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Kundalini Shakti

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Hi all,


This post on Kundalini-Shakti

was a very interesting post.


The numerous directions and channels K-Shakti

can go through is a mystery indeed.

Maybe we will never get the whole picture

as Kundalini-Shakti is pure consciousness

and has all avenues available for itself. :)


I have a few additonal comments to make:


On Wed, 5 Apr 2000 09:26:55 Harsha wrote:

>A discussion of Medha Nadi is usually not found except in some

>cases -- See Swami Narayanananda (The Primal Power in Man). By the way, I

>used to write quite a bit on Kundalini some years ago on the K-List along

>with Kurt, Jan, Gene Keiffer (Gopi Krishna's student and publisher) and



I would have liked to see these archives

too. :)



> where K would go into the front of the middle of the

> body. It said that this was an improper path and was

> associated with emotional problems. >>




> Harsha seems to be talking about an upward movement like yours and mine,

> while Magne Aga describes a downward movement.


Georg Feuerstein mentions in his book

"Tantra, the path of ecstacy", in the

chapter on Kundalini-Shakti, that different

tantric traditions operate with 5 main energies

and 5 secondary energies

(the comments in the parantheses are mine).


The 5 main energies are:

prana - ascending vital energy, inhalation and


apana -descending vital energy

vyana -through breath, vital energy circulating

in the limbs

udana -upbreath, speech eructation and attention into higher states of


(it is not clearly stated what the difference b/n prana and udana is)

samana -midbreath, connected with the digestive

process (which in some ways apana is also)


The 5 secondary energies are:

vomiting / eructation


hunger / sneezing

sleep / yawning

decomposition of the corpse


(I left the sanskrit terms for these energies

out as they are not frequently encountered)


While some things are not perfectly clear

to me, as for example the difference b/n

udana and prana, the five main energies

can themselves be clearly felt as movement

of Kundalini-Shakti.

The prana and apana have been especially

prominent and as Harsha mentioned, they

can both rise / sink in the back channel or

the front channel, with somewhat different

results (that are not very well differentiated).


Magna Aga mentioned a downward energy that

feels cold, and I take this to be the apana.

The prana usually feels warm and can usually

be felt rising.

What sometimes also happens is that the apana

may descend for some time, for then to

suddenly shift and give way

to prana which ascends. As Magne mentioned,

when these two energies connect in the root and

in the crown, another force appears which seems

to be pure consciousness rises.

Someone described this as the real Kundalini

to me, but I am for the moment rather

confused about the terms.


At any rate, my personal experience is also

that both the apana and the prana can

manifest in the physical and the higher bodies,

there with clearer energy and much stronger

force than in the physical body.

I am not sure whether you can still call

these energies prana and apana when they

are no longer in the physical body.



Dan asked whether the front channel can cause

emotional problems and I have felt that

the front channel affects the chakras in a

different way, to me energy going in the

front has been especially

overt in the second and

third chakra and the third eye,

as well as the digestive system, which all

have been problem points for me.

All these points have been associated with

ego and emotion and the emotional body,

which has taken time to clean up, so yes,

for me the front channel has been associated

with some problems.


The front channel was also very easy to feel

from the start, so either, it is not the

medha nadi I feel as the front channel,

or the madha nadi can make itself well

known even in ppl who have not reached

advanced stages with K-Shakti as Harsha

indicated. :)


The back channel however, has also presented

some problems, but also many special

experiences I haven't heard others


When energy from the back channel rose into the

nape of the neck, the brain stem and the

area behind the ears, known as the

amygdalic-limbic system in neurobiology,

strong fear was experienced, corresponding to

overstimulation of these circuits in the brain.


However, there is also a chakra or center at the

very base of the neck which G. Paulson in her

book "Kundalini and the chakras" calls

"the chakra of spiritual

devotion". :)


The secondary energies can also be felt when

Kundalini-Shakti rises, and they can be

influences by it, as for example sneezing can

be stopped, blinking can cease,

yawning can start up etc.

I still don't know if decomposition of the

corpse is something which can be influenced,

but Indian and other rumors have it it can. :)


Well, this post got longer and more

incoherent than I had intended it to be.

I feel I should say something more about

what happens in the different parts of the

brain when the vibrations from Kundalini-

Shakti hits them, but that will have to wait.


All I can say in conclusion is that

Kundalini-Shakti dissolves all little and big

knots in the mindbody by overcoming them with

the energy needed to straighten them out,

sometimes quite forcefully,

and then makes

the mindbody vibrate in a synchronized rate.


Lastly, a defence of the medha nadi:

Dharma and I chatted a little about this

channel some time ago and she asked me

why I seemed to be sending so much energy

into it instead of the proper channel,

the susumna.

