fulfilled itself in us

as non-dual truth in each ongoing living moment in such great detail? Or are

we describing an aspect of our own thought projections, sincerely believing

that we are in fact describing non-dual reality, from the non-dual

(non)-(thank you Dan) perspective? Such 'description' would again amount to

speculative intellectualism, masquerading for real insight into non-dual

reality. Reality consideration cannot allow for such a mistake. And by

staying genuine, with its integrity always impeccable, the journey becomes

real. And the sharing takes on a human quality with tentativity,

vulnerability and open-mindedness and open-heartedness, whereas the most

fundamental charcteristic of intellectualism is certainty.



Oh yes of course! We could quite easily mistake 'talking the talk' for

'genuine insight'. But then again.... what is it that accounts for the

reality of this presumed difference? In order to make out that such

difference indeed exists, one needs full certainty and confidence in ones

ability to judge, as a pre-requisite. Unless one is convinced of the reality

of such difference, the 'talking the talk' and the 'genuine insight' are the

same one.

Receiving a message from the one that was 'only talking', 'has genuine

insight', 'has intellectual understanding only', what is the difference? The

difference is only in the eye of the beholder.



And certainty is the death of growth, because after certainty, there is

nothing more to be explored, discussed or enquired into.



Exactly. So don't ever be certain about anything you and I have just said,

and lets continue to explore, discuss and enquire......



With love and appreciation,

enormously enjoying your contributions lately,














































































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Dear Mira,

Thank you for your very thoughtful reply/input.

You said:


<And so self-inquiry remains as the continuous discovery

of the unknown.

There is no way to be certain about anything anybody says,

nor about ones

own expressions. Full confidence in ones ability to

understand is a

pre-requisite to certainty. With self-inquiry, even that ability is

continously questioned.>


~ Please allow me the following:

Self-enquiry is for me not so much a process of enquiring into the

unknown. Rather it is a process of enquiring with insight and little or

no pre-conditions into the mechanisms within oneself which combine

to give one the sense of separation or I-consciuosness. The discovery

in self-enquiry is therefore not accumulative in its effect. If it has

done its

work well, self-enquiry leaves one always with less rather than more.

I agree that we cannot be certain about ‘anything anybody says'. But why

would one want to be certain. There is absolutely nothing to be certain


and in fact it is the ability to go with this fact of fundamental


that the correct attitude for investigation in the form of self-enquiry is

established. One must literally lose faith in oneself and absolutely


it stands for. It is the sense of self which has dominated our


for so long and which is the fundamental point of departure for what

has been referred to duality, fragmentation and delusion. So I find myself

progressively more willing to live with the mystery, instead of trying to

discover it.

You said further:


<Oh yes of course! We could quite easily mistake 'talking the talk' for

'genuine insight'. But then again.... what is it that accounts for the

reality of this presumed difference? In order to make out that such

difference indeed exists, one needs full certainty and confidence in ones

ability to judge, as a pre-requisite. Unless one is convinced of the reality

of such difference, the 'talking the talk' and the 'genuine insight' are the


same one.>


~You are absolutely right about how you state the problem. However,

the clarity which can ‘see' the difference does not depend on

‘having confidence in one's ability to judge'. On the contrary,

discrimination based on such confidence is from the fragmented position.

Clarity is self-evident. There is no attitudinal approach to it. Only


all attidudes, positive or negative, have been left behind in silence, can

the difference between ‘talking the talk' and ‘genuine insight' be seen.

I see such clarity as having little or nothing to do with being convinced.

It has a sense of self-revelation which cannot be confused with an

act of delusiory thinking.

So you are right when you suggest that the difference is in the eye of

the beholder. No objective proving is necessary. It is simply so to the

eye of one who is beginning to wake up.


With you I feel we can really ‘explore and' - see what happens.






