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The Hot-Line to God

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[My friend Matt has been researching electromagnetic fields... when I

asked for permission to repost his findings, he wrote this post. I thought

of removing my name from it, but I decided that would do too much violence

to his carefully written presentation.


When I first met Matt, he had been working for five years with only his

spiritual guru, his inner guide, his Lady... and without personal

knowledge of traditions or techniques. He had fully active Kundalini and

excellent higher "hearing." His story is amazing... a little of it is in

this letter.


If you want to answer Matt on this list, I'll forward back and forth...

or, he invites you to write to him personally.


You asked for accounts of actual experience, and here it is! :)) Enjoy! ]



Matthew Miller <daddymatt


Hi Dharma!


This letter briefly summarizes what I know about spiritual experience and

electromagnetic fields. You can cut out whichever parts are inappropriate

for whoever you want to send it to -snip-. Add any commentary you want.

Give them all my e-mail address -- daddymatt. I would be

happy to hear from any of them. Do send me a copy of anything you send out,

so I know what people have read and what they haven't!


Talking to God: An Open Letter


Who am I and why am I writing this open letter about spiritual experience

and electromagnetism? Before I get to the core of the research I want to

share with you, let me introduce myself. My name is Matthew Miller. I am an

educator with a PhD in medieval English literature. I live in Southern



I was raised without a religion. For the first forty years of my life I had

no particular interest in religion or spiritual experience. But five years

ago my personal life was in such a shambles that I decided to retire into

the woods and ask God to help me.


I had read in Paul Devereux's book _Earthmind_ that in places where water

flows over granite, or where there are quartz-bearing rocks under tectonic

pressure, the local electromagnetic field can be distorted and people tend

to have religious experiences. I wasn't sure I believed in God, but I

thought it was worth a try. I rented a house in a deserted valley way out in

the woods, with a stream running past it, that seemed to conform to these

two requirements.


I didn't expect much, frankly. I was never a religious man. But I was in a

lot of emotional pain, and I was willing to try anything. In that frame of

mind, one night I sat by the stream that ran through my deserted little

valley in the dusk, and thought, "God, I have lost control of my life. I

don't know what to do next. Everything I have attempted is in ruins. If You

exist at all, now would be a really good time for You to start talking to



And I heard in my mind, quite clearly, a woman's voice. She said, "What did

you want to talk about?"


The sensation that there was someone else there was so overwhelming that I

turned around and looked all around me. But I was alone. Realizing I had

asked and had been answered, I began telling Her about my problems. It

quickly became apparent that She knew more about me than I did myself!


At first She just listened and made comments that showed how deep Her

understanding went. I kept coming back in the dusk or the dawn to sit in the

same place by the stream -- it seemed to be a magic spot! -- and She was

always there.


It was like a telephone booth to God.


As time went on She began to make suggestions ... A lot of them were things

I would frankly never have done. But there was an unalterable conviction in

the way I was receiving this information, and I obeyed Her blindly.


Again and again, life changed around me so that after I did what She told me

to, it turned out to be the best thing I could possibly have done, in ways

that I never could have anticipated without being able to see the future. I

certainly can't see the future, but it became apparent that She can.


I asked Her what I could call Her, and at first She accepted my suggestion,

"Kali." Later when I said that She seemed to have features of a lot of other

goddess figures as well as Kali, She told me Her true name, but I could not

understand it or pronounce it. She laughed at the noises I made trying to

reproduce what She had said, and finally told me, "You may call me My Lady.

Many others do."


I have called Her My Lady ever since. But it was years later, when I began

to experiment with Christianity, that I realized one of the names for the

Virgin Mary is Notre Dame -- Our Lady. That name came from Gnostic 12th

century Christians who were intensely aware of the connections between Mary

and pagan goddess figures -- I think it is a massive over-simplification to

say I have had Marian visions. She has many hundreds of names, and not

everyone experiences Her as a woman.


A few months ago I met Dharma on a kundalini list -- we live 1300 miles

apart -- and after exchanging some e-mails she invited me into her little

chakra cleansing class. As soon as I began the chakra-cleansing meditations

that she recommended, my spiritual encounters took a leap forward, unfolding

into alarmingly realistic mind-visions.


