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Joyce/Gill surrender

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Hi Guys,



>Whatever we are doing is quite fine. There is

>absolutely nothing we should be doing or being other than what we are.



Ho baby... sounds good... not that we have a choice...

>The problem is when mind gets busy and makes disapproving comments (usually

>sounding like mum, dad or granny).



Waste of time and effort (not that anything is ever really

a waste of time and effort) to disapprove of what is...

its not going to make anything better or worse... its not

going to affect 'what is' at all... easier to just be and

breathe and be and ... hmmmm... whatever...




Hmmm... well, sometimes that is true, certainly. But also

there's simply a feeling that I *want* to get more out of

life, that I couldenjoy myself a lot more, if only I could

overcome my own inertia.

I just don't want to die wishing I'd done more!



Hey, Gill... accept your inertia. It's OK to have inertia.

Get more out of life by totally accepting what you are and

do... life happens... just be... might not work for you (it

works for me). Wishing you good things in life :)


The easiest way to not die wishing you had done more is to

stop wishing.




>Full surrender is quite difficult, it isn't something I could ever

>willfully do - sometimes it just seems to come upon us. I think one could

>start out with some minor capitualation verging on non resistence. Then

>one could listen to the good advice coming from one's heart, surrender to

>that and see what happens. For instance - surrender full to





I do that, sometimes. One day I did toy with the idea of complete

surrender (it was while I was studying ACIM) and found that the

more I focused on the idea, the more scared I got. That was when I

realised I had problems trusting God, LOL... my ego thinks it

knows what's good for me, better than God does!! Well, I guess I

should expect my ego to be egotistical.




Gill, I never did 'trust' in god. I've always stayed with

what made sense to me... what felt right. There is no need

to put faith or trust in anything that doesn't feel 100%

right for you.


The word surrender has connotations that makes it sound

frightening. There is no need for fear. If you ever do this 'surrender'

thing it will just happen and will feel perfect

for you. Don't worry about it... just let life happen as it

does, with as little judgements and expectations as possible.

Life is beautiful...




>All really funny now. But, you never know when you are going to drop dead

>and I want to be lucid when I go.



Does it really matter if you're lucid when you die?



Yes - and I don't think I suffered enough. I did suffer, but I still

couldn't surrender enough... and now I'm not suffering much at all,

and I certainly can't surrender. OTOH, I don't want to go back

there, if that's the price...



....sounds like you had a hard time Gill. So sad to hear that.

If 'surrender' happens it will happen when it feels right.

Don't worry about it. There is nothing you need to do :)


Feeling good talking to you,

Love Annie


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