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Energy and Vedantic traditions

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On Sat, 1 Apr 2000 19:12:03 Dharma wrote:

>DK says, "The method of the higher initiations is identification."


Hi Dharma,


Just to add some more thoughts to what you

have already said. :)


I have a book here which is used as an intro-

duction to Tibetan Buddhist retreat practices

in the biggest Tibetan Buddhist organization

in this country.

It is titled "The Tantric Path of Purification"

and is written by Lama Yeshe.


In this book, Lama Yeshe clearly states that

the entire universe is Bodhisattva

Heruka Vajrasattva, including the individual



In Indian tantric traditions, aiming towards


with either a deity or a guru

through meditation is also

considered a workable method to attain

the ultimate goal.

This includes even non-dual traditions such as Kashmir Shaivism.


Why is this a workable method ?


I deeply suspect that as long as one

meditates on an object which is

considered Real,

such as a guru or a bodhisattva,

when dhyana has become strong and

the full identification with the

deity or bodhisattva has been attained,

dhyana will become samadhi and the seed

to the meditation will itself be forgotten,

leaving only the Self.

The deity or bodhisattva will have helped

the practitioner step beyond his / her

perceived boundaries.


Perhaps it will even be useful to meditate on

any given object as long as it appeals to the

individual practitioner, such as a grain

of sand or rice. After all, this is also

the body of the bodhisattvas. :)










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mumble cat wrote:


In Indian tantric traditions, aiming towards

> identification

> with either a deity or a guru

> through meditation is also

> considered a workable method to attain

> the ultimate goal.

> This includes even non-dual traditions such as Kashmir Shaivism.


> Why is this a workable method ?


> I deeply suspect that as long as one

> meditates on an object which is

> considered Real,

> such as a guru or a bodhisattva,

> when dhyana has become strong and

> the full identification with the

> deity or bodhisattva has been attained,

> dhyana will become samadhi and the seed

> to the meditation will itself be forgotten,

> leaving only the Self.

> The deity or bodhisattva will have helped

> the practitioner step beyond his / her

> perceived boundaries.


> Perhaps it will even be useful to meditate on

> any given object as long as it appeals to the

> individual practitioner, such as a grain

> of sand or rice. After all, this is also

> the body of the bodhisattvas. :)


> Love,


> Amanda.



What you say makes perfect sense Amanda. It is well known in Yoga that

meditation on one's Ishta Devata (Favorite Deity or Guru) bringss quick results.

This is a psychological and a spiritual fact which has been verified countless

times. The great Yogi Milarepa of Tibet used this method. The Guru is meditated

on, usually at the Sahasarara, and sometimes at the Heart or the Third Eye as

well using the Guru Mantra.



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Mumblecat Amanda wrote:


<In Indian tantric traditions, aiming towards


<with either a deity or a guru

<through meditation is also

<considered a workable method to attain

<the ultimate goal.>


Yeah, as we said before, the secret seems to lie in the process of

identification - we consciously or unconsciously become whatever we identify

with over time.


This is probably how the ego or personality becomes fixed - inner energy

identifies with certain traits of character and labels ("I'm male ", "My name

is so-and-so, "In fact I AM so-and-so", "I belong to this particular

socio-cultural tribe" and so on and so on).


By focussing on a deity, visualizing it, making it the center of

consciousness so to speak, shakti is withdrawn from the the previous labels

and the mental grooves that go along with them and begins to identify with

the object of meditation instead.


And, as you said, ultimately, at the end of all this identifying and

unidentifying business, we'll probably become the source instead of the



Toodleoo for now,



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