I did not hallucinate or hear voices -- in fact, I never have. Instead,

these were like waking dreams -- just like my encounters with My Lady, but

very strong and vivid. Since I did not know anything about chakras, I sent

accounts of these experiences to Dharma. In each case she was able to show

rich and complex connections between what I had "seen" and the classic

features of the chakra on which I was meditating at that time.


These waking dreams were accompanied by unbelievable physical sensations of

bliss and joy that I call "making love to My Lady."


On the night of February 11-12th I had an overpowering encounter with My

Lady over a three-hour period before and after midnight. It was like nothing

I have experienced before or since. I described it to Dharma the next day in

an e-mail, and received back from her a note observing that there had been a

geomagnetic storm going on about the same time. I looked at the governmental

"solar weather" site she directed me to, and found that a Coronal Mass

Ejection from the sun had hit the earth's geomagnetic field at exactly the

same time as I had my experience.


I can be slow, but you don't have to hit me over the head with a baseball

bat before I get it. I took out my training as a researcher, dusted it off

and began aggressively researching electromagnetic fields and their

relationship to spiritual experience. I hit a mother lode on the Internet by

doing a search for "Michael Persinger", who is mentioned as a researcher in

a book by Paul Devereux about earth lights and the geomagnetic field.


Since then I have printed out and read 63 items, ranging from one-page

reports to 25-page articles. In a nutshell, I have discovered evidence for

the six main points summarized below. Please note that page numbers may not

be visible in a browser, but will be included in a print-out, so you may

need to print these items out to find an indicated page number.


1) When quartz-bearing rock is placed under tectonic stress it generates

extraordinary electromagnetic effects, and these may influence the

consciousness of people within the altered electromagnetic field, so that

they have "paranormal" experiences. This is the premise from which I started

five years ago.


Paul Devereux, Earthmind_, p. 199


Ibid, _Earthlights Revelation_, 45-47 and 220, 51-52, 208-210


Earth Lights and UFOs, pp. 8-11



Peter Brookesmith on Tectonic Strain Theory



About,com. "Ignis Fatuus: The Foolish Fire"



"The Tectonic Strain Theory as an Explanation for UFO Phenomena: A Brief

History and Summary, 1970-1997"



About.com, "Alien abductions, seismic activity and the brain -- are they





About.com, "On Shaky Ground"




About.com, "All in Your Head"



2) Dr. Michael Persinger is a neuroscientist who has developed a device

that triggers the full range of paranormal experiences in people sitting in

his laboratory, by beaming electromagnetic waves through their brains.


Devereux, _Earthmind_, pp. 83-84


Michael A. Persinger: The Person




ABC News.com, "Zapped By Science Again"



Aliens and the Sudbury Connection



New Scientist Planet Science, "Happiness is a Magnet," pp. 5-6



Spectrum, "The UFO Machine,"



Wired, 7.11 - Nov 1999, "This is Your Brain on God,"



Institute for Consciousness Research -- Article from the Latest Newsletter,

"Mystical Experience: Brain Function or Transcendent State?" especially pp.

1, 6-7



Altered States: The Light Show Within, pp. 3-4



"The 2 am Wow Chamber" and "St. Teresa's Ecstasy ... In a Helmet"



Abductees and Electromagnetic Disorders, pp. 2-3



Are UFOs All in the Mind? ~ From ET to EM~



God in the Brain? Maybe, Say Researchers,



The First Unitarian Church of San Antonio, Texas, "Spirituality and the

Brain," p. 4,



3) John Hutchison is an independent researcher who has triggered the full

range of poltergeist experiences, including the levitation of 60-pound

cannonballs, on nation-wide Canadian, American and Japanese TV by generating

powerful electro-magnetic fields in his laboratory.


NEXUS, Vol. 4, #1 Dec. 96-Jan 97, "The Poltergeist Machine"



"The Poltergeist Machine,"



"Hutchison Poltergeist machine?"



