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Dear friends,


In view of the fact that the sun rises over South Africa a good 5-8 hours before

it reaches most of you in America, I guess the onus is on me to start this

thing about being genuine.


So please alow me this:


It has not been my impression from the postings I have read since I joined this

list that any of the participants are in themselves, as human beings, not very

genuine. I guess non of us would have been here has this not been the case. So

to my understanding it is not a matter for us of how to become genuine. Rather

I see a problem in the which part of our genuiness we are bringing to this



So instead of asking whether we are genuine or not, it may be more appropriate

to ask ourselves whether our Satsangh is genuine or not.


No one aspect of ourselves is genuine in and of itself. And no one aspect of

our understanding/experiences of this path is genuine in and of itself. It will

be false if it presumes such a position of superiority over the totality of our

being. Similarly, if we approach this Satsangh with too much emphasis on one

aspect of our being, or one aspect of the path or one aspect of our experience,

we may never really communicate creatively with one another in the total context

of our struggle/ understanding/ experience/ life/path.


It has been my sense that this Satsangh discusses mainly the higher aspects of

things at the cost of what may be genuinely real and meaningful to many of us.

Judging by the kind of interaction between us, one would be led to believe that

either we are all enlightened, or very highly evolved, with absolutely no

interest anymore in the great difficulty of integrating our understanding,

insights,experiences, realisations into our daily living as an ongoing process

from moment to moment. And I say this beacuse I have not come accross such

discussions on this list.


Samsara is as real as Nirvavana. Either Nirvana is the case or Samsara is the

case. Are we all in Nirvana? If not, I would regard it as being genuine that

those of us who are not 'there' accept this fact, and start our discussions from

our individual problems relating to the Samsaric veil. In this there is no high

or low. We have a wealth of experience between us to be of genuine use to one

another if we agree that Samsara is real and that we are here for helping one



There are two kinds of Realisation. One is the Realisation of Nirvana. The

other is the Realisation of Samsara. Of those in Nirvana I ask please help us

who are in Samsara to gain insight from your own realisation into the binding

factors of the Samsaric veil. This would be a genuine act and the true purpose

of Satsangh. Of those of us who have realised the Samsaric condition of our

present existence, I ask, why not bring our struggle/experience to one another

as well as to those who have been 'blown out', so that we may share this reality

until it falls away by non-use/clarity of insight/transcendence etc etc. I see

this as a similar act of genuineness.


In such an atmosphere of learning, positively and negatively, and with each of

us being there for the other, in detail and with a caring/loving attitude, we

will bring our inherent genuiness to this forum, so that it may serve us all

creatively in the genuiness of our mutual struggle.


In love,



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