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Hello everybody,


Just fresh in from a very silly internet place where there was

a lot of humor, and some wonderful young ppl-


so wonderful to see so many familiar names here,

it is a little like coming home. :))


Harsha, Dharma, TG, Antoine, Rob, Gloria and others I do not

yet have had the pleasure of meeting, and also old members

I have met but whose posts I haven't managed to spot in the

archives (Marcia, Genepoole, Madhya et al)


I bow to you as the beautiful manifestations of the Goddess

that you are. :))


I suppose you don't need any introduction... ;)





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mumblecat wrote:

> mumblecat


> Hello everybody,


> Just fresh in from a very silly internet place where there was

> a lot of humor, and some wonderful young ppl-


> so wonderful to see so many familiar names here,

> it is a little like coming home. :))


> Harsha, Dharma, TG, Antoine, Rob, Gloria and others I do not

> yet have had the pleasure of meeting, and also old members

> I have met but whose posts I haven't managed to spot in the

> archives (Marcia, Genepoole, Madhya et al)


> I bow to you as the beautiful manifestations of the Goddess

> that you are. :))


> I suppose you don't need any introduction... ;)


> Love,


> Amanda.



Yes we do Amanda. Introduce yourself and tell us your story!

That goes for everyone. Introduce yourself and tell us your story.

Or make one up! :--).




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Namaste Amanda,


What took you so long? Look forward to your posts, its a little bit

broader on here.


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.



, mumblecat@a... wrote:


> Hello everybody,


> Just fresh in from a very silly internet place where there was

> a lot of humor, and some wonderful young ppl-

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In a message dated 3/8/00 2:38:22 PM, hluthar writes:

>Yes we do Amanda. Introduce yourself and tell us your story!

>That goes for everyone. Introduce yourself and tell us your story.

>Or make one up! :--).


Hi Harsha! (and others) As long as you asked, I'll come out of

lurking status (where I've been in the week or so since I joined)

to introduce myself.


My name is Mike Saathoff. Originally from Southern California,

I have spent time in the SF Bay area and Texas, and am now living

in Southern Colorado.


Who am I?? If I could convincingly answer that question I probably

wouldn't be spending my time puttering around internet groups. But

as I don't really have a clue who I am (except a piece of the All striving

to peer beyond the illusion) I'll give you one sentence about some of the

ego-labels I have attached to myself.


I am a married (with 6 year old twin girls :-) recovering alcoholic/addict

scuba-diving shrink living in Pueblo, Colorado, who is taking tentative

steps towards awakening (while another part of me is urging me to jump

into life with reckless, gleeful abandon).


So far I've enjoyed my time hanging around with all of you. Since I have the

floor, I'd like to share a poem I just composed for y'all:


Contemplating the enlightenment

Of people I've never met.

Counting from one to thirty-two

and ruminating on blue pearls and patchouli.

Looking deep inside myself

for the one who watches and waits.

Quieting my mind, waiting for the Truth.

Stilling the rushing waters of my thoughts

to hear the magic words:


"Take a nap, it's good for you."

Oh shit; MOM! what are you still doing in my head?

Oh well, back to my shrink.


;-) Namasté, my friends-



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Hi Amanda,


Welcome! We're happy to see you!






At 09:16 PM 3/8/00 -0000, you wrote:




>Hello everybody,


>Just fresh in from a very silly internet place where there was

>a lot of humor, and some wonderful young ppl-


>so wonderful to see so many familiar names here,

>it is a little like coming home. :))


>Harsha, Dharma, TG, Antoine, Rob, Gloria and others I do not

>yet have had the pleasure of meeting, and also old members

>I have met but whose posts I haven't managed to spot in the

>archives (Marcia, Genepoole, Madhya et al)


>I bow to you as the beautiful manifestations of the Goddess

>that you are. :))


>I suppose you don't need any introduction... ;)















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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different

than the

> ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

> Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is


> the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being.

A true

> devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from

> within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


>To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from the

> menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your

> subscription

> between digest and normal mode.






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> so wonderful to see so many familiar names

> here,

> it is a little like coming home. :))


Hello Amanda


Take the time to unpack and feel at home :)



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Hi Mike,



>I am a married (with 6 year old twin girls :-) recovering alcoholic/addict

>scuba-diving shrink living in Pueblo, Colorado, who is taking tentative

>steps towards awakening (while another part of me is urging me to jump

>into life with reckless, gleeful abandon).


So do it all! Same thing, to me... :)

>So far I've enjoyed my time hanging around with all of you. Since I have the

>floor, I'd like to share a poem I just composed for y'all:


>Contemplating the enlightenment

>Of people I've never met.

>Counting from one to thirty-two

> and ruminating on blue pearls and patchouli.

>Looking deep inside myself

> for the one who watches and waits.

