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> Dear Moller,


> Thank you for your beautiful clarity, and of course you are quite right and

> I was very muddled in what I was trying to say. I note that I am reacting


> something that I read in a chat a few days ago somewhat to the general tone

> that neurotics and those confused and needy are not welcome at satsangh...a

> sort of sense of "them" that didn't belong, didn't get "it" etc. And, a

> kind of an attempt to be awareness of oneself as a kind of bare awareness,

> empty of what it is aware of, washed clean of all thoughts, all things.


> When I remember to allow it, open to it, I experience the presence of

> awareness that is Wholeness with nothing and no one left out. As someone

> pointed out to me, looking out now, I have what others appear to be,

> looking in, I am what they are. But, when I identify with those left out

- and

> don't wish to identify with those perceived to be doing the exclusion -


> arises. I find it very difficult to welcome pain as part of the Whole -

> well, some kinds of pain much easier than others. Which - of course, as

> usual - is the arising of fear....so I allow fear and welcome it - but,


> still doesnt help me to accept/respond to what I perceive as exclusionary

> activity, the "false", in the name of spiritual growth. And yes, I note

> awareness arising as that and all perception - but injustice in the world

> continues - how does the student welcome this as Wholeness?


> I can usually see when my perceptions are "personal", distorted and


> - but when others seem agree in the perception of the event such as what Im

> writing about - then there must be some truth there beyond any personal

> projection? Ive never been able to resolve this -


> you see, muddled.


> Joyce



~ Dear Joyce


Stepping into this conversation, here, I am also quite

amazed that anyone would want to set any terms

whatsoever for who should be welcome to satsang.

*Sat* itself has no such terms, of course.


I've investigated the activities of exclusion and inclusion of

the vagaries of the world quite a bit .... understanding that

exclusion is the maintenance of duality and wanting to know

how to transform my "dark side" through inclusion. What I

learned was, all I need to do is to stop the subtle mind-

activity of resistance. Wholeness is natural and original, so

as the resistance that is humanly fabricated is seen for what it

is and ceased, wholeness is revealed. For some time my

practice was simply Non-Resistance.


Also, just because a group of people agree about a delusion,

it does not become real. When has human agreement ever

been a real test of truth?


with love


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In a message dated 02/28/2000 4:13:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, xanma




Also, just because a group of people agree about a delusion,

it does not become real. When has human agreement ever

been a real test of truth?


with love



This is a really great line Xan, thank you.


Joyce re: Yang, interesting thought process, maybe you'd like

to answer your own question. I thought of some silly answers,

perhaps when i'm in silliness again, I'll answer with yanglings *g*


Love*Light ~ bo ~

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