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The Hot Line To God

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Dear all,


First out, thank you very much everybody

for the loving and warm reception to the list. :)))

That did serve to heat up my heart and hands

on a sour and windy

is-it-winter-or-is-it-spring Northern night

:)) infintely more than what a cup of

Jdgermeister or coffee could have done.


Tony: It took me a long time to get here

because I'm a slow learner. LOL !


Many apologies to those whose names I in my

hurry and self centeredness forgot to mention

but who still welcomed me to the list.



I'll go home and make up a story for an

introduction tonight... ;)

Writing an introduction is a little like

answering the question

"What's your favorite movie ?". Despite knowing movies well I am usually at ends

trying to come up with the best movie I have

ever seen. :)


In the meantime, here is a little comment to

Dharma's post Hot Line to God, which did

bring tears to my eyes.

My comment is forwarded from Kjade, so if

anyone receives this in double, I apologize

for any inconveniences.


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>Message: 1

> Tue, 7 Mar 2000 16:21:27 -0500

> Dharma <fisher1

>The Hot-Line to God


Would you please tell Matt I'd love to correspond with him ?


His experiences are truly beautiful and so very

rare in the online world of K experiences, where

the majority show the individual being completely

or partially overrun by the energy and far from

being able to handle the changes that take place

as gracefully or with as much surrender as



It seems his has been a type of Kundalini

activation that has gone very well,

quickly and almost effortlessly lead to

a great trust and love for the energy and

great spiritual unfoldment, a process worthy

of a yogi.

It is very rare indeed to read about such awakenings, especially on the net.

>Talking to God: An Open Letter


>"God, I have lost control of my life. I

>don't know what to do next. Everything I have attempted is in ruins. If You

>exist at all, now would be a really good time for You to start talking to



>And I heard in my mind, quite clearly, a woman's voice. She said, "What did

>you want to talk about?"


LOL ! What a beautiful surrender and what a

beautiful awakening !


Yes, sadly, only at times in extreme duress,

being brought completely to the knees,

seeing no way out,

does the modern personality relinquish all its

preconceived notions of religion and church

and god and wholly starts to search for god

within its own heart.


(Seeking outside of religion is also an effective way, though, but often, the


of god has a tendency to pop up along the



And what a great guide. :))

>I did not hallucinate or hear voices -- in fact, I never have. Instead,

>these were like waking dreams -- just like my encounters with My Lady, but

>very strong and vivid.


Yeah, that's how visions are, hovering at the

edge b/n sleep and waking.


I do believe (and it may be faulty) that few

visions are of the cinematic flash bulb type.

>On the night of February 11-12th I had an overpowering encounter with My

>Lady over a three-hour period before and after midnight. It was like nothing

>I have experienced before or since.


Matt mentions the date 120200 and this

was a night the energy was extremely

clear and pure for me as well, feeling

like a cold wind descending into the head.

>But if I tell them I have become sensitized to the local electromagnetic

>field in a way partly voluntary and partly involuntary, and that this

>triggers mild but distinct paranormal experiences, they are very interested!

>They want to hear more.


It's as you say a back way in behind ppl's

anti religious concepts and ego views

and present something in a format which

they can accept.

>What's more, Persinger has published 6 books and several hundred densely

>scholarly articles.


>repeatedly assert that what people have been mistaking for religious

>experiences since the dawn of time are really just hallucinations resulting

>from electromagnetic fields generated by tectonic stress.


she sees no reason why we

>have to distinguish between God and an electromagnetic field. She is

>comfortable with the notion that it is both at once.


I very much agree with all of you.


I have also read a lot of Mr. Persinger's

work and respect him as a neuroscientist and

scholar. What he has done is breakthrough

material and very interesting indeed.


Nevertheless, he has never heard of

or does not accept the "teaching"

that God is energy and thus God is vibration,

including light and electromagnetism.


God is the cosmos and the Self and it is

expressed as energy.

In this regard, there is no difference b/n

physics and religion, or science as a whole.


I myself had severe problems with the God

concept when starting out on the K path

18 odd months ago, holding Mr. Persinger's

views of the complete sceptic at heart.


Nevertheless, I had been trained in the natural sciences and there the maxim is

"Everything is energy and conservation

of such".

By hearing theories of a non dual "God"

/ "Self", the road to a combination

b/n the concept of energy and Self was not

long and fully acceptable for my then very

closed mind.


I suppose hearing that evolution works with

energy and having studied its change through

the geological times /aeons

as well as in real time

in the developing embryo (a very beautiful

sight), was a primer for

a science approach to non duality.

>This commentator says that Persinger is making the same mistake: just

>because the spiritual experiences happen as the result of a complex

>electromagnetic phenomenon in the brain doesn't mean the brain is generating

>them. It could be a receiver, like a TV or radio receiver.


Persinger et al measure the effects

of the waves, and with it they can simulate

spiritual states, thus "proving" that

religious experience is in our brains only.

He takes little into account the basic and

most underlying reasons why ppl can experience

such states outside of a simulated high

energy el.magnetic field.


Also, nature does not waste energy so what

would be the very reason for humans being able

to perceive these el.mag. vibrations at all ?

Is it only for us to be confused by power

lines and the like ?

Or did it serve some function in early man

or our ancestors and has never lost its

usefulness and thus been kept during evolution ?


Nature has still many mysteries about

senses and perceivment. It is still not fully

known exactly how birds navigate, nor how

cells keep track of time, nor how the

deep diving swordfish manages to see in

high pressure conditions which would have

left a mammalian eye useless.

>The sense of love and Sacred Presence can be so

>strong that I come near to tears.


>She is my Mother, my Lover and my Wife.


This really is the hot line to God. :))


What an absolutely beautiful and blissful

experiences these must have been ! :))

Breathtaking ! :))

>Then I felt Her lift me up. Somehow I had become tiny, I looked up into Her

>eyes. She gave me Her nipple and I drank Her milk like a new-born infant. I

>fell asleep snuggled against Her breast, feeling Her arms supporting me

>against Her body.


It is said that yogis live and rest in the

arms of God like a child lives in the arms

of its mother.

(Someone else on the list can probably present

the direct quote of that)


What you describe here may be the feeling of

immense and boundless reverence and caring

love that is transmitted and exchanged

b/n God / Goddess and the open minded / open

souled / surrendered individual.


I have experienced similar states of directly

being fed by the energy and I take it to be

receiving supporting energy from source.

>I suppose I could

>take a human lover again but it wouldn't be the same! Now I have experienced

>the real thing ...


Yes, what humans are and what humans search

for in a partner is often

something very different than this.

I now understand better how monks can live

without a human partner and why some spiritual

traditions require a life as an unmarried

individual. I can see why for some it would

seem of greatest importance.

>The part of me that thought it had my life under control -- what they call

>the super-ego -- is so confused! But there is another part, a new part of me

>I never knew before, which is absolutely sure of the Path. It takes its

>guidance not from within me but from somewhere outside. I trust it and

>follow it, for it is the part of me which is part of Her. All I know of it

>for sure is that it leads me closer and closer to God.


This is surrender. :)

It is rare to find it so deep and trusting

and a treat and an inspiration to read.


Thank you very much for letting us read a very

beautiful example of surrender.


Thank you also to Dharma for posting this

letter to the list.


Much love,





--------- End Forwarded Message ---------




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