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A Whiff of scent will create the samskara!

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Namaste All, Roger, Jodyr et al,Thank you Harsha.


The definition of realisation obviously means

different things to different people. To me it means

Self-realisation. NO MIND. To avoid misunderstanding

in what I write I will use the word Moksha, (or moha

kshaya, destroy illusion.)


The levels are also interesting whether it is kosas,

or lokas, or Mind, super mind, higher mind,

illuminated mind, over mind etc. Then we have the mind

of Saguna Brahman which operates when the mind of a

mukti is dead, but only whilst the mukti looks out,

when the mukti looks in, it is to nirvikalpa samadhi.


Vedantic thought doesn't despise the world or the

senses, they have their place in development.This is a

common misconception in The West particularly.


The senses are not denied but 'attachment' to the

fruits of them. It is the original impediment or are

Sankara, Buddha so wrong? What else can turn the

attention outward instead of inward but the senses?


With regard to rebirth, notice my choice of words. I

didn't say reincarnation, which infers a personality.

I am talking about rebirth of the ego and its

samskaras or tendencies.


Every desire has to be risen above and burnt to a

seed, check Patanjali.


Ramana I believe was programming his mother's desires

and samskaras out as she was dying, unfortunately she

sneezed and left the body, no doubt for rebirth.


With regard to desiring food, yes it is a legitimate

desire and in this yuga people die quickly without

fuel. So the eating of food will not bind one but

desiring a pepperoni pizza, alcohol, tobacco etc



Having a close to non-dual condition in the mind

doesn't necessarily eliminate desires of the senses.

Unless one is using the word mind to mean sakti,

mahat, or Saguna Brahman etc.


One may achieve certain samadhis but samskaras and

attachments will drag one back.


With regard to the statements of Jivanmuktis, I find

they are clear and understandable---no gobbledook!

Much clearer than on these lists in fact.


I keep hearing Churchill's statement that the best

English is that which everyone understands.


Sankara said that death is a separation from our

desires. However if one has achieved moksha there is

no birth or death.


I'm sorry if you still like sense pleasures, you won't

or we won't make it, it is as simple as that. How do

you think we are here???


A whiff of perfume will do it, create a samskara!


As Jesus said be ye perfect as my father in heaven is,

and not one jot or tittle may be left all must be

paid, or words to that effect.


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony,





ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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