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Kundalini Shakti

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Tony O'Clery <aoclery>

Tue Apr 4, 2000 10:20am

Too much bullshit about kundalini!!


<<Namaste All,


<K rising? No cleansing prana rising!!!! <snip>


<In other words it is what I am saying all this K talk

and experience is cleansing pranas.


<Japa or spiritual practice will do it imperceptibly,

for true K is the rise of consciousness.


<Take a long look at the people who claim K activity,

and see if you would regard many of them as aesthetic

mystics, or sensualist and you will answer my point.>>


Dear Tony,


Under your guidelines, whom do you feel can claim K activity?


Krishnamurti writes in his *Notebook*: "It was coming, this ecstasy from

"outside", not self-induced; it was being pushed through the system, flowing

through the organism, with great energy and volume."


St. Teresa of Avila, a sixteenth century mystic writes: "[Rapture] comes, in

general, as a shock, quick and sharp, before you can collect your

thoughts, or help yourself in any way, and you see and feel it as

a cloud, or a strong eagle rising upwards and carrying you away

on its wing....I repeat it: you feel yourself carried away you

know not whither....(You) feel how delicious it is...(At) times

it was impossible to resist at all; my soul was carried

away...and now and then the whole body as well, so that it was

lifted up from the ground." from The Autobiography of St. Teresa

of Avila translated by E. Allison Peters, p. 190.

Quoted in Patricia Treece's *The Sanctified Body*,p. 260.


Gopi Krishna: "Often at night for years, when lying awake in bed waiting for

sleep to come, I felt the powerful new life energy sweep like a tempest in

the m and thoracic regions as well as the brain, with a roaring noise in the

ears, a scintillating shower in the brain, and a feverish movement in the

sexual region and its neighborhood around the base of the spine, both in

front and behind... "

Gopi Krishna *Living with Kundalini*


I would hazard a guess that they were all experiencing the same phenomena.


Sensualists? Only Prana?


And does it really matter?


Love, Hillary

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