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Realisations, and the some.

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Namaste All, Larry,Bruce, Gloria, Dharma,


First of all I am a pretty fearless type of person,

much to my disadvantage in the past. Secondly if

someone didn't throw an occasional spanner on these

lists, we would all be buried in mountain of verbal,

self congratulatory, intellectual shit and fantasies.


I see no evidence at all of 'realised people on any of

these lists', if they are there then they aren't

writing, which is what I would expect.


I see no evidence of anything higher than the

manomayakosa/mind. I just see the usual intellectual

crap directed at discussing spirituality, instead of

charity or politics that's all. I saw it when I was a

manual laborer and I saw it when I was poor, I see it

again now.


I am not realised, but going by the standard on here,

I must be in sahaja all the time. I have seen this

mental activity before when intellectual people are

slumming or helping the poor etc. It is also

dangerous for neophytes to believe certain people are

'realised', as evidenced from some of the post on



" Most people who claim to have experienced the Self

have not even taken their minds near to the entrance

of the Heart-Cave. And even if the mind does go into

the Heart, there is still an 'I', which is

experiencing the Bliss of the Self. The true

experience of the Self only happens when the mind is

completely absent, either temporarily, as in samadhi,

or permanently, as in Self Realisation. Both of these

experiences are extremely rare.


It is very difficult to make the mind go into the

Heart. Mostly it is too afraid of its own death to

even approach the entrance. The mental experiences of

peace, bliss and stillness which devotees claim to

experience usually take place outside the Heart. They

are all in the mind.


People who think that these experiences are the

Reality of the Self are only deluding themselves.

"Mathru Sri Sarada…………A Realised Jivanmukti!!!and

devotee in the line of Ramana Maharshi.


So lets get real!!!! I would like to use these lists

as a help instead of a yardstick for the wrong

track/bogmire. I don't write this for any other

reason than that I wrote it. I do not care what other

people's opinions of me are at all, or whether you

think I am arrogant.



>Tony, I see you are interested in mantra. What is

mantra? What is its

special power? How does it work? Is it primarily an

entrance to


What is its relationship to mudra?


Larry I am not an expert but I will try.

Mantra or mind tools, as opposed to material tools or

yantras, are sounds that attract their corresponding

vibration, spiritually. For example I find if I use

the word Maya, as Ma and Ya. Ya does nothing for me,

whereas I get a feeling of the Kundalini rising from

repeating Ma, Ma, Ma.


Sanskrit is a 'perfected', language and was

contrived for use spiritually. The words are sounds

that pre-exist the words. As for mudras this has to

do with directing energy flows in the body and subtle

bodies. All these things are for an aid to

spirituality. They don't work for logs, one must be

making an attempt.


I use two mantras constantly, Om Namah Sivaya, for

japa. And the Gayatri for other things.


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.







ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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In a message dated 03/06/2000 12:34:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,

moller writes:

> I must apologise to you and others who feel the same as you about everyone

> on this list that we are only jappering intellectual garbage. I have


> on quite a few occasions to remind everyone of the importance of sharing


> personal practice and life's experiences in the context of this way. So if

> you feel that I have also let genuine enquiry pass me by in my


> I have obviously failed to make myself loud and clear.


Hi Moller,


You are new here on this list, and it seems you come trying to change

everyone. If you had been here awhile, you would see that this list ebbs and

flows like most lists between intellectual discussions, humor, quotes,

experiences, personal stories, discussions on samadhis, etc. We even had a

two week period where there was nothing but only lots of laughs and humour!

> So let me join hands with you and state categorically that I find not much

> enquiry, or even a spirit of enquiry about our practices, methods,

> difficulties along the way, subtlety and tentativity of investigation, the

> stuff we are most likely battling with in our own hearts and minds etc. I

> find a dominance of certainty. Statements long on explaning ultimate

> 'reality', but bitterly short on the processes involved in getting us

> there.


I've been here for quite a while, and no one asks the processes. If someone

did, I'm sure there would be responses.

>Are we shy to admit that we are still battling with aspects the

> 'lower' end of this path?


I've been on the kundalini list since 1996, and it is a more appropriate

place IMO to deal with the battling of kundalini processes. If I am having

difficulties during my own processing, I'll take it over there, maybe to the

IAM list, or offlist with some of the many wonderful friends I've made. I

feel more comfortable whining at those places. :-) Even in my own

personal life, I have friends I whine to that I know will help me jump out of

it, other friends I share knowledge with, and others that I just bask in

their friendship no matter what occurs. The latter is what this place feels

like to me.


When one signs up with , this is what it says about the



The discussions are typically expected to focus on Self-Realization,

Kundalini Shakti and Its Manifestations, God-Realization, the Goddess,

Enlightenment, and various types of Samadhis (Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa).

Discussion of various teachers and teachings can also be enriching as long as

there is mutual respect and a feeling of amity in the conversation. Humor and

poetry and other artistic expressions of the spiritual life are encouraged

and supported.



And this is exactly what I've been reading about since I've been here.


<Or not quite 'there'? Yet? What makes us so

> reticent to deal with who and what we ARE, and to share this path and our

> personal enquiries, failings and struggles on all levels of our daily

> living, in the mutual loving atmosphere of this Satsangh?


If this is what you want, then ask the questions, or submit your own

experiences. We will respond if we sense it is sincere and not surrounded by

commentaries on how we should be responding. If you were here a month ago, I

sent in my own intro of my struggles and experiences along this path -- it

was so long, it took three installments! LOL There were a couple of others

rs to follow with their own.

>I have asked these questions before. Very weak response patterns on this



I didn't see the questions. Maybe there was too much commentary around them.


> Speak, everyone, Speak! Reveal yourselves.


Would you be more specific?


Much Love,


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