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One-legged nondualistic yarns

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Namasté Tony !


You wrote:


<Let me put it bluntly;

<Lets presume by the terminology used on here

<I am realised and enlightened. I understand all is one and

<intellectually I am non-dual. Everything is beautiful

<and as it should be.


<However I get drunk, go out and shoot and eat a deer,

<and on the way home rape the first woman I see.


<Now is everything still as it should be with myself,

<the deer and the woman? Or is this just doing and

<seeing? Just happenening?>


The questions you're offering up for debate are probably among the most

baffling and difficult to comprehend to the mind, so maybe one shouldn't

expect definite certainties on these things :)


That having been said, maybe it's possible to view this from the following



If you're "enlightened" or in the "nondual" state, "you", meaning

consciousness, are operating through the sahasrara center. This would mean

that your identification with the body is minimal and you would see your

neighbour's wife and that family of deer in the woods, just behind your

backyard, as being inside or coming out of consciousness which is yourself.

So in this state everything's fine, because there's no separation and

certainly no urge to go and kill or rape anything which comes out of yourself

on exactly the same terms as your own body.


Now, if you happened to only stumble upon the nondual state and aren't an

accomplished kundalini-yogi, the energy and focus of consciousness would

probably move down into the lower centers and you'd find yourself a "normal"

person again, albeit with a cosmic experience under your belt.


If there now happen to be latent samskaras or patterns of action compelling

you to drink or fool around with guns, then that might just very well happen.

So, you march down to the nearest cocktail bar, and after the first couple of

drinks, the higher energy pathways and energy centers become totally clogged

and the cosmic stuff has long faded into a blurred memory anyway.


On your way home you stumble through the woods and decide on a spontaneous

round of target practice, with the result that before long, there's one very

dead deer lying between the trees. Obviously you weren't that drunk after

all. Anyway, all this adrenalin has fuelled the male reproductive instincts

and - the alcohol's still very much doing it's thing - the neighbours

beautiful wife is out hanging up the laundry (never mind it's way past



So, the poor woman get's raped.


Now, interestingly, your neighbour (whose wife you just raped), IS an

accomplished kundalini-yogi. Everybody thinks he spends all day trading

stocks in front of the computer, but it's just a front, actually he's deep in

cosmic consciousness, connected to the universe most of the time.


Having all the major and some of the minor siddhis at his disposal, he first

of all totally forgives you for raping his wife, because indeed, from his

point of vantage, he's you and you are him. How could he condemn somebody

that comes out of himself ?


He then briefly checks out the akashic records and sees that his wife indeed

still had some dirty and unfinished business with you, going way back to that

incarnation in the green fields of Bulgaria in 1765. Actually this was the

only reason why you happened to move into the house next to his last June...


As for the deer, well, Joe (for that's his name in the here & now), could

also see that a very, very long time ago, when deer were a lot more menacing,

with razor sharp fangs and antlers made of steel, one of these guys actually

killed you in a little territorial squabble after he managed to steal your

breakfast-berries. Back in those days the poor cavedwellers had nothing but

wooden clubs to defend themselves and in this case it unfortunately wasn't

enough to fend off that raging alpha-wolf of a deer.


Anyway, justice of course has to be done, and to your dismay you wind up in

jail for rape and disorderly conduct. However you're lucky. Very lucky.

Because you're given a solitary cell and here, one day, looking out into the

sky from between the bars, you remember your experience of union with the

universe. Not having much else to do, you also remember a book your

stock-trading yogi of a neighbour lent you - he's still not mad at you for

that business with his wife - and you now decide to read it. It's called

"Perfect and Easy Sadhana in just 7 years" or something like that. Since 7

years is exactly the sentence you received , you think alright, here we go,

might as well put all this time to some good use.


Asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, tantra, yantra, mantra, bhakti, shakti,

chakra, all these wonderful things keep you well occupied and 7 years pass in

a breeze.


One fine morning the good people of the prison system unlock your cell and

let you go back home. Out of long habit, you immediately practice several

rounds of pranayama and chant a few auspicious mantras - and zap ! -you go

off soaring into samadhi again. It's not complete absence of thought though,

because you still manage to ask yourself how it's possible that, having been

loving, all encompassing, divine consciousness all along, you could have

committed the atrocities you did and then had to spend time in jail for it,

for chrissakes ? ?

>From some far-away astral recess within yourself you then hear a chuckle and

a friendly sounding voice says " Well, you know man, all things always work

out perfectly in the end - and if all these things hadn't happened, there

would never have been a story to tell ! "


And I'm sure all this has actually occured exactly in this manner somewhere,

someplace ...


Best regards,




(still scratching my head at the strange story that somehow just got typed

into my computer...)

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