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Kundalini and losing the mind

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Thanks Jerrysan, Gloria, TG, Roger, Antoine, Dharma, Tony, Eric, Kimie,

Annie, Robert, Greg, Moller, Bruce, Dan, Geovani, Rainbo and others for the

recent sharing. I will pass this message on to the NDS with a couple of

comments. First, I occasionally receive questions from the list members on

the interplay of Kundalini Shakit and psychosis or even losing one's mind.

There is much that can be said about it and Dr. Sannella wrote a book on the

topic in the 1970s. I am not a doctor or psychologist. Based on long term

experiential knowledge, my practical understanding is that Shakti is the

massive force of the unconscious, conscious, and the superconscious. She is

both the Terror and the Beauty that manifests from Consciousness as the

Energy of Consciousness but not seprate from it. It is She who ascends to

Sahasarara (brain center) and in final stages descends and merges the mind

into the Heart and Reveals Her Self as Pure Consciousness.


In many people, the Shakti becomes active unexpectedly under certain

circumstances. Unless, one has been in the field for sometime, what is

happening cannot be grasped at all, even by doctors and psychologists.

Abnormal awakenings when not correctly understood can indeed be perceived as

mental illnesses of various types. However, people who are able to somehow

come out of these have the potential to develop into the most beautifully

creative flowers of this garden we call the universe.


The following link will bring you to the page that has a link to an old

paper I wrote on Kundalini Shakti and it also has several poems on the

Goddess as well. Thanks and love...........................Harsha





Goddess Trilogy | The Spiritual Experience and The Awakening of Kundalini

Shakti in Tantra Yoga.



Gloria Lee [glee]

Tuesday, March 07, 2000 3:44 PM

Re: ZenmasterJerrysan (GCWein)


"Gloria Lee" <glee



More and more I hear the messages here as a roll call, calling my name to


"Yes, I am present here with you, also at this lowest place." Jerrysan, TG,

Antoine..losing mind, sanity, and heart shattered..this descent into the


sea of the unconscious that births hell and heaven. Tossed back upon the


a bit of flotsam, stripped of all, being No-thing...does one so easily pick


up what was lost? How to explain gratitude for the gifts of what others may


as the ultimate disaster? No worst, there is none. The ultimate freefall


nothingness. Landing back into this dream place of illusory somebody's,

believing they walk upon solid ground, all working so hard to dissolve this


thing or to make it satisfied.. Only once just pick it up!! feel the sand

running through your fingers, you grasp at insubstantial air. Return to this

dreamworld? No thank you, I will walk among them, knowing what I know. What


the value of this knowing?






All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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Hi Harsha,

> Based on long term

>experiential knowledge, my practical understanding is that Shakti is the

>massive force of the unconscious, conscious, and the superconscious. She is

>both the Terror and the Beauty that manifests from Consciousness as the

>Energy of Consciousness but not seprate from it. It is She who ascends to

>Sahasarara (brain center) and in final stages descends and merges the mind

>into the Heart and Reveals Her Self as Pure Consciousness.


What a beautiful description!


I also found it very helpful to read that Jung said She is an impersonal

force, an autonomous process or force who can and will guide us in our

work, in our spiritual and physical development. Muktananda called her

Mother Shakti and named his spiritual autobiography _Chitshakti Vilas_,

_The Play of Consciousness_.




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