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Greetings to Paul

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Hi Paul,



As a sort of introduction:

I have very little knowledge of the various teachings

described on this list, and have even less knowledge of the

comings and goings of those currently involved in the




I also have very little knowledge re teachers/teachings.

I often have no idea who/what is being talked about but

that doesn't matter here. You obviously have an affinity

with some of what you see here... so do I... no prior

knowledge required :)




I am not 'realized', 'enlightened' nor 'aware'



Whats that? I'm sorry Paul, I think you'll have to leave

now. Can't have the riff raff getting above themselves

here... next you'll be thinking youre a nobody!




and do not possess the desire to learn from a Master or to

give counsel.



I feel no desire to look for teachings/teachers either.

Life is a wonderful teacher... you are content with your

ways... cool... beautiful ideas happen in my path from

time to time... often when reading these postings :)




Basically I am worthless.



Ha! Too late! Now you think you're a nobody! (btw worth less

than what?)




Further, I do not practice meditation and find that when

it is undertaken it pales in comparison to the 'aliveness'

of daily living.



I don't meditate either Paul. I tried it for about 3 months

about 7 years ago and gave it up because the effects were

not what I wanted. Each to their own. I'm sure there are

others here that don't formally carry out 'spiritual'

practices. We are what we are, and there is no need to do

something that doesn't naturally happen in your life (but

you already know this anyway :).




Which is quite funny considering that I

lack the desire to go out and 'live'.



I'm intrigued Paul. So you stay at home a lot? Is it

a problem to lack desire? What do you consider to be

'living'? (questions, questions, questions :)


You sound like fun...




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>At 03:57 PM 3/22/00 +0000, you wrote:

>"Annie Heppingstone" <heppo


Thank You for your response and humor, Annie.



>I also have very little knowledge re teachers/teachings.

>I often have no idea who/what is being talked about but

>that doesn't matter here. You obviously have an affinity

>with some of what you see here... so do I... no prior

>knowledge required :)


With innocence, there is more to love. :-)



>Whats that? I'm sorry Paul, I think you'll have to leave

>now. Can't have the riff raff getting above themselves

>here... next you'll be thinking youre a nobody!


And who are you to tell me that I am a nobody? Surely, YOU can't be a somebody.

(the nice thing about the people on this list is that they take kindly to

being called a nobody. And for that, I am grateful.)



>I feel no desire to look for teachings/teachers either.

>Life is a wonderful teacher... you are content with your

>ways... cool... beautiful ideas happen in my path from

>time to time... often when reading these postings :)


I am willing to bet that beautiful things happen no matter what you do.



>Ha! Too late! Now you think you're a nobody! (btw worth less

>than what?)


Being worth-less is the opposite of being worth-more. Since a choice must

be made, I went for less. The funny thing is that with choosing less, I

'get' more! This makes a great television commercial. :-)

(Don't tell anybody that when they choose more they get less. It's bad




>I don't meditate either Paul. I tried it for about 3 months

>about 7 years ago and gave it up because the effects were

>not what I wanted. Each to their own. I'm sure there are

>others here that don't formally carry out 'spiritual'

>practices. We are what we are, and there is no need to do

>something that doesn't naturally happen in your life (but

>you already know this anyway :).


Thanks for breaking the fixed idea that "everyone does it". I much rather

prefer the idea that we are what we are, doing the things we do, each in

our own 'special' way. One way is no different than another.


You know what they say: "Life Happens!".



>I'm intrigued Paul. So you stay at home a lot? Is it

>a problem to lack desire? What do you consider to be

>'living'? (questions, questions, questions :)


I'd rather be where I am, a nobody, then to be among identities which

demand of me to be a 'somebody'.

'Living' requires an identity. If I have one, there is life. If not, death

does not find me.


Now you talked me into not just being a nobody, but being dead as well.

Annie, you are not good for the soul! :-)))


>You sound like fun...


Remember, I am a nobody. If you make me to be fun, then I will have to be a



:-) Paul

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