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[NondualitySalon] KKT/dialogue

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Dear Annie,



heppo (Annie Heppingstone)





>Dear everyone,


>I found the following passage beautiful

>and want to share it with you . This is

>from the book "A Vision of the Sacred -

>My Personal Journey with Krishnamurti"

>by Sunanda Patwardhan.



>Krishnaji once said to me, "A dialogue is very important,

>for it is a form of communication in which questions and

>answers continue till a question is left without an answer.

>Thus, the question is suspended between two persons

>involved in this. It is like a bud with untouched blossoms.

>If the question is left totally untouched by thought, it then

>has its own answer because the questioner and the answerer

>as persons have disappeared. At this stage, the investigation

>reaches a certain point of intensity and depth, where it acquires

>a quality which thought can never reach."














KKT: Because of your "but" began the Creation .... :-))



That is just beautiful KKT. This created laughter and joy for

me. Wonderful humour :)








KKT: You like humour, Annie ? :-) Me too :-)

I think humour must be a "recognized"

characteristic of an "enlightened-one" :-))


And here is the joke of the day

told by J. Krishnamurti in the book

"The Kitchen Chronicles - 1001 Lunches with J. Krishnamurti"

by Michael Krohnen. Enjoy :-))



[...] We were silent for a while, then Krishnamurti spoke up, "That

reminds me of a good joke I heard the other day . The Pope dies

and goes up to the Pearly Gates where he meets St. Peter. He

says to him, 'You must be St. Peter.' St. Peter answers, 'And who

are you ?' The Pope is taken aback, 'You don't recognize me ?

I'm the Pope'. St.Peter picks up his list and goes over the names,

'Pope, Pope--I'm sorry, there is nobody here by that name . I'm sorry,

but you can't enter heaven.' The Pope is shocked. 'There must be

some mistake . It's impossible--I must be on that list. Please, look

again: I'm the Pope!' St. Peter gets impatient and tells him to buzz

off. By now the Pope is in tears and begs him, 'Please, St. Peter,

I'm your successor and the representative of Jesus on earth. I'm

the head of the Holy Roman Church. I have a right to enter heaven.'

St. Peter is getting annoyed and says, 'I've never heard of anything

so foolish. If you don't immediately buzz off, I'll call the angels with

the flaming swords.' The Pope is in utter despair. 'No, please don't,

I beg of you . Can't you ask somebody who knows me ? Maybe

Jesus or one of the saints will vouch for me'. St. Peter gives in and

says to the chap, 'All right, I'll go and ask inside . You stay here .

And don't touch anything.' So he goes inside, and there are Jesus,

his mother Mary, the apostles and several angels and saints.

'Excuse me, Lord,' says St. Peter, 'there is a chap by the name of

Pope wanting to enter heaven. He claims to have been your

representative on earth.' Jesus laughs, 'My representative on earth?

That's rather absurd, isn't it? And I've never heard of anyone named

Pope'. Turning to the others, he asks, 'Have any of you ever heard

of a Pope ?' No one seems to know the Pope, until suddenly the

Virgin Mary speaks up, 'Wait a minute . Pope--isn't he the one

who spread all the rumors about me and the Holy Ghost?'"



Cheerfully yours :-)



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