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choosing between sex and meditation

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Guess I'll cross post this to HarshaSatsang:

> "Roger Isaacs" <RIsaacs


> > "Melody" <melody

> >

> > > You say: "one should refrain from sex (with a partner, LOL!)"

> > >

> > > Barry has some interesting comments on this: he says something perhaps

> > > vaguely like: masturbation is an act of imagination, imagination is


> in

> > > the present, it's not NOW. Culture the strength to stay in the present


> > > avoid the temptation of imagination. Then when you are with your

> partner,

> > > you'll be more present.

> >

> > I've been thinking about this, Roger...and wishing I could query

> > Edward about this a little more. Maybe you could pitch hit?...


> You say "query Edward". That really makes me laugh:


> So my dear friend Edward dropped the body a year ago. I'm confident I

> received a transmission from him after he died. Two brief but succinct

> images of information: "my work in the world took a particular form, a

> particular style of expression" followed by "your's maybe different". Ha!,

> the dear man absolutely insists that I be self sufficient. Therefore, I

> don't "query" him although I'm open to freebies!


> > >From a hypnotherapeutic standpoint, imagery can very much

> > be "in the present"....imagery can deeper ones experience of

> > NOW. One's imagination can lead to all kinds of creative

> > ventures....art....inventions....innovations. Imagination is a

> > vehicle from moving one from the conscious mind to that

> > of the unconscious. It "opens" us.

> >

> > I'm suspecting he is more referring to 'getting lost in day

> > dreams'....maybe like day dreaming about a tall slinky redhead

> > when one's married to a short brunette....kind of imagings?

> > A kind of 'wishing I were somewhere else' kind of imagination?


> Maybe there's something significant here.


> Expansion & contraction are the play of one process. Some people are more

> tuned to contraction (not this - not this) where as others are more tuned


> expansion (love).


> I like that quote from Bruce about someone's style being "equal


> destruction". What a great comment on the style of contraction, then we


> those wonderful quotes from Rumi expressing the expansive side.


> Imagination can be a trap: we might stay in a dream and never wake up. The

> contraction of "Not This" (Gyana Yoga the path of Mercury, or the


> of Hatha Yoga the path of Saturn ) can break through the trap of

> imagination.


> But, negation is only one half of the expansion/contraction process and


> it's own pitfalls. Going with imagination as in the expansive feeling of

> Love or service (Bhakti Yoga the path of the Moon or Karma Yoga the path


> Jupiter) completes this cosmic process.


> Expansion does not work for everyone, contraction doesn't work for


> either, and some people resonate with entirely different archetypes such


> Mars/Kundalini Yoga: energetic expansion!


> The key question seems to be: what is my innate skill? Is it contraction,

> expansion or one of the other paths? Edward's story is that he became


> of these distinctions. He could intuit a person's innate skill. Sometimes

> this is obvious. For example J.R.Krishnamurti is obviously a "not this-not

> this" kinda guy, Carlos Casteneda is pretty obviously a Martian, who else

> but a martian would run through a boulder field at night as a technique to

> stop the internal dialog!


> Edward had a deep interest in astrology, however most of what is practiced

> as astrology seems grossly lacking. For example, what is the single most

> important question that an astrologer could address? The question is "what

> is my innate spiritual skill?" Astrology is so corrupt & watered down that

> it's highest purpose has been lost.


> He looked into all the traditional astrological systems, surely if


> spiritual paths are a fundamental characteristic of how consciousness

> manifests, then this paradigm should be mirrored in some oracle.


> Edward had a special gift, a special insight into metaphysical structure.

> With his gift of insight & passion to discover the truth, he discovered


> missing keys that allowed him to predict a person's innate spiritual skill

> using "the science of the stars" (he wanted to distance himself from

> traditional corrupt "astrology", his work is entirely different).


> Of course, whenever we rely on authority there is the very real danger of

> suppressing the innocent guiding self within, or of accepting false

> information that will need to be discarded later on. But Edwards work has

> been most extremely valuable to me. In my experience, his work brings

> greater self sufficiency & self empowerment. Nothing should be taken on

> authority.


> His widow Bernadette carries on his work as described at www.newu.org, but

> you have to contact me personally for more information, cause Bernadette

> values her privacy!


> Edward always spoke to a post graduate level audience, the web page

> undoubtly reflects this. However, the consultations are very practical.


> > > Whenever I think of you Melody, there is just "Mmmmmmm..." :-)

> > >

> >

> > Well....you have stunned me with this statement....

> > amused me....endeared me....even charmed me.

> >

> > Want to come to my house for dinner? :-)


> Now which continent are you on, Melody?


> Roger

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