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Dan/In Search of the Lost Image

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> "Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd


> >R: We can't say that Harsha exists only in Melody's individual


> >unless Melody & I are having a sychronized delusion. So Harsha must be a

> >projection of the cosmic mind. Although I will watch for any individual

> >imaginations about Harsha that might occur. This reoccuring stirring of

> >warmth that I feel associated with Harsha seems to be more cosmic


> >than personal imagination.


> D: Hi, Roger. Hearing your voice loud and clear in this "original

> stillness" :-) Harsha is in Melody and Melody is in Harsha.

> Harsha and Melody are in you, and you are in Harsha and Melody.

> Each individual is in every individual, and this is true of

> particular events and solar systems as well as people.



Well, I have to be honest and say that as of this moment at least,

perceptually I am associated with this body connected to these fingers doing

the typing. Occasionally & increasingly so I am only the resident and not

the structure itself.


Yet, at no time am I either Melody or Harsha in any perceptual way. I

understand conceptually that Melody and Harsha might someday be literally

known as Myself. However, I have to admit that this is only a concept and

not reality today.


If anyone out there is literally me, then perhaps they can fixed this

computer bug I've been looking for...


Love does seem to point to underlying unity, or perhaps love is the unity.


Yet, "the way" to Truth, for me, is by rejecting that which is NOT real.

Imagining false unity with Harsha & Melody would seem to lead further into

individual mind and thus further away from the promise of cosmic mind.


Any individual imagination about unity would block the actual cosmic unity.

> >R: Some individuals seem to prefer the description of existance as


> >wholeness, others seem to prefer observing characteristics in this

> >wholeness. Both perspectives seem essential from here. A good question


> >be whether any distinctions/levels exist in individual imagination or in


> >grand cosmic imagination.


> D: No wholeness without differentiation, no differentiation

> apart from wholeness. This is observed in Nature and Being.

> Where am "I" in all this - am I the whole, or am I the


> am I a part or Totality, nothing, or everything?

> Each implies the other. Each includes the other.


> Questions like this are fun, when they allow the intellect

> to realize the inherent ungraspability of this very

> present moment, the infinity of this very being itself --

> Then, there is only listening, seeing, being, opening, waiting,

> listening (ending at the beginning :-)


> Much love,

> Dan



Descriptions, differentiations, levels and so forth ARE the reflections of

the cosmic intellect, the grand intelligence of manifest creation, seen with

varying clarity in the individual mind.


Concepts should be acknowledged only as pointers to something that can be

known in direct experience.



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> > D: Hi, Roger. Hearing your voice loud and clear in this "original

> > stillness" :-) Harsha is in Melody and Melody is in Harsha.

> > Harsha and Melody are in you, and you are in Harsha and Melody.

> > Each individual is in every individual, and this is true of

> > particular events and solar systems as well as people.



Even if I had knowledge of Harsha or Melody through some psychic phenomena,

I would reject identification with the phenomena. Certainly such things are

possible. HOWEVER, psychic phenomena are only a manifestation of the

creator, NOT the creator him/herself.


Identification with psychic phenomena, although flashing or attractive, is

not different than identification with thought & emotion: it's still

identification and not freedom.


So Dan, in what way do you mean "Harsha is in Melody..." etc...


This might be a manifestation Maharishi's "unity consciousness", or Osho's

7th level.


The following appear to be options, please extend the list as appropriate:


1) you are at the highest state of consciousness known to man, you are

perceptually & literally the entire universe. You are on the same exalted

level as Osho, Jesus, Buddha, Maharishi, Gurdjieff, Aurobindo, Judi Rhodes,

Steiner, Barry Long etc...


2) you are psychic: psychic does not necessarily mean Realized.


3) you are fond of a particular style of expression which emphasizes, in

this case, the concept or individual egoic imagination of oneness, a concept

projected from memory. Yet this very projection, rather than being a

stepping stone to Realization, might very well block it, because projection

itself IS THE BARRIER to Realization.


affectionately; is there a way to be affectionate while cutting

uncompromisingly to the core?



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> >> > D: Hi, Roger. Hearing your voice loud and clear in this "original

> >> > stillness" :-) Harsha is in Melody and Melody is in Harsha.

> >> > Harsha and Melody are in you, and you are in Harsha and Melody.

> >> > Each individual is in every individual, and this is true of

> >> > particular events and solar systems as well as people.

> >

> >R:

> >Even if I had knowledge of Harsha or Melody through some psychic


> >I would reject identification with the phenomena. Certainly such things


> >possible. HOWEVER, psychic phenomena are only a manifestation of the

> >creator, NOT the creator him/herself.

> >

> >Identification with psychic phenomena, although flashing or attractive,


> >not different than identification with thought & emotion: it's still

> >identification and not freedom.

> >

> >So Dan, in what way do you mean "Harsha is in Melody..." etc...

> >

> >This might be a manifestation Maharishi's "unity consciousness", or


> >7th level.