"The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation,"




NEN. Vol. 6, No. 1, May 1998, "Research Summary -- May 1998"




Successful Replication of the Hutchison Effect




Resumption of the Research,




4) Albert Budden, a scientist at the Natural History Museum in the UK, has

established that many poltergeist cases occur in locations where there is a

sharply elevated or anomalous electromagnetic field caused by "pollution"

from radio towers, fault lines generating piezo-electricity due to tectonic

stress, or complex networks of computers and other electronic devices.


See Budden's book, _The Poltergeist Machine -- The Hutchison Effect_. (pub.

Discovery Times Press) -- I have not yet found a copy of this book to read.

These articles profess to summarize its contents:


Are UFOs All in the Mind? ~ From ET to EM~



NEXUS, Vol. 4, #1 Dec. 96-Jan 97, "The Poltergeist Machine"



"The Poltergeist Machine,"



cf. Devereux, _Earthlights Revelation_, 213-216 for Michael Persinger's

support of these ideas


5) Oliver Lowery holds a patent on a device called "Silent Sounds" which

uses microwaves to beam a voice or an emotion into your head, which you

will think is your own internal monologue or your own feelings -- this

device was used, moreover, by the American military in the Persian Gulf War

to project feelings of hopelessness and despair into troops of Iraqi

soldiers' brains, so effectively that hundreds and hundreds of them

surrendered on the spot. International treaties now make it awkward to use

in warfare, so the Defense Department has passed the technology to the

Department of Justice to use on the American people.


Mind Control With Silent Sounds and Super Computers



New Scientist, 19 Nov., 1994, 29-31; online reprint pp. 1, 5-6



Michael Persinger's article on world-wide EMF influences



HypnoPolitics, pp. 7-8




The Altered State



U.S.Human Rights Abuse Report



Military Use of Ultrasonic Brainwave Clusters



Nexus, Feb/March 1993, "Mind Control and the New World Order"



Nexus, Oct/Nov.1998, "Military Use of Mind Control Weapons"



6) Seven or eight of those articles I have read were about CFS and the

likelihood that it is triggered or caused by an anomalous electromagnetic

field. Many people with CFS have a condition called ES, Electrical

Sensitivity. ES is recognized as a medical condition in England and they

treat it at a place called Breakspear Hospital.


People with ES may develop CFS symptoms in response to fluctuations in the

local electromagnetic field that other people would never notice. The

CFS-electromagnetic connection is still unproven, but researchers are very

interested in it. I got 50 or 60 articles on this by doing a Google search

for CFS electromagnetic. Just those two words, no quote marks or plus signs

or anything.


These are the five most solidly informative articles about the connection

between CFS and electromagnetic fields (and especially electromagnetic

pollution) that I have found so far:


Proposal for Investigative Pilot Study: Is Excessive Electromagnetic Field

(EMF) exposure a risk factor in the conditions of Chronic Fatugue Syndrome

(CFS) and chronic fatigue?



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to environmental powerline

frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment?



Ongoing supplement to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to

environmental powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to

consider in treatment?



New Zealand Tourism Online, "Electromagnetic Radiation - Out Ouruhia Way



Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness





After sending this material to Dharma, I asked her,


I don't suppose your living quarters are near a power line, a radio tower or

an area of tectonic stress? If so, you may be essentially picking up your

spiritual experiences through that like an antenna, as well as through your

own native sensitivity. It may also be a reason why your son Dave went down

like a ninepin with a CFS attack when he got to your house.


She answered:


Yes!!!! I'm in a row of apartment buildings, and our back/patio doors look

out over a field... about a block away, there's a big power line parallel

with these buildings... the kind with a series of towers.


For the strange influences those power towers can have, see especially


New Zealand Tourism Online, "Electromagnetic Radiation - Out Ouruhia Way



and NEXUS, Vol. 4, #1 Dec. 96-Jan 97, "The Poltergeist Machine"



Look at the Internet material and reach your own conclusions ...


My Lady's wish, ever since I left my beloved little deserted valley in the

wilderness and came back to the city, has been for me to teach what I have

learned to others. I have found that the electromagnetic connection really

gives people who aren't ready for straight mysticism something solid to hang

on to. If I tell them I am having visions they just phase out, you know?

Their eyes glaze over.


But if I tell them I have become sensitized to the local electromagnetic

field in a way partly voluntary and partly involuntary, and that this

triggers mild but distinct paranormal experiences, they are very interested!