>Quieting my mind, waiting for the Truth.

>Stilling the rushing waters of my thoughts

> to hear the magic words:


>"Take a nap, it's good for you."

>Oh shit; MOM! what are you still doing in my head?

>Oh well, back to my shrink.


:)))))))))))))) LOL! :))))))))))))) That's wonderful!


Permission to repost the poem a few places, please?? With or without your

name and address, whichever you like.


And it's so true! :)) A lot of the karmic stuff/ blocks we work to find

and get rid of are just exactly that... Mom and Dad and others still in

our heads. :)) Sometimes even from another lifetime. :)


But it's nice to be able to clear it with some kriyas or violet light or

something instead of going to a shrink for years. Not that we're trying to

put you out of business. :)


Hmm, so you must have cleared away a lot of that stuff already, whether you

knew that or not.




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In a message dated 03/08/2000 10:59:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

UnbrknCh8n writes:

> My name is Mike Saathoff. Originally from Southern California,

> I have spent time in the SF Bay area and Texas, and am now living

> in Southern Colorado.


Hi Mike and Welcome!


Enjoyed your poem... it made me laugh -- those darn tapes in our head.


Great having you here, along with Mary (hoorraaay! another student of

acim!), Annie from Oz who I don't recall ever seeing before but happy to see

her here with her post that made me smile... and our beloved Amanda who

always lights up our screens.


Much Love,


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In a message dated 3/8/00 10:08:12 PM, fisher1 writes:

>>Oh shit; MOM! what are you still doing in my head?

>>Oh well, back to my shrink.


>Permission to repost the poem a few places, please?? With or without your

>name and address, whichever you like.


Go right ahead (with or without credit); it's not a poem that I'm

particularly attached to (but it still makes me smile :-)

>And it's so true! :)) A lot of the karmic stuff/ blocks we work to find

>and get rid of are just exactly that... Mom and Dad and others still in

>our heads. :)) Sometimes even from another lifetime. :)


>But it's nice to be able to clear it with some kriyas or violet light or

>something instead of going to a shrink for years. Not that we're trying


>put you out of business. :)


With all the crazy people around, there's little chance of me being put out

of business ;-{)} Actually, most of what I do is prescribing medication in

order to help the more serious, biologically-caused mental illness (realizing

that the distinction between "organic" and "functional" mental illness is


-at best-- given the creative powers of our thougts).


Thank you for the welcome-



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At 21:16 08/03/00 -0000, you wrote:




>Hello everybody,


Hey, you!


Feels like you've never been gone, so it's doubly good to hear from you

again! :))





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Hi Mike,

>Actually, most of what I do is prescribing medication in

>order to help the more serious, biologically-caused mental illness (realizing

>that the distinction between "organic" and "functional" mental illness is


>-at best-- given the creative powers of our thougts).


I have a question on that... Do you find that some of those people achieve

some sort of balance (endocrine or whatever it may be) and after a time can

come off the medicine? Or do most need it for life? Thanks. :)




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Hi Dharma-

>Dharma <fisher1


>Hi Mike,


>>Actually, most of what I do is prescribing medication in

>>order to help the more serious, biologically-caused mental illness


>>that the distinction between "organic" and "functional" mental illness



>>-at best-- given the creative powers of our thougts).


>I have a question on that... Do you find that some of those people achieve

>some sort of balance (endocrine or whatever it may be) and after a time


>come off the medicine? Or do most need it for life? Thanks. :)


Great question. I am going to answer the question from a purely psychiatric

point of view (not taking into account the nature of psychiatric illness or

possible non-(Western medicine) traditional treatments or cures).


People who suffer from schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder (manic

depression) almost always will need treatment for their entire life (and

at the present time medication is the treatment of choice).


People suffering from major depression used to be only treated for the

length of the depression (6-18 months or so) and then the medication

would be stopped (and started again if the depression returns months or

years later). However, depression is now being recognized as a chronic

illness *in some people* (not everybody). If someone has had 3 or more

episodes of depression in their life it is increasingly recommended that

they stay on medication long-term.


If I am treating a person with recurrent depression what I do (personally)

is recommend that if we find a medication that works we keep the person

on it for at least several years and then revisit the topic. In the


I recommend psychothapy for some, and recommend "spirituality" for all

(and I distinguish between spirituality and religion). However, I generally

don't give specific instruction (except possibly to meditate). Often I will

tell patients to go to the bookstore or library and pick out a random book

from the spitituality, religion or eastern philosophy section (and then see

what book the universe tosses their way).


Gee..... ask a simple question and look what kinda answer I give you ;-)


Kinda brings to mind a quote:


When the solution is simple, God is answering.

-Albert Einstein


Obviously I still have a ways to go before fully realizing my divinity!


Namasté, and be peaceful-



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