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Welcome Angelique

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Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote: The dreamer, seeks to run from fear.. but that

is as useless as trying to outrun your shadow.


> The Litany against Fear, from "Dune":

> "I must not fear.

> Fear is the mind-killer.

> Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

> I will face my fear.

> I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

> And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

> Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

> Only I will remain."




That is beautiful and powerful Angelique! Thanks.


By the way, did you find the post yet, where I welcomed you to the list? :--).



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At 06:49 PM 4/2/00 -0400, Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) wrote:

>Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote: The dreamer, seeks to run from fear..

but that is as useless as trying to outrun your shadow.



>> The Litany against Fear, from "Dune":

>> "I must not fear.

>> Fear is the mind-killer.

>> Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

>> I will face my fear.

>> I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

>> And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

>> Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

>> Only I will remain."




>That is beautiful and powerful Angelique! Thanks.

Thank Frank Herbert, he wrote it.. :) Science fiction novels can be

very inspirational!


>By the way, did you find the post yet, where I welcomed you to the list?




Yes, I did, and your kindness had me tongue tied and dumbfounded. It

is still sitting in my outbox coz I couldn't find words.. You made me

blush again.. there are not many people, who can do that! You seem to have

a knack for it, lately.. :) :) :)

Thankyou for the warm welcome. You are beautiful!




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Re: Welcome Angelique



Dear Angelique,


Hi, so nice to see you turn up here!! I don't know if you remember me, but it

was thanks to you throwing a bucket of cold water on me and Jerry that we left

to start the I AM list, lo how ever many years ago. I probably never thanked you

adequately for that and all I learned on your Kundalini list. But wow the great

friends I met there.. I still have very fond memories of you and that list. You

are a very kind and helpful but no nonsense woman, but I still get carried away

with flirting when these adorable men show up and Harsha lets me get away with

it even. At least he has not thrown me off yet....


Much love,



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>Message: 11

> Mon, 3 Apr 2000 13:31:00 -0400

> "Gloria Lee" <glee

>Re: Re: Welcome Angelique



> Re: Welcome Angelique

>Dear Angelique,


>Hi, so nice to see you turn up here!!

Oh, I have been here lurking, all along.. actually, not quite

lurking.. d but my archives are full of unread digests.

>I don't know if you remember me, but it

>was thanks to you throwing a bucket of cold water on me and Jerry that we


>to start the I AM list, lo how ever many years ago. I probably never

thanked you

>adequately for that and all I learned on your Kundalini list.


ROTFLOL!! Yes, of course I remember you, Gloria.. :) I think you are



At that time, the K-list was being overwhelmed with traffic, being the

only one of it's kind, forcing me into the annoying position of being a

bandwidth dragon. Every week I was getting private posts from people who

needed the resource of the list, but had to unsub because they couldn't

keep up with the traffic. It was heart-wrenching to me, that the K-list had

grown too big to be the resource it needed to be, and that was part of the

reason I was tossing water buckets..:)


I started several alternate lists like the K-phenomena list, which I

didn't really have time to manage, in an attempt to redistribute traffic,

but nobody wanted to leave their beloved K-list and so all the mail to the

other lists ended up getting cross-posted anyways, ... it did not help at



I want to tell you, that I am very grateful the the Mother K-list had

kittens, like this list and the I AM list. Thankyou!!


The K-list has become pretty quiet, which siuts me fine as I am pretty

busy, these days.. I'm presently involved in purchasing an entire ghost

town, including an abandoned 400 room hotel, to become the Kundalini

sanctuary we have so often spoken of needing. An enormous project, the

enormity of which I truly don't quite comprehend ... which is merciful or

I'd get scared... but I didn't know what I was getting myself into when

Goddess told me to take over the K-list either, I certainly didn't know it

would become a full time job that took over 3+ years of my life.. LOL!!!