> >

> >The following appear to be options, please extend the list as


> >

> >1) you are at the highest state of consciousness known to man, you are

> >perceptually & literally the entire universe. You are on the same exalted

> >level as Osho, Jesus, Buddha, Maharishi, Gurdjieff, Aurobindo, Judi


> >Steiner, Barry Long etc...

> >

> >2) you are psychic: psychic does not necessarily mean Realized.

> >

> >3) you are fond of a particular style of expression which emphasizes, in

> >this case, the concept or individual egoic imagination of oneness, a


> >projected from memory. Yet this very projection, rather than being a

> >stepping stone to Realization, might very well block it, because


> >itself IS THE BARRIER to Realization.



> 4) Or...Dan is in good company!!



5) Inspirational oneness in devotion or service could be a path to God too.



> "I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me


> their word, that they may all be one; even as thou Father, art in me, and

I in

> thee, that they also may be in us.... The glory which thou has given me I


> given to them, that they may be one even as we are one. I in them and thou


> me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that

thou has

> sent me and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me. ..... I made known


> them thy name, and I will make it known, that the love with which thou


> loved me may be in them, and I in them." ~~John 17.20-26.



Your quote from John is beautiful, but it also provides a tragic example.

The Christian tradition promotes thoughts about oneness. Yet this tradition

of thought very very rarely succeeds in leading the common [wo]man to actual

God Realization.


A more effective approach might be to culture stillness though meditation,

recognizing also that when stillness is established technique is left

behind. In the stillness the Grace of "perfectly one"...


The same danger exists in nonduality teaching: thoughts about nonduality

typically remain on the level of mind.

> >affectionately; is there a way to be affectionate while cutting

> >uncompromisingly to the core?

> >

> >Roger


> Yes, Roger..the core is love.


> With love,

> Gloria


The core is "Glo"ing. :-)



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>Well, I have to be honest and say that as of this moment at least,

>perceptually I am associated with this body connected to these fingers doing

>the typing. Occasionally & increasingly so I am only the resident and not

>the structure itself.


D: That's a conceptualization of it. But what is the reality

beyond concepts? Admittedly, that will never be spoken or written.

Yet, it's that reality in which there is no "I" to be associated

with a body, and in which "body" itself is a conceptualization.

The "resident" who has no structure turns out to be the "whole universe".

>R: Yet, at no time am I either Melody or Harsha in any perceptual way. I

>understand conceptually that Melody and Harsha might someday be literally

>known as Myself. However, I have to admit that this is only a concept and

>not reality today.


D: You sound convinced that you're separate from Melody and Harsha.

Yet earlier you discussed how you form images of Melody and

Harsha, and vice versa. You spoke of a "cosmic imagination"

in which this all occurs. So are you saying this "cosmic

imagination" you discussed is just a concept that might become

a perceived reality? You say that "this is only a concept and not

a reality today" - yet as I see it only that which is real

now is reality. In sticking to what is real right now, I say

there is indeed reality in which you, Harsha, and Melody are

each included in the other. And this reality is no one's possession.

It is real now quite directly and it is the only "Way" that any

of this is able to manifest.

>If anyone out there is literally me, then perhaps they can fixed this

>computer bug I've been looking for...


D: You're talking about a bounded entity named "Roger" defined by

a body and a location in space. Clearly, this is not Reality

as Totality. This "you" fixing a computer bug

is reality given name and boundary through

use of language and concepts. Such a "you" may have certain

uses, but not as a "stand-in" for Reality.

>Love does seem to point to underlying unity, or perhaps love is the unity.


>Yet, "the way" to Truth, for me, is by rejecting that which is NOT real.

>Imagining false unity with Harsha & Melody would seem to lead further into

>individual mind and thus further away from the promise of cosmic mind.


The only way to know what is unreal is to be Real. If you are somehow

"outside" of Reality, and hoping to gain Reality by rejecting

what is unreal, you are talking about a contradictory process.

Because how would one be able to know what is unreal unless

"standing" in and as the Real?

>R: Any individual imagination about unity would block the actual cosmic



D: According to you, that statement itself is a conceptualization

of an individual imagination. Therefore that very statement

according to your view seems to block what you

call "actual cosmic unity".

Thus, the only thing to do is immediately open directly to unity as it

actually presents this instant. That is the only "cosmic unity"

there is, as far as I can see.


BTW, I don't see any difference between

"cosmic" unity and "microcosmic unity", Roger. It's one "unity",

a unity that is not apart from diversity, nor apart from the specific.


>Descriptions, differentiations, levels and so forth ARE the reflections of

>the cosmic intellect, the grand intelligence of manifest creation, seen with

>varying clarity in the individual mind.


>Concepts should be acknowledged only as pointers to something that can be

>known in direct experience.


D: Direct experience is simply what is here, now. Anything else is

projection. Reality isn't something known in direct experience.

