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Intellectual gymnastic olympics!

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Namaste All, Thank you Michael.


Michael wrote:>Everywhere i go I AM. I am no better

than anyone else. There really

nothing to do. There really is no enlightenment. A

vegetarian is no

better that a meat eater. Both take life to live. All

life is

concious, even plants. And if you could see it even

the stones live

and think thier slow stony thoughts!


There is no separation. Worship nothing. Seek nothing.

Want nothing.<


Tony's ans: If I came and raped and killed your

daughter would you hold the above thoughts? How

non-dual would you then be?


This is the intellectual gymnastics I am talking about

B/S. Of course no one is better than anyone else, some

have made better decisions thats all.


A plant doesn't have the same developed nervous system

as an animal. It is aware yes, I have the secret life

of plants and I have read Bose. Plants do not

reincarnate as humans, until they become animals. So

they don't come back and kill people. Like Kosovo or

Columbine or six year olds killing six year olds. We

have to start somewhere, until we can live on just



I said in my last post there are four types of human;

human animal, aspiring human, human being, divine



If you sleep, defend, mate and eat meat, where are

you? Intelligence has nothing to do with it, I have

met incredibly dumb intellectuals!


If on one breath you tell me about all being one, then

go and cut the cows/animal throat, after its

incredible cruel treatment, in the animal auschwitz. I

will say to you that you are B/S!


Admit your desires and the fact that you are an

intellectual 'human animal', then your behaviour will

be forgiven as a lack of awareness/compassion, just

like any carnivore. Then you will be true to yourself,

by not feeling sorry for the animal or having the

level of awareness/compassion that is required to

connect your desires and the suffering of the animal.


If that's where you are at, then who is to condemn? I

do not condemn my dogs because my wife feeds them

meat, I love them for as Jesus said,'They do not

know'!I do not judge people in the street for they are

not on a list that is spiritual, and make no claims

about realisation and enlightenment etc.


The proof of the pudding is always in the eating, I

won't joke for that is just a clever insult.


Everything is consciousness is no excuse for

justifying a desire that causes incredible pain and

bad karma on the planet. That is what I am saying

about intellectualism, we cannot even know all the

knowledge in one local library never mind congratulate

ourselves on our 'understanding'.


We cannot apply 'all is one', unless one is a

jivanmukta! It's real whilst one is in it.


The vegans and the nuts and berries people may condemn

me, but this is where I am at right now. I am not

better than anyone but causing pain is somewhat



Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.







ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.


<br><hr size=1><b></b><br>

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ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,


To believe this is intellectualism and separation. There is no real

or unreal. Walk the razor's edge of I AM.


THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,


To believe this is intellectualism and separation. There is no

darkness or light. Walk the razor's edge of I AM.


MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.


To believe this is intellectualism and separation. There is no death

there is no immortality. Walk the razor's edge of I AM.


OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.


All is at peace.




Peace - and Love Abiding - Michael

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> There is no separation. Worship nothing. Seek nothing.

> Want nothing.<


> Tony's ans: If I came and raped and killed your

> daughter would you hold the above thoughts? How

> non-dual would you then be?


Jesus wept.


What is this fascination with rape? In two posts you have used this

word. Tony, I have been raped. I have been spit upon and put outside

in the cold in my underwear. I have been abused in horrible ways.

Tony, I AM totaly non-dual.

> This is the intellectual gymnastics I am talking about

> B/S. Of course no one is better than anyone else, some

> have made better decisions thats all.


I do not post intellectual suppositions about awakening.


> A plant doesn't have the same developed nervous system

> as an animal. It is aware yes, I have the secret life

> of plants and I have read Bose. Plants do not

> reincarnate as humans, until they become animals. So

> they don't come back and kill people. Like Kosovo or

> Columbine or six year olds killing six year olds. We

> have to start somewhere, until we can live on just

> prana!

There is no re-incarnation no matter how much you want to believe in

it. The plant is as much I AM as is the animal as is the person as is

the stone.


Read the Bhagavad-Gita!


> I said in my last post there are four types of human;

> human animal, aspiring human, human being, divine

> human.

What intellectual understanding is this.


Divine is not real it is a joke to delude the intellect. I KNOW!


> If you sleep, defend, mate and eat meat, where are

> you? Intelligence has nothing to do with it, I have

> met incredibly dumb intellectuals!



Who is doing these things! Do you think it? do you KNOW IT!

> If on one breath you tell me about all being one, then

> go and cut the cows/animal throat, after its

> incredible cruel treatment, in the animal auschwitz. I

> will say to you that you are B/S!


I AM knows this more than 'i judge this' knows. Life feeds life. The

anguished cry of wheat under the scythe is as loud as the cattle

under the knife.


> Admit your desires and the fact that you are an

> intellectual 'human animal', then your behaviour will

> be forgiven as a lack of awareness/compassion, just

> like any carnivore. Then you will be true to yourself,

> by not feeling sorry for the animal or having the

> level of awareness/compassion that is required to

> connect your desires and the suffering of the animal.


I AM living the life of Michael- his aches his pains his joys his

sorrows. I AM all of the women giving birth - to children that die

before thier time, I AM the child being murdered in Africa who sees

life as a cruel betrayal. I AM the priest living a life of selfless

service. I AM all people in all walks of life. I AM experienceing

this now and now and now.



> If that's where you are at, then who is to condemn? I

> do not condemn my dogs because my wife feeds them

> meat, I love them for as Jesus said,'They do not

> know'!I do not judge people in the street for they are

> not on a list that is spiritual, and make no claims

> about realisation and enlightenment etc.


