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The Cremation of the Fraud Meister of Pseudo-philosophic...

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In a message dated 3/17/00 10:29:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,

hluthar writes:



In other words, you cannot make a mess anywhere without attracting something

that actually thinks it's fit to eat.


Holes can be reversed when entropy is squared by armadillos times the speed

of light.


Now, let us take this a step further.


Bugs and pesticides.


Is a concept that most will be familiar with... but have you ever looked at

an ant with the perspective that it just might be your reincarnated



"a vaguely specified load of bull... some pretence of actual communication."


as in the concept or phrase "get a life" i.e. "your mind is on vacation and

your mouth is working overtime"


LOLOL thank you Harsha, this hit just the right note here on Friday

morning and I hope she doesn't mind if I share with a few friends

here at work, the week tends to move from sarcastic to cynical to

sardonic... Jan, you'd have a good time listening to the dry wits here.


I received good news concerning work this morning ... that's what I think

on this side of the new work, check with me in six months *eg* ...

actually, I'm very excited, and lo and behold, creative spiritual people

do exist in the work world, how nice to find them.


Rays of Light to the green leaves of the spring buds on the Trees...


Mindy, my officemate, and I brought in candles, shut down the fluourescent

lights, and put flowers in the office, how very uncorporate

of us ... :-)))


The Lenten Roses and Jonquils are beautiful in the candlelight ...



~ bo ~ playing on boughs of trees with bows of light

uploading the light through the internet to all of you ~*~*~*

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