They want to hear more.


It is a communications tool that makes a bridge between this very far-out

stuff I have become accustomed to, and the ordinary life of the ordinary



People who do understand the electromagnetic aspects of this need to be

reminded that this is the medium through which God talks to us. It can be

used and understood in other ways, too -- some not so good.


According to "Mind Control and the New World Order" by Glenn Krawczyk,

(http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/local/h-pages/pro-freedom/mc_nwo.html), for

instance, Dr. Michael Persinger was approached by the Reagan administration

to create a crowd control device with his electromagnetic wave-making

gadget. He came up with something which floods a part of your brain with

histamines that induce violent uncontrollable vomiting.


What's more, Persinger has published 6 books and several hundred densely

scholarly articles. He uses the authority this prolific output and his

position as a neuroscientist at Laurentian University assures him, to

repeatedly assert that what people have been mistaking for religious

experiences since the dawn of time are really just hallucinations resulting

from electromagnetic fields generated by tectonic stress. Albert Budden

apparently agrees, with the proviso that now we have so many electronic

devices all going at once that the field distortion could be as easily

caused by electromagnetic pollution from things like computer networks or

power lines.


My daughter Emily thinks it is a non-question: she sees no reason why we

have to distinguish between God and an electromagnetic field. She is

comfortable with the notion that it is both at once. Dharma says she's



Michael Bradford observed in "Mystical Experience: Brain Function or

Transcendental State," p. 4 (http://www.stn.net/icr/mystexpr.html) that if a

scientist from the year 1800 was brought to the present and shown a TV, he

might by fooling around with it conclude that the mechanism inside the box

was generating the image. But it would not occur to him that the image was

being beamed from another source, because he wouldn't know that was a



This commentator says that Persinger is making the same mistake: just

because the spiritual experiences happen as the result of a complex

electromagnetic phenomenon in the brain doesn't mean the brain is generating

them. It could be a receiver, like a TV or radio receiver.


My Lady agrees with this interpretation. She says that Persinger has

explored the mechanism through which She speaks to me and many millions of

other people. It doesn't work with equal facility for everyone -- some

people are naturally hypersensitive to the local electromagnetic field, and

those people are easier for Her to reach. Some people are naturally

insensitive to it. And in the course of growing up a great many people

acquire habitual, self-defeating patterns of thought which clog and block

their receiving apparatus.


My Lady says Dharma and I are both unusually sensitive to the local

electromagnetic field by nature. Dharma's chakra-cleansing work in the

framework of kundalini can be a radically quick and efficient way to remove

those habitual, self-defeating patterns of thought, to the point that

Dharma's sensitivity now works very efficiently, and my own works a lot more

efficiently than before.


That is why I began getting so dizzy and disoriented at work, after we

completed the first steps of the chakra cleansing process. I have become

hypersensitive to the kind of field that is generated by a network of

computers like the one I work in the middle of. I am fine when I come in to

work in the morning -- by lunch time the Feeling has grown stronger and

stronger, and I have to dissipate it by going for a walk.


But it is not just a funny Feeling caused by being around too many

computers. If it were, going for a walk would always dissipate it. But that

only works sometimes.


My only consistent, works-every-time way of dissipating it is to go to the

local church and sit cross-legged --as I did years ago by the stream in my

deserted valley -- before a life-sized statue of Saint Monica. I tell Her I

can't function any more, the Feeling has become too strong. I ask Her what

to do and I accept Her will before She even speaks. And She does speak to me

from within the Feeling. The sense of love and Sacred Presence can be so

strong that I come near to tears.


She is my Mother, my Lover and my Wife.


When I walk out of the church the Feeling is gone, I am back to normal



It is a grave mistake to think there is no more to the electromagnetic field

effect than what science can detect with its instruments. Let me give you an

idea what my life is like now I have begun to clean my chakras and really

open myself to this medium.


