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Rainbolily wrote:

> Dear Harsha,


> Thank you eversomuch for this very powerful email. My son is highly

> energetic and healthy and the teacher has wanted him to be put on Ritalin. I

> have fought this and this information will be extraordinarily useful. My

> sisters and brothers were also exceptionally high energy (I was the "calm"

> one, my mother thought me odd *g*) and they are now very succesful and

> triathletes as well ... I'm not *g*, although i am athletic.


> Had they been in school today, they'd have all been given these drugs, it's a

> tragedy that truly hurts my stomach to think about.


> Once again, thank you for your deep insight and great love,

> Annette



Thanks Annette. We can all thank El for the recent information. It is certainly

worth reflecting on. The human body is complex and there is quite a bit of

variation between individuals. I am not against the use of medicine or

medication. In fact, it can be a real life saver.


As Mike points out, the prime directive of medicine is, "first of all, do no

harm." The challenge for a physician then is for deciding when to use drugs and

in what dose. That must come from scientific reports, one's intuition and

knowledge, interaction with other knowledgeable colleagues in the field, and

personal experience with patients over time.


I am not a medical doctor, but it is my view that a great majority of so called

diseases are self healing given the right diet, environment, and support. Of

course, common sense suggests that we use the available medications to feel

better. How many of us wait for a headache to go away by itself when Aspirin is



Each person has to make such judgments about their body and we need to respect

those decisions. We cannot know another person's pain and suffering or the

extent and intensity of it.


Probably everyone is doing the best they can to advance the understanding of the

human body. The more high quality information we have available to make such

decisions the better it is for us. I view information that El provided in that



Love to all


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Dharma <fisher1


Annette wrote:

>>Thank you eversomuch for this very powerful email. My son is highly

>>energetic and healthy and the teacher has wanted him to be put on Ritalin. I

>>have fought this and this information will be extraordinarily useful. My

>>sisters and brothers were also exceptionally high energy (I was the "calm"

>>one, my mother thought me odd *g*) and they are now very succesful and

>>triathletes as well ... I'm not *g*, although i am athletic.


>>Had they been in school today, they'd have all been given these drugs, it's a

>>tragedy that truly hurts my stomach to think about.


>Having worked with hyper-active kids who simply couldn't concentrate enough

>to learn anything without their Ritalin, I feel sure that it's sometimes a

>real gift. But that certainly doesn't apply to all "highly energetic"

>children!! And I wouldn't let a teacher diagnose and prescribe for my son!


>Stick to your guns!





Yes, yes, yes!! The real answer to this question is: Is he learning? Knowing

what a bright and happy child he is, what is broken that needs fixing? It's

very abnormal to expect most little boys, and many girls as well, to sit quietly

at desks doing boring repetitious work. I had a son who refused to "color" in

nursery school, saying he could do that at home anytime he wanted and make his

own pictures. He's never been a stay in the lines person and always an

independent thinker and questioner. He wanted to play with the toys he didn't

have at home, a better use of his time! It's the training in conformity that

needs to be questioned with our school systems. Respect for individuality and

uniqueness begins by the example we set.


Not that there is much of chance of Annette caving in to teachers or anyone

else, but no one knows a child like the parent or cares as much, so if we don't

support them, who will?


Love, Glo

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On 4/8/00 at 11:02 AM Rainbolily wrote:


¤Dear Harsha,


¤Thank you eversomuch for this very powerful email. My son is highly

¤energetic and healthy and the teacher has wanted him to be put on

Ritalin. I

¤have fought this and this information will be extraordinarily useful.


¤sisters and brothers were also exceptionally high energy (I was the


¤one, my mother thought me odd *g*) and they are now very succesful and

¤triathletes as well ... I'm not *g*, although i am athletic.


¤Had they been in school today, they'd have all been given these drugs,

it's a

¤tragedy that truly hurts my stomach to think about.