So... I just muddle along, and it all turns out alright. Goddess has it



Among the updates coming soon to the K-list website, (now a domain,

Kundalini_Gateway.org) will be a section devoted to promoting the best of

the K-list spin-offs, so that people who are drawn to the website will be

able to choose the list that best siuts their needs. If you would like to

write an essay describing the I AM list, it's purpose and guidelines, I'll

get Freda to put it up. She's been handling the website for me, lately. For

now, the sanctuary is my guest room, and Freda is sleeping in it. :)

> But wow the great

>friends I met there.. I still have very fond memories of you and that

list. You

>are a very kind and helpful but no nonsense woman,

Oh, thankyou, you are very kind.. but I still have a pretty good

supply of nonsense..:) And I still spew it into the K-list periodically,

when I have time.. :)

>but I still get carried away

>with flirting when these adorable men show up and Harsha lets me get away


>it even. At least he has not thrown me off yet....

LOL!! Well, last week I was flirting with Danijel on the K-list.. he

has learned to be patient and respond with humor when I periodically decide

he is so yummy I want to grab a chainsaw and chop him into teeny bits for a


>Much love,


I love you too, Gloria.. Blessings..

The K-list has moved to


The new email addresses are:

Post message: Kundalini-Gateway

Subscribe: Kundalini-Gateway-

Un: Kundalini-Gateway-

List owner: Kundalini-Gateway-owner

Shortcut URL to the subscription page:



Blessings, Mystress.

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Angelique wrote:

Among the updates coming soon to the K-list website, (now a

domain, Kundalini_Gateway.org) will be a section devoted to

promoting the best of the K-list spin-offs, so that people

who are drawn to the website will be able to choose the list

that best siuts their needs. If you would like to write an

essay describing the I AM list, it's purpose and guidelines,

I'll get Freda to put it up. She's been handling the

website for me, lately. For now, the sanctuary is my guest

room, and Freda is sleeping in it. :)




The I AM list started in May of 1998 and became Nonduality

Salon in August. I don't consider it so much an offshoot of

Kundalini, as much as breakaway list consisting of people

who did not feel free to discuss certain topics on your

list. As it stands, Nonduality Salon has no purpose and no

guidelines and stands free and doesn't want any publicity.


As for I AM list, I don't want anything said about that

either, for entirely other reasons. In fact, membership is

closed on I AM, in case anyone's tried to



In other words, Angelique, please do not consider I AM or

Nonduality Salon spinoffs of Kundalini. We were thrown out.


Having said that, I, too, thank you for having taught me how

to run and, more importantly, how not to run a mailing list,

and for giving me the opportunity to meet extraordinary




Jerry Katz

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>Message: 1

> Thu, 06 Apr 2000 07:46:59 -0300

> umbada

>Re: Welcome Angelique


>Angelique wrote:

>Among the updates coming soon to the K-list website, (now a

>domain, Kundalini_Gateway.org) will be a section devoted to

>promoting the best of the K-list spin-offs, so that people

>who are drawn to the website will be able to choose the list

>that best siuts their needs. If you would like to write an

>essay describing the I AM list, it's purpose and guidelines,

>I'll get Freda to put it up. She's been handling the

>website for me, lately. For now, the sanctuary is my guest

>room, and Freda is sleeping in it. :)




Oh, this looks like fun..:)


>The I AM list started in May of 1998 and became Nonduality

>Salon in August. I don't consider it so much an offshoot of

>Kundalini, as much as breakaway list consisting of people

>who did not feel free to discuss certain topics on your

>list. As it stands, Nonduality Salon has no purpose and no

>guidelines and stands free and doesn't want any publicity.

Ah, so.. ROTFLOL!!

What's the difference, Jerry? Inspiration is inspiration, whether you

judge it positive or negative... whups, so much for non-duality.. LOL!!!

Necessity is the Mother of invention... so, the K-list is the Mother of

the I AM list. QED.

Hitler is the Mother of the UN, and the human rights movement..


"Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what

happens to you." ...Aldous Huxley


The K-list, is about Kundalini, if you wanted to discuss something other

than Kundalini, then why did you join it, in the first place?

>As for I AM list, I don't want anything said about that

>either, for entirely other reasons. In fact, membership is

>closed on I AM, in case anyone's tried to


OK. Private club, eh? Better tell Gloria..:)

I'm just curious, how do you reconcile non-duality with the us and them

attitude of a private club? Just idle curiosity.. I have a few lists that

are also private clubs, but they are not about non-duality..


"A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

Baltasar Gracian, The Art of Worldly Wisdom

>In other words, Angelique, please do not consider I AM or

>Nonduality Salon spinoffs of Kundalini.

You want to tell me what to think?? Good luck!! You make me giggle.. :)

>We were thrown out.

Sorry, Jerry, you canot make that claim to fame. The only folks who

were ever thrown off the K-list were Dieter the spam-miester and Zala the

vegan terrorist.

Rather, you decided to take yer ball and go home, because you were asked

to respect the guidelines of the K-list, and you are still crying wah wah

wah.. what was that about non-duality agin? I'm not clear on the concept..

:) something about everything being love, or some such thing.. ??

....everything except the evil nasty Ms. SSSSssssserpent.. what a hoot!!

Demons are angels in red suits who poke your butt with pitchforks to

motivate you to grow and love better, near as I can tell..:) Goddess gave

me my name, I responded "That sounds like a code name for Lucifer".. the

Voice said, "Yes, that is what you are".. So, I oughta know, eh? ;)


"I yam what I yam, I'm Popeye the sailor man.."

>Having said that, I, too, thank you for having taught me how

>to run and, more importantly, how not to run a mailing list,

>and for giving me the opportunity to meet extraordinary


You are very welcome!! Thankyou (and Lobster) for setting up the I

AM list and lightening my load.

I'd also like to thank the Academy, :) and all the people who gave me

experiences of rejection, my whole life long. Goddess bless them, and their

pitchforks, they kept me moving till I found the place where I belong. If

not for them, I'd still be trying to fit my square peggedness into round

holes, instead of celebrating my uniqueness...


"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -

loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." Victor Hugo


I want to thank Yukteshwar for showing me, by example to Yogananda,

that a sharp tongue and the thwack of a cane can indeed be valuable tools

for a spiritual teacher.. and Richard Bach, for his book "Running from



I'd also like to thank the kind and gallant Harshadeva, for generously

encouraging me to post whatever I feel like.. even after I explained that

my lurker status is due to an intuitive certainty that there are some folks

who prefer this list to be an "Angelique Free Zone"..: ) and so it shall

be, again, unless I hear my name called..:)


(I can hear a sigh of relief from the peanut gallery.. LOL!!..

non-duality, remember??? It's all love, all Goddess..)


Or if Jerrylove actually decides to respond to this post, which I think

rather unlikely.. You'd rather talk about me behind my back on the I AM,

where it is safer because I am not there to tell you what I think of it, eh

Jerry? Heh heh heh.. have fun!


"There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself - an

enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly." Antisthenes


>Jerry Katz

I love you too Jerry.. :) I do hope you learn to see the light, in

the dark, one of these days... blessings..


"Evolution has made us creatures of habit, looking for an adaptive niche

and staying there. But what distinguishes us from the rest of the animal

kingdom is our ability to break out of the trap when it threatens to become

a dead end. We may languish for a while in the comfortable niche of

intellectual stagnation until the glint of a distant reflection brings home

the full impact of our predicament, our foolishness. Hope, finally, lies

not in the denial of hopelessness but in our perception of it." (ibid., p.




The K-list has moved to


The new email addresses are:

Post message: Kundalini-Gateway

Subscribe: Kundalini-Gateway-

Un: Kundalini-Gateway-

List owner: Kundalini-Gateway-owner

Shortcut URL to the subscription page:



Blessings, Mystress.

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