Tuesday February 29


I happened to be down by the sea-shore. I had gone to a beach-side cafe to

meet with my pastor for lunch. While I waited for her to arrive, the Feeling

coming from the ocean was so strong I couldn't stand there and look at the

water for more than a minute or so. It was like the inside of my head was

fizzing! I couldn't stand it -- it -- it _tickled_! I had to keep going

inside. Then I would come back out and try again and the same thing would



After that encounter with the ocean I was really half in this world and half

in another world for the rest of the day, especially that evening. I made a

number of silly mistakes -- got my cat's name mixed up with the name of a

cat we used to have, ordered a big piece of steak in a restaurant even

though I don't eat beef any more. It's a wonder I could find my way home.

And I just lay on the couch for over an hour in outer space before I could

stand up and get myself to bed.


The night of Thursday March the 2nd


After I sent Dharma the overview of the electromagnetic material on which

this open letter is based, I lay down and tried to go to sleep. My Lady was

so present, it was like there was another person in the bed with me. She was

very pleased with me for sharing this material which She has led me to find,

and She wanted to show Her feelings. It would have been a creepy sensation

if I wasn't used to it by now!


She reached inside my body and massaged my spine, sending indescribable

sensations of bliss and fulfillment through me. Then She told me distinctly

to turn over. When I did She began to make love to me as she has so often

before -- sitting over me as I lie on my back -- but She was pregnant!

_Very_ pregnant!


We made love and while that was going on She took my hands and placed them

on her swollen stomach. My hands sank into her pregnant belly and the most

incredible sensations washed down my arms and filled my whole body! I was

not exactly drawn into Her body but somehow we fused and become one.


My soul felt what it feels when I have an orgasm, although my body was lying

almost motionless and was not excited sexually. At the peak of that "soul

orgasm," I seemed to be precipitated out of her body through Her yoni onto

the bed. She gave birth to me! I lay there kind of stunned and felt Her

washing me, cleaning my body.


Then I felt Her lift me up. Somehow I had become tiny, I looked up into Her

eyes. She gave me Her nipple and I drank Her milk like a new-born infant. I

fell asleep snuggled against Her breast, feeling Her arms supporting me

against Her body.


When I say She is my Mother and my Lover I am not just speaking

metaphorically. Still it is important to understand these experiences as

allegories for something transcendent, something my mind cannot grasp and I

certainly cannot put into words in an e-mail. But sometimes I can

understand, a little bit, the language She speaks to me.


This experience was Her way of saying that I have crossed a line, taken a

step into another world, gone one step closer to becoming the teacher She

wants me to be. It was a metaphorical "rebirth" to a new self that is closer

to Her.


No-one could have an experience like that and mistake it for a hallucination

caused mechanically by hyper-sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. It is

too complex, too rich, too real. The electromagnetic field is just a medium,

a trigger, the physical aspect of a profoundly mystical journey which Dharma

is helping me take.


Friday March 3


I felt perfectly normal until about 2 PM, when quite abruptly I began having

sensations of floating. Pleasure suffused the area all around my spine, and

my head as well. It was not in waves or rushes like my earlier

kundalini-rising experiences. It was just there, and came and went very

slowly and gently. It was quite strong. It felt like you feel after having a

really good massage, or what they call "post-coital bliss."


I had the distinct feeling that something was going to happen, that

something was building up. The feelings went on until about 7 PM, when they

began to intensify. Then it was sweeping over me in waves, and I was getting

strong head-rushes. I saw flashes of light and thought, wow, I'm really

starting to lose it. But then I heard thunder and realized a lightning storm

had broken out! It must have been right over head, because the thunder was

right after the lightning.


I just sat there bathed in my own personal electric pleasure bath while the

skies went nuts around me. After the storm died down my feelings did too,

but continued as they had been since 2 PM until I went to bed about



When I meditated before going to sleep the strong feelings came back. She

was there and reached inside my body to caress my spine and internal organs

with gentle hands. There is no pleasure like it on earth. I suppose I could

take a human lover again but it wouldn't be the same! Now I have experienced

the real thing ...


The part of me that thought it had my life under control -- what they call

the super-ego -- is so confused! But there is another part, a new part of me

I never knew before, which is absolutely sure of the Path. It takes its

guidance not from within me but from somewhere outside. I trust it and

follow it, for it is the part of me which is part of Her. All I know of it

for sure is that it leads me closer and closer to God.



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