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[NondualitySalon] Dictionary please!

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On 3/10/00 at 1:34 PM Tony O'Clery wrote:




¤Namaste All,


¤Could somebody please sort out the gobbledegook, and

¤please tell me what the words, 'realisation',

¤'enlightened', mean, to these lists?


MS Bookshelf gives for enlightenment:

Buddhism. A blessed state in which the individual transcends

desire and suffering and attains Nirvana.

And for self-realization (small s):

Complete development or fulfillment of one's own potential.


With a capital S, Self-realization is "recognizing one's real

nature": recognizing "It" as the source of joy, all issues

like attachment, detachment etc. are moot although onlookers

will perceive asceticism. This sudden recognition is the boon

Nachiketas wanted and Yama was reluctant to bestow

(Kathopanishad). Ramana could be called a spontaneous visitor

to Yama and received the same boon.


So these terms can have a different meaning.




¤My understanding, up until now was that they meant the

¤same thing as Moksha/Liberation/No Mind/Merging with

¤the Self etc. It is confusing to my mind, yes I still

¤have one.


Moksha is the "end" and "goal" regarding nonduality as the

pronoun "I" no longer is felt (and consequently, won't appear

in one's thinking). It is identical with nirvana (substratum

remaining). The substratum here is equivalent with "causal

body" or the anandamaya kosha. In Sufism, non-I is symbolized

by "lover is annihilated in the Beloved" and in Christianity

it is called "resurrection from the dead". The term "merging"

is a misnomer, there is nothing to merge with, rather,

something has to be removed (the sense of "I", "doer"). The

issue with "mind" had better be forgotten as it invites a lot

of speculation: thinking remains possible and the sensory mind

remains intact (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling

remain possible for a jivanmukta). In Rosicrucianism, the

"resurrection" is said to be the end of transmutation (of base

metals into gold) and transfiguration will start and Kundalini

will "stay" too, until transfiguration is completed (identical

to nirvana without substratum).


So "mind" isn't the issue per se: the issue is "I, me and



¤Here is where I am at, perhaps someone can tell me

¤which slot I am.ha ah a aha. That comes from ekagratha

¤or practising one-pointedness.


With spontaneous K. awakening, it is difficult to say. The

first "common denominator" (experience all will have) that is

mentioned in Rosicrucianism (there have to be such descriptors

in other paths too) is piercing the knot of the heart and it

is called "the holy grail". The piercing of knots is a useful

descriptor of "where" and unless veiled, can be recognized at

one glance. But as a rule, the chakra where sensations are

felt strongest is the one "being acted upon"; only when the

next one (in ascending order) contains a knot, that can be the

chakra "being acted upon".



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