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FEAR monster

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phamdluan [phamdluan]

Thursday, March 02, 2000 10:58 AM

Re: Who am I?




Dear Victor, David et al.,


Thanks to Victor for raising this

essential question. I think that

"Who am I?" is the only worth-while

question for a genuinely spiritual

enquiry. And thanks to David to

express so clearly and strikingly

how to proceed. That is exactly

what I myself always "practise".


I have a further question to David.

Do you feel "free", "liberated" as

the fruit of your practice? In my

experience, I have always the

FEAR monster on my road! :-)

And I think all spiritual practices

are worthless if not leading to the

liberation of suffering, bondage.


Best regards,




Thank you KKT, Greg, TG, Moller, Roger, and others for this conversation.

KKT speaks of the FEAR monster. This is indeed a fundamental and an

important issue as well which I hope we will gradually explore in our

conversations here.




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>Thanks to Victor for raising this

>essential question. I think that

>"Who am I?" is the only worth-while

>question for a genuinely spiritual

>enquiry. And thanks to David to

>express so clearly and strikingly

>how to proceed. That is exactly

>what I myself always "practise".


>I have a further question to David.

>Do you feel "free", "liberated" as

>the fruit of your practice? In my

>experience, I have always the

>FEAR monster on my road! :-)


Fear is indeed a monster, isn't it? :)) It was a huge help to me when I

realized that nothing I was afraid of... even if it actually happened

sometime in the future... was as bad as the fear itself. If it happened,

it would happen regardless of whether I had lived in fear for all those

months or years or not! Living in fear won't prevent it from happening...

so why do it? Why suffer with it over and over... it may not happen at

all! Most of the things we're afraid of don't happen anyway.


You can get rid of the fear... Do you have a method you use to get rid of

blocks? Emotional or mental stuff that blocks your energy and your

progress? The easiest method I know is to just give it away. When you're

afraid, give the fear to God or Goddess or your High Self or your Guru...

whatever name you use for a higher consciousness that you trust. Give it

to her sincerely, and ask her to take it from you.


And if you ever work in this way, you can ask for her violet light to clear

it from every cell of your body... and visualize the violet light coming

down through your whole body and going back up again... and then the white

light to fill all the empty spaces.


In your case, it might be worth while to ask yourself why you characterize

fear as a monster. Is there something relating to childhood experiences

and fears? I used to be terribly afraid of something. Then two things

happened at nearly the same time. I saw a movie in which an ordinary horse

turned into an awful monster... and it threw a terrible scare into me,

even though I was a grown woman at the time. Then we moved into a new

apartment, and on the first night we were in bed and we heard someone

walking in the apartment! My husband jumped up and went to the bedroom

door and yelled out... I grabbed a lamp and held it ready to hit someone

with. Well, it was only the downstairs neighbor getting up for an early

job. After that for a while I found I was afraid of monsters and ghosts

and prowlers... and the thing I had thought I was afraid of wasn't very

scary any more. So I realized it had just been a cover, a symbol, for

childhood fears that I had been hiding all those years. :))


However, it might be something different... especially since you speak of

your enquiry, looking within yourself and asking, "Who am I?" And then you

speak of the Fear monster...


There is a structure within us that is there for our own protection... it

sometimes appears as a horrible monster... it has been called the Guardian

at the Gate. The first time I went into my unconscious, I went into a

state of interior meditation and then went inward and down... and a

horrible monster appeared right in front of me... and the monster was also

my mother! It was awful! And then I realized what it was... the Guardian

at the Gate! And I knew it was a good part of myself... it was there to

protect me, to keep me from falling into the unconscious before I was

ready. But I was ready... so I just walked through it and went on. :)


Good luck with your own journey. :)




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This list evokes an interesting feeling in me--one of both open-heartedness

and closed-mindedness. Being loving and opinionated, perhaps this is just my

own projection....



Of the several kinds of fear I can recognize in myself, the one that is a

monster rises up out of my own self-centeredness.


love and light,



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