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RE: Intellectualism/ Reality conside

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Hi Moller...


Great having you here with us - your posts are a joy to me! Your passion for

giving up intellectualism is a pleasure to read, although it confuses me, as

I'm not clear on what it is you are suggesting.


Would you give us an example of the communications that you deem worthwhile,

or unworthy, on this path? You mentioned being genuine, but what does that

mean to you? I can be genuine and talk of my delusions. I can be genuine

and talk of my grandeur. I can be genuine and talk about my kids, which I

usually do. :-) I can discuss my experiences, my desires, my joys and

fears and be genuine. I can speak about ideas I want to strengthen within

my own self, and be genuine as I 'talk my walk' in order to eventually 'walk

my talk'.


When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?




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In a message dated 2/29/00 9:58:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, leteegee



<< I can speak about ideas I want to strengthen within

my own self, and be genuine as I 'talk my walk' in order to eventually 'walk

my talk'.


When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?





Morning Everyone,


.... making a little play on the page while working ... dancing letters :-)


.... thinking perhaps that all thoughts arise out of the field of awareness,

and then become shaped by the neurons in the mind, perhaps a mind finely

tuned, or open, e.g., an Avatar or a genius, would perhaps be more receptive

in translating the arisings of the field. But once my mind, or your mind

becomes focused on the field of awareness of the email, we are "tasting" the

words, or tracing the perfumes of the flowers. Whereas, in the pure field,

we are merged into the field and one with it, such that the point of

awareness required to read the letters dancing across the page is a cannot be

the same awareness needed to see and be the dance of energy.


So, one way to describe the indescribable is by an analogy, i could tell you

everything about a strawberry, its composition, its biochemistry, its color,

its taste, its texture, but until you or i eat the strawberry, one does not

*know* the strawberry. Now, if we both *know* the strawberry than we have a

relational field of awareness which we may discuss. So, oh, isn't that sweet

the beautiful taste on the tip of the tongue? Or, doesn't the Jasmine swell

sweet, wafting across the sultry, wet, warm Summer air?



~ bo ~

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In a message dated 2/29/00 10:13:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

hluthar writes:



When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?






When I say so! :--).





