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April 6, 2000

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DAWNING of AQUARIUS 6 April 2000


When the Moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars,

Then Peace will guide the Planets

And Love will steer the Stars.

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius...


A spectacular sky show will occur in the early evening of Thursday

April 6th when the first New Moon of Spring 2000 appears in the western

sky conjunct the three bright planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. Jupiter

precisely aligns with Mars. Asteroid Pallas Athena, Greek goddess of

peacecraft, is conjunct the North Node on the Midheaven. As the North

Node is the guiding compass of the heavens we can say that “Peace

guides the planets.†And Venus, goddess of Love, is at the 1st degree of

Aries leading the zodiac of starry constellations so “Love steers the



A big picture theory: Periods of social renaissance occur every 250

years when Pluto, having plowed through homesign Scorpio and stirred

out all that’s awry with society, moves through expansive outgoing Sagit-

tarius. Pluto can be thought of as the slow moving hour hand on the re-

naissance clock. When the bridging planet Chiron then joins Pluto in Sag

as it does 3 times this year (the 1st time on New Year’s Day!) the deeper

dimensions of the current renaissance movement become more conscious.

Chiron with its 50 year cycle (the Jubilee year cycle) is the minute hand

on the renaissance clock. Finally when the planet Venus moves into a

place of power then the renaissance changes become actual. Venus is

the more immediate second hand of the renaissance clock.


The planet Venus just entering Aries can be likened to Boticelli’s

Venus rising out of the Sea (Pisces). Folks on the east coast may

see Venus rising out of the sea just before Sunrise these next few days.

Venus rising before the Sun is called Venus Luciferic (Venus as Light

Bearer) and Morning Star Venus is Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent

of Mayan myth. Venus rules the 3rd decanate of Aquarius, that third of

Aquarius we are entering on the reversed wheel of precession. Venus

(Love) then is our primary guide into this New Era. Venus is goddess of

love and beauty and divine grace. Venus rules Taurus, the sign where all

7 classical planets (including Sun and Moon) are meeting in May. Taurus

in the Earth Zodiac covers most of the US extending from the eastern

border of Arizona, the end of the Aries zone. Sheep graze in Aries and

Taurus is cowboy country. The Taurus region of the U.S. is also the area

of origin of White Buffalo Calf Woman and Morning Star Woman. These ]

mythic Native American archetypes now returning to power and influence

in the collective mind are related to or equated with Venus the ruler of

Taurus (the Bull/Buffalo). The Catholic overlay is that Mother Mary holds

sway over the Americas. In esoteric astrology (Alice Bailey) Venus is said

to be to the Earth as the Soul is to the personality. Does Venus then

equate with Mother Mary and Anima Mundi?


Athena is also a guide in this time especially in matters of the mind.

The statue on the Capitol Dome is called Armed Freedom. Athena guides

from a high vantage point providing perspective regarding the grand design.

She is the epitome of feminine intellect and the archetypal business woman.

She also is said to wield the thunderbolts of her father Zeus against evil

doing. The eagle headdress on the statue of Freedom has platinum tipped

feathers to conduct lightning.


Finally, there is a small guiding point not to be denied called

Astraea. This is the name of the 5th asteroid to be discovered after the

“big four†with which astrologers are most familiar. As the four primaries

relate to the four elements and four directions (Athena air and east) Astraea

can be thought of as a balancing force of center or soul. Astraea was the

Roman goddess of Justice who held the balance for Jupiter. She became

the constellation Libra. A secret of “blind Justice†is that she trusts more

her inner knowing than outer vision.


Venus, Pallas Athena and Astraea create a Grand Trine in the April

6th Age of Aquarius chart. Athena is in her favorite place at the top of

the wheel conjunct the North Node at 1 degree Leo. Venus trines from

her leading place of power at 1 degree Aries. And Astraea holds the

scales of Justice for the court of Jupiter at 1 degree Sag.


The much heralded May 5th planetary alignment has all the classical

or Ptolomaic planets within an orb of 30 degrees. This planetary lineup

will be invisible to us though because the Sun will be so closely aligned

with the planets. The April 5th/6th alignment will have all the classical

planets within an orb of 55 degrees and will be one of the most visible

signs of the time.


Also, the Sun on April 6th will be at 17 Aries, the zodiacal degree of

San Francisco (also Portland and Seattle) in the Earth Zodiac. A chart

cast for 7 PM local time anywhere in the US this night has the Moon in

the 7th House closely conjunct Saturn, the cosmic time keeper. Saturn

is the classical ruler of Aquarius. Jupiter and Mars follow not far behind

in another very close conjunction that figures importantly in this time. In

Kaballah, Jupiter is Geburah on the Tree of Life and Mars is Gedullah.

The Tarot path between these two is Strength, a guiding arcanum for

this time of transition and key to solving the riddle of the Sphinx.


The lunar month in all traditional cultures begins with the first

appearance of the crescent Moon in the western sky (7th House).

While Spring starts officially as the Sun (consciousness/mind)

enters Aries, the feeling nature is still under the influence of the

Moon cycle that began in Pisces until the New Moon in Aries.


Native Americans generally celebrate the New Moon more than

the Full because it is the time of beginnings when the world is recreated.

The Cherokee honor this Spring New Moon with a women’s dance from

the first appearance of the crescent Moon until Moonset. Their belief was

that it is through this dance that the subtle energy of the New Moon cycle

is first brought to Earth. (A small crescent may possibly be visible on the

evening of April 5th.) On the following morning there is a ritual river


(total immersion 7 times at Sunrise) to wash clear of Winter’s shadows

and open to the new cycle. Then a New Fire is begun on the ceremonial

altar that becomes the source of fire for all the homes of tribal members.