Mirror <mirror

< >

26 February 2000 04:40

Re: Moller/certainty


>"Mirror" <mirror



>So my personal uneasiness of explaining all the 'truths' about non-dualism

>and wholeness in such detail as some of us tend to do on this forum, has

>been mentioned before. But I just wonder to which extent these clear

>descriptions and logically correct statements ABOUT non-duality which we so

>often find here, are in fact DESCRIPTIONS of the author's actual

>disposition, and to which extent they are speculative. If the latter, then

>according to the above description of intellectualism, they can only serve

>to prolong the illusion, simply because as such they form in intrinsic part

>of, and is the very stuff of which illusion is made. I think we must be

>sensitised to this possibility lest we delude ourselves further in our

>generally deluded present state.



>And so self-inquiry remains as the continuous discovery of the unknown.

>There is no way to be certain about anything anybody says, nor about ones

>own expressions. Full confidence in ones ability to understand is a

>pre-requisite to certainty. With self-inquiry, even that ability is

>continously questioned.



>This is why I said to Dan that if no-one has ever told us of the non-dual

>condition of being, judged by the present evidence of our LIVING REALITY,

>would we have been able to discuss this matter of wholeness so elequently?

>If we ONLY had our present experience to go by, would it have been possible

>for us to DESCRIBE that which has in many cases not fulfilled itself in us

>as non-dual truth in each ongoing living moment in such great detail? Or


>we describing an aspect of our own thought projections, sincerely believing

>that we are in fact describing non-dual reality, from the non-dual

>(non)-(thank you Dan) perspective? Such 'description' would again amount to

>speculative intellectualism, masquerading for real insight into non-dual

>reality. Reality consideration cannot allow for such a mistake. And by

>staying genuine, with its integrity always impeccable, the journey becomes

>real. And the sharing takes on a human quality with tentativity,

>vulnerability and open-mindedness and open-heartedness, whereas the most

>fundamental charcteristic of intellectualism is certainty.



>Oh yes of course! We could quite easily mistake 'talking the talk' for

>'genuine insight'. But then again.... what is it that accounts for the

>reality of this presumed difference? In order to make out that such

>difference indeed exists, one needs full certainty and confidence in ones

>ability to judge, as a pre-requisite. Unless one is convinced of the


>of such difference, the 'talking the talk' and the 'genuine insight' are


>same one.

>Receiving a message from the one that was 'only talking', 'has genuine

>insight', 'has intellectual understanding only', what is the difference?


>difference is only in the eye of the beholder.



>And certainty is the death of growth, because after certainty, there is

>nothing more to be explored, discussed or enquired into.



>Exactly. So don't ever be certain about anything you and I have just said,

>and lets continue to explore, discuss and enquire......



>With love and appreciation,

>enormously enjoying your contributions lately,






















































































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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


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Hi Moller,

>Self-enquiry is for me not so much a process of enquiring into the

> unknown. Rather it is a process of enquiring with insight and little or

> no pre-conditions into the mechanisms within oneself which combine

> to give one the sense of separation or I-consciuosness.


The "I-making" faculty is necessary to manifesting as a human being... it

is part of the paraphernalia of manifestation. I doubt that enquiring into

it will accomplish very much. Better to look for all the karmic junk that

has accumulated over it and clear that stuff away... when it's completely

clean, it will be transparent to spirit.

>I agree that we cannot be certain about ‘anything anybody says'. But why

> would one want to be certain. There is absolutely nothing to be certain



You seem to contradict yourself... later you said:

> Clarity is self-evident. -snip-

>I see such clarity as having little or nothing to do with being convinced.

> It has a sense of self-revelation which cannot be confused with an

> act of delusiory thinking.


>One must literally lose faith in oneself and absolutely


> it stands for. It is the sense of self which has dominated our


>for so long -snip-


I disagree. As a teacher, I say that it can be very harmful to some people

to "literally lose faith in oneself and absolutely everything it stands

for." There are better and safer ways to point to the Self.




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