:::::::::::::>laughing across the electronic airwaves:::::::::>


~~~~~~~~~~~~~do i qualify~~~~~~~~~???~~~~~~~ *g*


*~*~*~*~*~*light singing*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


we're just playing in the internet garden :-)

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leteegee [leteegee]

Tuesday, February 29, 2000 9:56 AM

Re: Intellectualism/ Reality conside




Hi Moller...


Great having you here with us - your posts are a joy to me! Your passion


giving up intellectualism is a pleasure to read, although it confuses me, as

I'm not clear on what it is you are suggesting.


Would you give us an example of the communications that you deem worthwhile,

or unworthy, on this path? You mentioned being genuine, but what does that

mean to you? I can be genuine and talk of my delusions. I can be genuine

and talk of my grandeur. I can be genuine and talk about my kids, which I

usually do. :-) I can discuss my experiences, my desires, my joys and

fears and be genuine. I can speak about ideas I want to strengthen within

my own self, and be genuine as I 'talk my walk' in order to eventually 'walk

my talk'.


When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?






When I say so! :--).




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Beautiful, tg!!


>Hi Moller...


>Great having you here with us - your posts are a joy to me! Your passion for

>giving up intellectualism is a pleasure to read, although it confuses me, as

>I'm not clear on what it is you are suggesting.


>Would you give us an example of the communications that you deem worthwhile,

>or unworthy, on this path? You mentioned being genuine, but what does that

>mean to you? I can be genuine and talk of my delusions. I can be genuine

>and talk of my grandeur. I can be genuine and talk about my kids, which I

>usually do. :-) I can discuss my experiences, my desires, my joys and

>fears and be genuine. I can speak about ideas I want to strengthen within

>my own self, and be genuine as I 'talk my walk' in order to eventually 'walk

>my talk'.


>When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?




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>>When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?


>When I say so! :--).


Thank God/dess we have a Real Authority with us!! Else how would we ever

know anything For Sure and Certain?


O Great One, could you perhaps give us some tips or guidelines to help us

be genuine?


With deep respect,


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Dharma wrote:

> Dharma <fisher1


> >>tg:

> >>When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?


> >Harsha:

> >When I say so! :--).


> Thank God/dess we have a Real Authority with us!! Else how would we ever

> know anything For Sure and Certain?


> O Great One, could you perhaps give us some tips or guidelines to help us

> be genuine?


> With deep respect,

> Dharma



Thanks Dharma for the deep respect. I don't have any tips right now. Maybe

Zenbob does. Let us throw this out in the forum.

How can we become more genuine and related questions? Anyone?



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Dear XXXtg,


You asked:


Would you give us an example of the communications that you deem


>or unworthy, on this path?


I do not regard communications as 'unworthy'. May I indulge and say that I

certainly DO deem certain FORMS of communication more or less worthwhile.


So I will try to cummunicate some of these to you and we may take it from

there. May I just say that it is out of respect for the clear genuineness

of your enquiry that I am writing back. This writing business is very

difficult and can be equally confusing. So please approach this from your

heart. Even if I will make statements, they are made in the full knowledge

that they may be confused, wrong or right. This is an enquiry, not my

ultimate and final position on the matter. May the gods prevent me from

ever reaching such a point of stagnancy.


I see man (person, woman etc) as the measure of all things. High or low,

Nirvana or Samsara, states of bliss, kundalini, Self etc, all of these, in

order to be real for us as a psycho-physical manifestation, must manifest

through and as this manifestation. Only man can experience the things we

are talking about on this plane.


So this brings the whole thing down to a kind of humanistic 'spirituality'.

Nothing outside of man will enlighten him, and nothing outside of man can

hold him in bondage. It is already all here. No human enlightenment will

be possible outside of the body and no human suffering is possible outside

the body. And each one of us on this list stands at some point of relative

or complete awakening in terms of the things we discuss. Some are simply

less awakened than others.


Now if my suggestion that man is indeed the measure of all things, is

correct, then it would be worthwhile for us to discuss around the possible

human functions, or human doings, which are preventing the realisation of

that which is the wholeness of our being. We will have to consider that we

may be actively involved in every moment of dualistic perception,( even if

we are generally unaware of our participation in such processes active in

us) which create the dualistic notion.


So, to my understanding, our unenlightenment is something we Do, which gives

us the sense that it is something we ARE. The I-sense for instance, may be

an ongoing process, rather than a thing. And if we see ourselves and our

investigation into both fragmentation and wholeness as an investigation into

human processes, we will be dealing directly with that which supports the

dualistic world view.


You may ask what I have in mind as processes. My own investigation along

these lines have shown me that I have to become very sensitive to

activities such as the random, habitual and unconscious movement and

projection of thought, the habitual association of attention with thought

(which is the source of identification), the role of will in meditation

(with its result in concentration), emotions, sense perception (or for that

matter the entire issue of 'perception' as such) , conditioning,

intelligence, consciousness, awareness and so on.


It seems reasonable to suggest that if we were to investigate these

functions with the clarity of insight and tentativity, we will find in their

interaction all the factors of bondage. It may very well be that it is due

to their unconscious activities that the individual is left with a sense of



But such investigation cannot take place if we are certain about anything.

Certainty is the death of enquiry and growth, because it can only exist,

(this side of insightful clarity), in but one aspect of the above mentioned

functions - ie thought. And thought accounts for too a fragmented

understanding to be able to present (or be) the whole.


Unfortunately I see no other way out of the mess we are doing to ourselves.


Perhaps you may have a better approach, or could suggest something

categorically different which will not have its base or bias in one or two

of the above functions at the exclusion of the others.


Your kind comments will be much appreciated.






























leteegee <leteegee

< >

29 February 2000 04:56

Re: Intellectualism/ Reality conside




>Hi Moller...


>Great having you here with us - your posts are a joy to me! Your passion


>giving up intellectualism is a pleasure to read, although it confuses me,


>I'm not clear on what it is you are suggesting.


>Would you give us an example of the communications that you deem


>or unworthy, on this path? You mentioned being genuine, but what does that

>mean to you? I can be genuine and talk of my delusions. I can be genuine

>and talk of my grandeur. I can be genuine and talk about my kids, which I

>usually do. :-) I can discuss my experiences, my desires, my joys and

>fears and be genuine. I can speak about ideas I want to strengthen within

>my own self, and be genuine as I 'talk my walk' in order to eventually


>my talk'.


>When is it we are, or are not, being genuine?






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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


>To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.





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