I didn't know, but got a feeling this

was done to funnel off more energy than

would have been possible by only using the

back channel.

So, when both are open, there may perhaps

be more avenues open for the energy to rise

and a lower risk for painful blocks ?


Well, got to go to bed now.


I could chat your ears warm

on this subject, but I guess you have it

up to the throat chakra now. ;)









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Is nice heard this. In fact i have experienced like k downward from

the head to my heart. i felt now (twon weeks ago) my problems in the

heart an in the plexus coinciding with the downward flow. By the


hand in my face i feel the chanel through my head from my back.


I had belived that this feeling was perceive in subjective terms by

me. I didn´t belive, k is got down (where is she going, i






, "Harsha" <harsha-hkl@h...> wrote:

> Hillary, thanks for raising this point. I will forward the post to

> a as well. Of the thousands of Nadis, six are

considered most

> important for Kundalini practitioners and advanced yogis. Sushumana

is in

> the back in the middle of the spine (see detailed descriptions in


> Sivananda's books) and when the Kundalini Shakti ascends to

Sahasarara one

> is in mental space. With the rising of Kundalini from Muladhara,



> consciousness is lost but a person does not become unconscious and

can have

> various visions, samadhis, etc. Medha is the frontal counterpart to

> Sushumana and usually comes into play in later stages when a person


> already advanced on the Shakti path. Shakti does indeed travel


> through the Medha Nadi as well and brings certain abilities and


> experiences. Ida and Pingala in the back also have frontal


> called Lakshmi and Sarswati and Shakti can travel through these



> well. This is a very complex topic as the Kundalini Shakti can


> through many paths and the forces can ascend and descend in a

variety of

> ways. A discussion of Medha Nadi is usually not found except in some

> cases -- See Swami Narayanananda (The Primal Power in Man). By the

way, I

> used to write quite a bit on Kundalini some years ago on the K-List


> with Kurt, Jan, Gene Keiffer (Gopi Krishna's student and publisher)


> others. We had a lot of fun. At least I did anyway. Are those

archives easy

> to access? There is a lot of good information there.


> Harsha


> //


> Druout wrote:


> In a message dated 4/3/00 11:59:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> xendor

> writes:


> << I flipped some

> pages and got to a section that showed some of the

> paths kundalini could follow. It showed one path

> where K would go into the front of the middle of the

> body. It said that this was an improper path and was

> associated with emotional problems. >>


> Dear Dan,


> Sounds like an interesting book. Do you remember the title or

author? My

> K

> doesn't behave itself "properly" either. I would describe it


> like

> this "middle of the body path," but I don't discern any particular

> "emotional

> problems."


> Quite a while ago Harsha and Magne Aga described this path. [see


> But

> Harsha seems to be talking about an upward movement like yours



> while Magne Aga describes a downward movement. Perhaps Harsha


give us

> more information as to what Swami Narayanananda has to say?


> Love, Hillary


> Subj: Re: Nadis - The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti

> 98-06-02 17:53:59 EDT

> magneaga (Magne Aga)

> kundalini-l


> Harsha:

> I hardly see much mention in the literature of

> the Shakti manifestations and moving upwards that is felt in the


> One exception is Swami Narayanananda (Ramakrishna tradition) who


> very

> precisely of the counterpart of Sushmana that is felt in the



> Hillary:

> Could you give me more info on this. (A book ref. maybe?) This


> precisely how I constantly feel these energies.


> Magne Aga:


> This is exactly what Kriya Yoga is all about. Kundalini moves


> through sushumna, and downwards meda on the front. Here's the real

> difference between Kriya Yoga and the traditional Kundalini Yoga.

> Kundalini

> Yoga emphasizes only the positive part of the energy, not the


> counterpart. In Kundalini Yoga, all the energy shall rise to the

head, and

> then Finito ! The Quest ends. It is almost the same logic as to

say that

> the World should consist only of Males, that we shall allways be


> (never sleep), that we shall only have + electricity (no -



> The rise upwards sushumna to the head can cause severe


if no

> counterpart energy flows downwards meda. Kundalini and the ligth

body /

> ressurected body is Yang and Yin. In "Vishuddhi shuddhi", the

energy moves

> upwards and downwards through meda nadi. In Kriya Yoga it moves


> sushumna, downwards meda.


> Sahashrara and Muladhara are called the two poles. There exists a


> energy in the head, and an Earth energy in the root. When

Kundalini meets

> the head, it expects to find a "reserved place" there. But if

there ain't

> any room there, because the head is preoccupied by the other pole


> Kundalini begins to search endlesly, restless after a place to


and the

> result may be a psychosis.




> //

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