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Roger/In Search of the Lost Image

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>R: We can't say that Harsha exists only in Melody's individual imagination,

>unless Melody & I are having a sychronized delusion. So Harsha must be a

>projection of the cosmic mind. Although I will watch for any individual

>imaginations about Harsha that might occur. This reoccuring stirring of

>warmth that I feel associated with Harsha seems to be more cosmic certainty

>than personal imagination.


D: Hi, Roger. Hearing your voice loud and clear in this "original

stillness" :-) Harsha is in Melody and Melody is in Harsha.

Harsha and Melody are in you, and you are in Harsha and Melody.

Each individual is in every individual, and this is true of

particular events and solar systems as well as people.

>R: Some individuals seem to prefer the description of existance as seamless

>wholeness, others seem to prefer observing characteristics in this

>wholeness. Both perspectives seem essential from here. A good question might

>be whether any distinctions/levels exist in individual imagination or in the

>grand cosmic imagination.


D: No wholeness without differentiation, no differentiation

apart from wholeness. This is observed in Nature and Being.

Where am "I" in all this - am I the whole, or am I the differentiation,

am I a part or Totality, nothing, or everything?

Each implies the other. Each includes the other.


How many levels of differentiation constitute infinity?

How many nonlevels constitute original wholeness/stillness?

Is the inseparability of differentiation and wholeness

understood at a level, in the "interconnectedness" of all levels,

or nowhere/everywhere?


How many levels of realization are there in coming to terms

with the interpenetration of every level (or being) with every

other level (being)?

What happens when infinite levels appear simultaneously, each

leading to the next, each included in every other, and each

simply "Being" itself, seamlessly undivided?


Questions like this are fun, when they allow the intellect

to realize the inherent ungraspability of this very

present moment, the infinity of this very being itself --

Then, there is only listening, seeing, being, opening, waiting,

listening (ending at the beginning :-)


Much love,


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