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Tendencies will bring you back.

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Namaste All,


G wrote> I do actually enjoy

things while they're happening but I can't 'look

forward' to anything,

so I end up not making plans to do anything that might

be fun. This

seems to be pretty much the same as the 'lack of

desire' promoted

by Tony. To me, this is something I have to fight, or

lack of desire

could turn into lack of desire to live...


Is there a way for me to practice detachment which

isn't going to

make my life unlivable? Or do I need to find a

different path?<


Tony's ans:Give up the fruits of action!


Actually Gill what I am talking about is detachment,

what you are talking about is the other side of the

coin to desire, that is aversion. Which in fact is

also an attachment in reverse.


You are perhaps,in a Tamasic state, you need more

rajas, activity, in your life to achieve peace or

sattva. If one does help others, its very hard to

think of one's own problem whilst being occupied with

other's problems. I learned that one at AA.


Service work or helping the poor/disadvantaged, is

very useful for example,provided one does it without

the thought, 'I am helping the poor', for in reality

one is helping oneself by diluting the ego.


A person with detachment can still love and caress a

child for example, without it becoming an attachment.

The love would just flow through the vehicle of the

body. For we are not the doer, so giving up the

'fruits', of action is non-binding.


I am talking about the mind not going out and clinging

and desiring, and forming a tendency or samskara.


One has to reverse the process of the mind going out

through the senses. Desire is an impediment to this.


Look how long it took for the mind to go out through

the body and fulfill the desire to walk, or speak for

example. How difficult it was. Look how much education

has happened, the mind going out out out!!!


Most of the stillness, bliss, and peace happens in the

mind. Even at the highest level it is still mind and

is inherently dual. Only Sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi is

real, for the mind never did exist.


In the last resort one still has overcome the

tendencies and impressions. The best way is at the

roots rather than pruning the branches back.


Most of this non-dual practice in the concsious mind,

the subconscious or chitta is registering subconscious

tendencies and karmas.


For example eating meat at the conscious level, may

not effect one. One may have no thought about it.

However at the subconscious level there is the effects

of lack of awareness and compassion for the animal.

For the animal is us and we have caused pain and

suffering, satisfied our own desires and formed karmas

and samskaras. Moksha is impossible with these.


Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.







ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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Hi Tony,

> Tony's ans:Give up the fruits of action!


Hmm... I think when I'm depressed I don't expect there to *be* any

fruits. At least not any which would make the action worthwhile.

> Actually Gill what I am talking about is detachment,

> what you are talking about is the other side of the

> coin to desire, that is aversion. Which in fact is

> also an attachment in reverse.


Yes, an aversion to doing anything!

> You are perhaps,in a Tamasic state, you need more

> rajas, activity, in your life to achieve peace or

> sattva. If one does help others, its very hard to

> think of one's own problem whilst being occupied with

> other's problems. I learned that one at AA.


I do need more activity, you're right. It's motivating myself to do

things which I find difficult, though, so saying 'do more' doesn't

really help!

> Service work or helping the poor/disadvantaged, is

> very useful for example,provided one does it without

> the thought, 'I am helping the poor', for in reality

> one is helping oneself by diluting the ego.

> A person with detachment can still love and caress a

> child for example, without it becoming an attachment.

> The love would just flow through the vehicle of the

> body. For we are not the doer, so giving up the

> 'fruits', of action is non-binding.


> I am talking about the mind not going out and clinging

> and desiring, and forming a tendency or samskara.


> One has to reverse the process of the mind going out

> through the senses. Desire is an impediment to this.


But my mind is often focused inwards, and this is just as

unhealthy, probably more so.

> Look how long it took for the mind to go out through

> the body and fulfill the desire to walk, or speak for

> example. How difficult it was. Look how much education

> has happened, the mind going out out out!!!


I would have that that in education, the mind was focused inwards

a lot of the time? But then, I've always preferred theory to practice,

and abstract to concrete...

> Most of the stillness, bliss, and peace happens in the

> mind. Even at the highest level it is still mind and

> is inherently dual. Only Sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi is

> real, for the mind never did exist.


> In the last resort one still has overcome the

> tendencies and impressions. The best way is at the

> roots rather than pruning the branches back.


> Most of this non-dual practice in the concsious mind,

> the subconscious or chitta is registering subconscious

> tendencies and karmas.


> For example eating meat at the conscious level, may

> not effect one. One may have no thought about it.

> However at the subconscious level there is the effects

> of lack of awareness and compassion for the animal.

> For the animal is us and we have caused pain and

> suffering, satisfied our own desires and formed karmas

> and samskaras. Moksha is impossible with these.


Then how is Moksha ever achieved? Karma is as illusory as

everything else...




> Love and Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.




> =====

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> ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

> THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

> MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

> OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.



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> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

> It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

> all to a.


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