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Taking on the sins of the world.St.Pat's Day.

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Namaste All,


Michael wrote:

>No, Tony, you are not angry with us. Though you think

you are. You

know that we did not slaughter all those people and



No, Tony, you are angry with god. How can god allow

all of this

suffering and pain? How can god create and cause all

of this madness?<


Tony's ans:


Well actually I don't believe in a 'Personal God', in

the way you have used the expression. So for me there

is no God to get angry with. Iswara or the Personal

God concept is just the mass of the Jivas, like trees

make up a forest.


However people have to take responsibility for the

results of their actions and others if they benefit

from their actions.


With regard to terminology it is simpler if we all use

the same meaning for things, that's all. Nothing to do

with blaspheming. If one is not 'Liberated', it is

confusing to use or claim similar conditions.


I like many people had my first experiences of

Kundalini at a very young age, meditations also.

Although at the time I didn't know what they were.


I may sound very angry, actually I am not. No more

than a headline is. I tend to be somewhat expressive

sometimes, O'Clery is nuts. That reminds me it is St

Paddy's day and I'm going out.


Happy St Pat's Day!!!Everyone!!


Sometimes the only thing that works is a blunt

statement. No one did discuss it anyway, which is what

I half expected.


For every adharmic act,or sin, in the Western sense,

five persons are mainly responsible.

One who commits the sin,


one who is the cause,


one who encourages the act of 'sin'


one who shows the ways and means to commit the sin



one who witnesses it.


All five will have to face the consequences, of the

one action. Sin is a bad word perhaps accruing bad

karma or taking a step backwards might be better.


When Draupadi was being humiliated by Duryodhana and

Dussana in the open court, elders like Bhishma and

Drona remained as spectators. They did not oppose

Duryodhana's heinous act.


It is in this context that Vidura pointed out that

not only the sinner but the other four persons

mentioned above will also go to hell.( bad karma).


Since Bhishma, the one of wisdom, was a silent

spectator to the humiliation of Draupadi, he had to

lie on the bed of arrows for fifty-six days. Had he

prevented the humiliation of Draupadi, he would not

have suffered thus.(He wished to expiate karma as he

was dying).


I am talking dualistically here, of course, but I am

illustrating that karmas and samskaras can occurr at a

subconscious level, and we may not be acutely aware of

them. An accessory to facts, so to speak.


Kind of like George W.Bush saying he doesn't execute

people, Texas does.


My intent was to illustrate, Love doesn't always have

to be a warm fuzzy. Love is Truth!


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.








ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.




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