You do condemn - with kindness - but you do. I AM and do not condemn


> The proof of the pudding is always in the eating, I

> won't joke for that is just a clever insult.


> Everything is consciousness is no excuse for

> justifying a desire that causes incredible pain and

> bad karma on the planet. That is what I am saying

> about intellectualism, we cannot even know all the

> knowledge in one local library never mind congratulate

> ourselves on our 'understanding'.


Let go of your desires. Life is nothing but desire.


> We cannot apply 'all is one', unless one is a

> jivanmukta! It's real whilst one is in it.


When you awaken to the I AM - ah then you will know what you are

talking about.


> The vegans and the nuts and berries people may condemn

> me, but this is where I am at right now. I am not

> better than anyone but causing pain is somewhat

> different.


Then stop causing pain, if you can! You can't. I AM needs suffering

as much as I AM needs agape.


> Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.



Peace - and Love Abiding - Michael who walks the razor's edge.


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At 09:58 15/03/00 -0800, you wrote:

>Tony O'Clery <aoclery


>Namaste All, Thank you Michael.


>Michael wrote:>Everywhere i go I AM. I am no better

>than anyone else. There really

>nothing to do. There really is no enlightenment. A

>vegetarian is no

>better that a meat eater. Both take life to live. All

>life is

>concious, even plants. And if you could see it even

>the stones live

>and think thier slow stony thoughts!


>There is no separation. Worship nothing. Seek nothing.

>Want nothing.<


>Tony's ans: If I came and raped and killed your

>daughter would you hold the above thoughts? How

>non-dual would you then be?


>This is the intellectual gymnastics I am talking about

>B/S. Of course no one is better than anyone else, some

>have made better decisions thats all.




Two months ago, on the K-Gateway list I suggested you read Robert Anton

Wilson's book "Cosmic Trigger", with particular reference to the trauma his

daughter received and dealt with. You did not acknowledge me then, and have

obviously not bothered to follow my advice. If you had, you might have

learned something about pain, karma and "reality". And your post would have

been different.


Before you inflict your anger (for something else) on people you do not

have the guts to name (and whose friendly posts you ignore), perhaps you

could walk that little mile that is offered to you.


Until then, your behaviour toward others is a glaring contradiction to your

high words.


Namaste, indeed.


>A plant doesn't have the same developed nervous system

>as an animal. It is aware yes, I have the secret life

>of plants and I have read Bose. Plants do not

>reincarnate as humans, until they become animals. So

>they don't come back and kill people. Like Kosovo or

>Columbine or six year olds killing six year olds. We

>have to start somewhere, until we can live on just



>I said in my last post there are four types of human;

>human animal, aspiring human, human being, divine



Levels, levels, levels. Health and Safety inspector for the divine, eh?

Come off it. Here's your get out of jail free card.


>If you sleep, defend, mate and eat meat, where are

>you? Intelligence has nothing to do with it, I have

>met incredibly dumb intellectuals!


Yes you have, and continue to, as long as that is all you see.


>If on one breath you tell me about all being one, then

>go and cut the cows/animal throat, after its

>incredible cruel treatment, in the animal auschwitz. I

>will say to you that you are B/S!


You don't like people much right now, do you? Guess that will reflect back

sooner or later... Why inflict it on yourself?


> Admit your desires and the fact that you are an

>intellectual 'human animal', then your behaviour will

>be forgiven as a lack of awareness/compassion, just

>like any carnivore. Then you will be true to yourself,

>by not feeling sorry for the animal or having the

>level of awareness/compassion that is required to

>connect your desires and the suffering of the animal.


> If that's where you are at, then who is to condemn? I

>do not condemn my dogs because my wife feeds them

>meat, I love them for as Jesus said,'They do not

>know'!I do not judge people in the street for they are

>not on a list that is spiritual, and make no claims

>about realisation and enlightenment etc.


Big of you. However, your previous emails betray you. And not a cock crow

in sight.


btw, what do you know of people in the street? Do you talk to them, do you

know their spiritual aspirations or "levels"? How can you decide who gets

pardoned and who goes to your BS grinder? This is so sad.


I mean, someone "in the street" committed Columbine, someone from the

street carried out a mass of horrors throughout history. So it's time to

forgive them for they know not what they do. Jesus was saying it of ppl who

were spiritual (the betrayers, the Pharisees) as well as those nasty

Romans. He forgave EVERYONE: that's what the deal is with Christianity.


And If you demand perfection of this world before you can love it, dream on.


>The proof of the pudding is always in the eating, I

>won't joke for that is just a clever insult.


And you have never insulted anyone, either directly or indirectly, have you?


>Everything is consciousness is no excuse for

>justifying a desire that causes incredible pain and

>bad karma on the planet.


Exactly. Nor are holier than thou attitudes. Check out most religous wars.

Look in the mirror.


That is what I am saying

>about intellectualism, we cannot even know all the

>knowledge in one local library never mind congratulate

>ourselves on our 'understanding'.


No one person on this list in your experience has EVER congratulated

themselves on their "understanding". Except you.


>We cannot apply 'all is one', unless one is a

>jivanmukta! It's real whilst one is in it.


Good Lord, is that so? I seem to remember a number of people on this and

the K-Gateway list telling you that.


But they were obviously B/S-ing...


>The vegans and the nuts and berries people may condemn

>me, but this is where I am at right now. I am not

>better than anyone but causing pain is somewhat



You are exactly where you are right now. You are right to start from there.

Trick is to find others. Accusing others of intellectual BS does not do it.







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