¤Once again, thank you for your deep insight and great love,



Don't worry Annette. My parents once hired a psychologist in order to find

out why I could invent mischief no "normal" boy would think of and why

punishment appeared to be without effect (I would do something totally

unexpected that more than counterbalanced the effect of punishment). The

psychologist soon discovered that my "life-energy" was far higher than

average and unless the mind would be continuously challenged, things would

only get worse. The advice was to have me skip a class but this never

happened because of moving to another city (and having to switch school).

At the new school, the teacher discovered my "hyperactivity" and I got

several privileges like reading books when the others still were busy with

there tasks...



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Dear Glo:


I'm so glad you added this perspective. I was talking today with an educator

who works privately with ADD kids. I mentioned to him a show I saw recently

on TV about some guy who does body work with ADD kids....physicalizes the

process of becoming aware of focus....and has had good results. My friend

responded by saying that he simply teaches kids to sit still and learn to

stay focused. I was amused by this response. In any case I thought, gee,

that's kind of like saying if Jews could have been taught to be good

anti-semites they would have thrived in Nazi Germany! OK, so a little

hyperbole....but in some ways not so far off the mark. Medicating children

so they can conform to an environment that is hostile to their natures,

spiritual development and a process of learning that may require movement

for a given individual......or assimilation time.....or simply quiet time at

the time the individual needs it, not some pre-ordained clock time....seems

to me one of many tragedies associated with the format "required" for

educating large groups of children at the same time.


I read recently about a mother who took her son out of school after the

school determined he was ADHD and a disruption to the class...they wanted

him medicated. She refused and began homeschooling him.....within six months

(I think he was a fourth grader) he began publishing a kid newspaper from

home...which has been enormously successful. He's happy, bright, active,

creative, incredible being........I never met a kid who wasn't......


Recent "innovations", (at least in California) in curriculum and standards

in the public school system are going to make the problem a lot worse before

it gets better. This is especially tragic in poor communities where there is

little available in the way of advocacy for families or options for kids who

don't function well in a school environment. I have worked with some of

these kids........they learn, come together as a group, develop focus,

become enlivened with learning and excited about the process when they are

allowed to pick the topic, move around, and freely move from idea to idea,

developing projects around those ideas. So many ways to go....but none of

those are really available until the entire notion of how schools are

structured is challenged. Maybe someday.


Phew, thanks for letting me get that off my chest.


Love, Kristi




At 06:43 PM 4/8/00 -0400, you wrote:



>Dharma <fisher1


>Annette wrote:

>>>Thank you eversomuch for this very powerful email. My son is highly

>>>energetic and healthy and the teacher has wanted him to be put on Ritalin. I

>>>have fought this and this information will be extraordinarily useful. My

>>>sisters and brothers were also exceptionally high energy (I was the "calm"

>>>one, my mother thought me odd *g*) and they are now very succesful and

>>>triathletes as well ... I'm not *g*, although i am athletic.


>>>Had they been in school today, they'd have all been given these drugs, it's a

>>>tragedy that truly hurts my stomach to think about.


>>Having worked with hyper-active kids who simply couldn't concentrate enough

>>to learn anything without their Ritalin, I feel sure that it's sometimes a

>>real gift. But that certainly doesn't apply to all "highly energetic"

>>children!! And I wouldn't let a teacher diagnose and prescribe for my son!


>>Stick to your guns!





>Yes, yes, yes!! The real answer to this question is: Is he learning? Knowing

>what a bright and happy child he is, what is broken that needs fixing? It's

>very abnormal to expect most little boys, and many girls as well, to sit


>at desks doing boring repetitious work. I had a son who refused to "color" in

>nursery school, saying he could do that at home anytime he wanted and make his

>own pictures. He's never been a stay in the lines person and always an

>independent thinker and questioner. He wanted to play with the toys he didn't

>have at home, a better use of his time! It's the training in conformity that

>needs to be questioned with our school systems. Respect for individuality and

>uniqueness begins by the example we set.


>Not that there is much of chance of Annette caving in to teachers or anyone

>else, but no one knows a child like the parent or cares as much, so if we don't

>support them, who will?


>Love, Glo






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Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

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