Something known in direct experience is conceptual, an object

in an experience. Reality can only be experience itself, as Whole,

as all particulars, simultaneously. Reality, indeed, is the

Source of all experience, hence Reality is beyond experience, is

no-experience as much as experience.




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>Even if I had knowledge of Harsha or Melody through some psychic phenomena,

>I would reject identification with the phenomena. Certainly such things are

>possible. HOWEVER, psychic phenomena are only a manifestation of the

>creator, NOT the creator him/herself.


>Identification with psychic phenomena, although flashing or attractive, is

>not different than identification with thought & emotion: it's still

>identification and not freedom.


>So Dan, in what way do you mean "Harsha is in Melody..." etc...


D: Roger, I mean that there is One, and that One is in no way separate

from anything. What this means is that everything is included

in each thing, and each thing is included in All. This oneness

is in no way apart from distinctness, as love is not apart from

wisdom/discrimination. This awareness requires

no psychic phenomena, as it is the very nature of being itself,

this very being now, here, as is.

>R: This might be a manifestation Maharishi's "unity consciousness", or Osho's

>7th level.


D: Roger, as I see "This," it can in no way be "confined" to a level.

It is the inclusion of each level in every other level, each

event in every other event.

>R: The following appear to be options, please extend the list as



>1) you are at the highest state of consciousness known to man, you are

>perceptually & literally the entire universe. You are on the same exalted

>level as Osho, Jesus, Buddha, Maharishi, Gurdjieff, Aurobindo, Judi Rhodes,

>Steiner, Barry Long etc...


D: This has nothing to do with being at a level. It has nothing to

do with "me" being anywhere. There is one awareness, it isn't possessed

by any being. No one "has" It. "It" has everyone and everything.

And "It" has All by being All. There is only "It" itself, nothing

anywhere apart from It. "I" am not "seeing" this to be true, and

it has not "become true" for "me". It is and has always been the

only Truth. It's not dependent on "me" seeing "It" for "It" to

be Real. "It" sees "me" and therefore "I" have the appearance

of being real for a time.


The reason that "I" am perceptually

and literally the universe is because "you" are perceptually

and literally the universe. Although you may claim that "you"

don't perceive this, so it's not true for "you" doesn't change

the Reality that "makes" you real by perceiving "you". It's true

right now, right here, regardless of whether "you" or "I" perceive

It or not. It will never, can never be an "object" of our perception

or knowledge. "It" Alone is. Now.

>2) you are psychic: psychic does not necessarily mean Realized.


D: Psychic has nothing to do with It manifesting the Universe

which is Itself.

>3) you are fond of a particular style of expression which emphasizes, in

>this case, the concept or individual egoic imagination of oneness, a concept

>projected from memory. Yet this very projection, rather than being a

>stepping stone to Realization, might very well block it, because projection

>itself IS THE BARRIER to Realization.


D: That would be true if I were trying to become Realized.

However, such effort is self-contradictory, so why

start with it?

By not attempting to become Realized, I simply

notice that Reality is being Itself fully, at all

times, in all places, through all apparent beings.

Roger, there is no one Here to Realize anything -

only Reality Itself. I don't mean that "Dan"

realizes that he isn't here, and therefore "Dan" is

very special and is having a realization. I mean

"Dan", "Roger,Melody,Harsha" aren't Here.

No one is Here. Therefore, there is only Here.

Therefore, Dan, Roger, Melody, Harsha are each included

in each other. Conceptualizing this adds nothing to it.

It doesn't subtract anything from it, either. It's not

apart from concepts, nor is it within concepts. Nothing

disturbs or disrupts it. As for all the distortions of

awareness characterized by "me-ness" and all the projection

of all the "objects" in space and time - these in fact disrupt

nothing when they are seen for what they are, "seen through".

The only disruption is when they are taken as the sole reality.

>affectionately; is there a way to be affectionate while cutting

>uncompromisingly to the core?


D: Just be yourself. Simply being yourself as you are is

fine with me.




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>4) Glo:

>Or...Dan is in good company!!


>"I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through

>their word, that they may all be one; even as thou Father, art in me, and

I in

>thee, that they also may be in us.... The glory which thou has given me I


>given to them, that they may be one even as we are one. I in them and thou in

>me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that

thou has

>sent me and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me. ..... I made known to

>them thy name, and I will make it known, that the love with which thou hast

>loved me may be in them, and I in them." ~~John 17.20-26.


D: Yes, beautifully stated, John, Jesus and Glo :-)

This is It.

>>affectionately; is there a way to be affectionate while cutting

>>uncompromisingly to the core?




>G: Yes, Roger..the core is love.


D: Who you are.

Who I am.

That which gives "you" and "I" being.

Yes, It is Love.

It gives to All and asks nothing in return.

It gives each to All and All to each,

and is content to remain Unknown and


It never gets any credit.

Only the books, images, and persons

who speak of It get credit.

Itself as is never gets, nor asks for


Thus, It is Love.

Unknown Love, beyond thought, feeling, or perception -

never separate from thought, feeling, or perception.




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