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Law of Resonance

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Thanks for this article Pieter. I will pass this on to . Please

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Pieter Schoonheim Samara wrote:

> Law of Resonance: <http://www.natha.dk/frames1.htm> sent to me by Bogdan

> Mahalayananda of NATHA, a Tantric Yoga group in Finland and Denmark


> This is an interesting article to help understand Vivekananda's book Raja

> Yoga with its commentaries on Patenjali's Yoga Sutras.


> The various organs and centers of the body have their own inherent vibratory

> frequencies. When the mind, brought to stillness, can come into harmony

> with the inherent pranic vibration of these centers then one will become

> aware of the planes conscious these centers relate to and view and interact

> with the expanded vision of the concept "world" through the clear lenses of

> these planes. (This is the basis for siddhis or apparent miraculous

> powers.)


> Bringing the mind into a vibratory harmony requires that the mind becomes

> still and that the center is charged. Stillness of the mind means that the

> life force is not dissipated into the focusing of attention into the

> innumerable divergence of thoughts and sensations and takes the mind makes

> as it automatically tries to define itself around some identity, as in "I

> this and I that.." Therefore, the innate energy consciousness begins to

> build throughout the (undifferentiated) field of the body/mind.


> The practice of various types of yoga are meant to break up any resistance

> to the expansion of the field through the various planes.


> Various types of pranayamas open the natural polarization of the field,

> while kriyas help to change the organs and centers.


> Certain cleansing processes and diets will also purify and charge the organs

> and centers. In yoga, the practice of fasting and nauli kriya, as an

> example, has been to cleanse the colon and eliminate resistances in the

> expansion of the field. Today, this is similarly achieved through (2 weeks

> to a month of) fasting and colonics, followed by diets limited to fresh raw

> fruit and vegetable juices (to the strict exclusion of any meat, fish, fowl,

> bread and pastries), and certain beneficial herbs, and after some time raw

> vegetable and fruit salads. The organs and centers are naturally cleansed

> and charged.


> Kundalini is the natural barometer, rising under the pressure of the

> expanding field of energy-consciousness.


> Ultimately, the seer must be isolated, such that one abides in the source of

> the light that lights the field, apart from which the field has no

> existence, as that source (the Seer, the subject "I") is Existence Itself.


> Abiding without concepts is the natural state. It is the Truth that is in

> Itself the ultimate force of balance in the field, dissolving attention,

> while outshining the field.


> The practice of yoga and religion is hindered without this fundamental

> understanding of one's True nature, as what is sought is neither outside nor

> inside nor the integration of both. Abandoning all that is seen, one abides

> as the single seer, the Self.

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