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The True Hearer must hear, and in Hearing It outshines the darkness

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It may sound too simplistic to say this, but we are already that which we

are trying to give a Name to.


It's somewhat like the story of the seven blind men, each holding a part of

the elephant and saying "The elephant is..." and they describe their



That Light that is our True Self, our very being, That through which we see,

enables the mind to provide a description of what this Self must be.


"The Light shineth in the darkness (mind) and the darkness comprehendeth it

not." John Ch I:5.


Thus we are all blind, and while holding to the Elephant Self, we are each

describing our own experience and say "The Elephant (Self) is ......." ("I

am this and that..")


All the practices and all the psychic, pranic, mystic sensory and extra

sensory and Kundalini experiences we all try to convey in trying to give a

Name to the experiencer by referencing the experience are not the



There is nothing that can be done, no practice to be engaged in that will

result in this awakening.


The True Hearer, the True Seer is always already awake.


Relinquishing the grasping of attention, relinquishing the need for naming

the experience, we abide singly as Self.


It's as though we are all on a Path that we cannot see. Each of us crawling

along the roadway feeling in the darkness and calling out to others we feel

will call back to us with our mutual descriptions of like experiences that

give us the sense that we are all in some way on track.


So, if all the attempts to describe and give a name to the experience are

ultimately of no use whatsoever, like blind leading the blind by road maps

they cannot see, what is the solution?


There is no solution, only relinquishment.


Alternatively, there are those on the Path that do see, as Christ said in a

prayer to the Father in John 17:24

"Father, I will that they also, whom thou has given me, be with me where I

am, that they may behold my glory, which you have given me: For you have

loved me from before the foundation of the world."


Reading such books with the words of the Illuminated, such as those that can

be found for example on the website http://www.ramana-maharshi.org/ with the

single attitude of an "earnest quest" and without trying to name or wrap any

impression with a thought or attention, that which is True begins to shine

of Its Own accord, Itself dissolving the fog that now fills the mind.

Others include "Faith Mind" of the Third Zen Patriarch or Ch 26 of the Ribhu



By such rereading, the True Hearer hears Its Name and shines forth the Truth

of Its own accord.


Or for those that believe in the Light a that illumines the Way from the

Bible, reading and rereading the First and Second Commandments of the

Nameless God "I AM" to Moses. These Commandments are forceful statements

against having any images before the sense of "I AM" and commanding against

the use of the word "I" in relation to any impressions regarding a

self-identity (which Christ calls the sin against the Holy Spirit - the

unforgivable sin). Unfortunately, these Commandments have degenerated into

the vague idea that they referred to idols and cussing.


When this single seer (the subject "I") is realized to be ones Self, there

is an automatic "Enlightenment of the Whole Body."


"The light of the body is the eye (the seer/subject "I"): Therefore, when

thine eye is single, thy whole body will be filled with light...." Luke



"The way is neither easy nor difficult, but those with limited views are

fearful and irresolute." ---- "When thought is in bondage, the Truth is

hidden" (from Faith Mind - Third Zen Patriarch)


The Way involves the relinquishing of all impressions.


"Go first to God ("I AM") and all things will be added unto you." Luke 12:31


For those with the view that all religions are teaching a single Truth, if

we could somehow hear it, the rereading of

http://www.nonduality.com/pieter.htm is also a help in disengaging the habit

of the mind towards attention.


"Those that have ears to hear, let them hear what the Spirit has to say..."


In hearing, we abide singly as Self - "empty, clear, self-illuminating, with

no exertion of the mind's power." from Faith Mind.


Having read this text above, don't you feel the outshining? the

Transfiguration in the Singularity of the Heart?







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, "Pieter Schoonheim Samara"

<pietersa@l...> wrote:

> It may sound too simplistic to say this, but we are already that

which we are trying to give a Name to.


Yes we are. Or it might be stated, yes I AM! ;-)


Peace - and Love abiding - Michael

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