And so the Cherokee call themselves “people of one fire.†(Note: Traditions

of the Cherokee are particularly relevant now because they are one of 7

tribes in the Iroquois group of Native Americans who Edgar Cayce has

said carry the ancient ritual traditions that are to be restored in this



Many cycles are converging in the year 2000 and extraordinary ter-

restrial and cosmic phenomena are quickening the imagination. Be-

cause solar activity is expected to exceed its all time maximum this

Spring, astromomers predict the northern lights will be visible as far

south as north Florida. Peaks in the solar cycle have long been

associated with social change. And planetary alignments have been

shown to exacerbate solar flare activity according to John Nelson’s

research for RCA in the 50’s. If planetary positions can be demonstrated

to effect the Sun, how can humans not believe they are influenced by

these orbs? This situation will not last much longer because Aquarius

brings astrological renaissance as well as technological revolution.


Another interesting angle on this year and years past is provided in

a millenial prophecy manuscript by “Malachy†purportedly discovered in

the ruins of a Catholic church in war torn Germany. My source is The

Armageddon Script by Lamesurier published in the early 72. Each year

from that time is described in a 3-4 word phrase. 1995 and 1996, years

of much sadness violence, distrust and natural disasters are dubbed

respectively Sob of the Mother and Flood on Earth. 1997 when Diana

and Mother Theresa died is Death of the Moon. 1998 when the Hale-Bopp

comet appeared is Glory in the Skies. 1999 when Pope Paul has risen in

prominence in the world is The New Peter. And this year 2000 is Triumph

of the Olive.


How to make the most of this time? Always before a new beginning

there is a shadow time, a time for becoming aware of what is passing

away so we may fully let it go. By getting real with ourselves and letting

go of what is no longer relevant to our lives we make room for bright new

possibilities. By cleaning out the physical closet and having to decide

what to let go we process and release emotional attachments to things

past and so free “emotional memory†for opening the heart to new oppor-

tunities. Breaking addictions is another way to free bound psychic

energy that is needed for the creative work we are to do this year. When

the Minotaur at the center of the maze is slain a fountain of fresh water

appears. (Athena in her Ariadne nguise is guide in this). The best time

to break addiction in the year cycle is Lent. The ideal time to break

addiction in the Moon cycle is what my mountain country guides call

“the going out" of the signs,†Scorpio to Pisces. This time is now until

the New Moon. The feet/Pisces is the last part of the body from which

toxins, physical and psychic, are released. Hence, foot bathing and

reflexology may be particularly effective in this time. An interesting

sidenote: Jesus learned the practice of foot washing when he was

young from Druid teachers while in England with his uncle Joseph of

Arimethea. A key Druid tradition was that the visitor’s feet be washed

before talking began.


Every Balsamic Moon (visible Sunday morning Apr 2nd and maybe

Monday) is an opportunity to get real with ourselves and the world. We

feel what are our true needs and are most apt to recognize what is awry

in our lives at this phase of the Moon cycle. The more deeply we feel the

more deeply we can heal in the Moon cycle beginning. The Balsamic

Moon is the small crescent visible just before Sunrise one to three days

before New Moon. The Balsamic Moon is also called the Wishing Moon

and the Witches Moon. Medieval practitioners of the healing arts would

put on the air the needs of their clients as well as their own at this time.

The two Balsamic Moons of the year most important to observe are the

first after Spring Equinox and the 7th thereafter (nearest Fall Equinox).

These Balsamic Moons lead into the New Moon that begins the Jewish

secular and spiritual calendar years respectively. The Cherokees (whose

celebrations closely parallel the Jewish) have two New Fire ceremonies

in the year, one at the early Spring New Moon and the other at the Great

New Moon Ceremony of Fall (same time as Rosh Hashanah).


We have been given a golden opportunity now to reimage the world.

It is optimum for our purposes to take this time before the New Moon to

clear our emotional and psychic channels. This may mean (temporarily

at least) letting go of anything consumed daily that keeps from core,

e.g. caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and even dairy foods (paticularly during

Lent phase of year). All these can tone down, diminish or “focusâ€

perception and awareness in such way as to prevent the deepest self

knowing or seeing the broader picture. We regular coffee drinkers

predictably experience an emotional descent when we give up caffeine

for a few days. It may be a good time to do this before the New Moon

in order to deepen consciousness and help realize what we’ve been

avoiding on the emotional side. Choice can then be made regarding

sensed relational responsiblities that clears emotional channels and

frees bound emotional charge. A simple technique for clearing the

emotional charges now coming up is to lead with a deep breath then

stretch any part of the body that feels tight. Remember to keep

breathing deeply and the emotional charge released from the

musculature will be released and cleared. We cannot repress emotion

as long as we are breathing deeply. A good guide for clearing in this

time of year (Lent) The Essene Gospel of Peace. The objective then -

by whatever means - is to get as clear as possible before the New Moon

cycle actively begins on April 6th.


Please feel free to share this information with friends whole or in

part adding your own note as you wish.


Wishing all a deeply feeling Balsamic Moon and a Happy and Healing

New Moon. And welcome to Aquarius! - Steve Nelson


PS - A brief bio for those I don’t know: I am a professional astrologer

in Charlotte NC. I am small part Cherokee and was born on the Cherokee

reservation in NC on 4 July 47 (11 Leo rising). My astrology focus is

mythological in the Jungian tradition. My Astro*Tarot work combines name

analysis with birth charting to help discern archetypal nature, talents and

life scripts. A primary interest is the interface between European and

Native American esoteric traditions.

Darley Adare, my present business partner (and former wife), works with

things Eastern: feng shui, tai chi and the 5 element system in healing and

food combining for easing transition to vegetarian diet. We co-operate a

small healing center - East West Healing Resource Center. Contact me

(or Darley - Dadare108) if you would like more information.



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