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FDA Spending of Research dollars

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jkanary writes:


<< and to socially

engineer the consciousness of the population in a way that is

beneficial for the corporate owning classes. >>


Money = Power


Power = Money


In Washington political parlance, the FDA is very minor leagues.


But just to review the facts, up until 1996, ninety-five percent (95%)

of all FDA research funds were spent on White Males between

the ages of 45 and 60. Now gee, I wonder which segment of the

population makes up the houses of the Senate and the Congress

which vote for the money spent by the FDA?


It's not a conspiracy, it's pure selfishness and self-interest.

And, I know all Doctors don't care at all about money or

self-interest. They starve carrying for the poor in the inner

cities much like Saint Francis.


Please, I was born in D.C., the likes of J. Edgar Hoover had

cocktails at the house, I've eaten Christmas Eve dinner at

the White House and unfortunately, have known more about

politics and the insiders' inside backhouse deals than anyone

should have to. Three days ago, I was at 1700 Pennsylvania Ave.,

at the top floor speaking to the Chairman of the Board of one of

America's largest corporations about nonprofit and for-profit



Everything, absolutely everything in Washington, D.C. happens

for a reason. The F.D.A. is not some miraculous clean-white

ethical exception.


There are great and there are terrible people at the top. Please,

do not kid yourself about the CEOs and Chairmans of the Pharmaceuticals in

Switzerland. In Europe, it's a well-known

fact that Swiss pharmaceuticals are responsible for more pollution

of European rivers than any other industry. Most countries

in Europe have been trying to get the Swiss pharmaceuticals to

clean up the rivers for years.


Since the pharmaceuticals care not a wit for the clean water

of millions of French, German, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Spanish

and Austrian people, do you really, truly think that their care

extends beyond the bottom-line dollar or Swiss Franc?


I am sure since they can't bother to clean up the rivers, you,

the unknown citizen, carries more weight than the leaders of

France, Germany and Italy. Don't you think? Your welfare,

your health in Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Jackson, Mississippi;

New York, N.Y.; you are the Chairman's primary concern, when

he inks the deal to put the anti-psychotic drug, Wellbutrin, back

on the market to help you quit smoking.


Ignorance is the price of freedom, that enslaves us once again.


"If you think an education is expensive, try ignorance."


I am going to no-mail for awhile. I am sorry to be outspoken here,

but truly it is our ignorance and naivete in America that is costing

us. I am really amazed at the level of naivete here.


What was it you said once about politicians, Jan? At these dollar

levels, of course, the politicians are involved.


I just cannot read this much naivete, I need a break, thank you

very much for your love and compassion.


See you in awhile,


~ bo ~

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Does the FDA fund research? I didn't know that. I wonder if your facts

are double and triple checked? There is bias toward white males in

science, and as a middle aged, white male (which I can't at this point

alter), I am part of the effort to change that; to involve women in

science, to involve minority students. I think there are very real

opportunities for under-represented people to go to school and get

involved, and I hope you encourage such people to do so and change some

of the imbalances. I wonder if your commentary doesn't do just the

opposite though and make potential scientists hate science and the

"evil" it represents. Perhaps a campaign of non-violence could work

here. Kiss a scientist today. I could use a hug, for example.

>Ignorance is the price of freedom, that enslaves us once again.


MY YES!!!! Your passion is real. I applaud that. I also implore you to

look beyond it to the humanity of scientists who spend their precious

lives trying to make a difference for the good of man and the rest of

our brothers and sisters on Planet Earth. Does flaming the

pharmaceutical companies and then going off mail help improve the

world? I don't feel helped. Ignorance cuts both ways and when you cut

and run, I feel ignored. Maybe you haven't cut and run yet and will get

this plea for balance. There is much to say for your point of view, but

those in "power" will never hear it if it sounds like a prejudiced

attack. Let's work together to find the truth.


Love, Mark


Rainbolily wrote:

> jkanary writes:


> << and to socially

> engineer the consciousness of the population in a way that is

> beneficial for the corporate owning classes. >>


> Money = Power


> Power = Money


> In Washington political parlance, the FDA is very minor leagues.


> But just to review the facts, up until 1996, ninety-five percent (95%)


> of all FDA research funds were spent on White Males between

> the ages of 45 and 60. Now gee, I wonder which segment of the

> population makes up the houses of the Senate and the Congress

> which vote for the money spent by the FDA?


> It's not a conspiracy, it's pure selfishness and self-interest.

> And, I know all Doctors don't care at all about money or

> self-interest. They starve carrying for the poor in the inner

> cities much like Saint Francis.


> Please, I was born in D.C., the likes of J. Edgar Hoover had

> cocktails at the house, I've eaten Christmas Eve dinner at

> the White House and unfortunately, have known more about

> politics and the insiders' inside backhouse deals than anyone

> should have to. Three days ago, I was at 1700 Pennsylvania Ave.,

> at the top floor speaking to the Chairman of the Board of one of

> America's largest corporations about nonprofit and for-profit

> concepts.


> Everything, absolutely everything in Washington, D.C. happens

> for a reason. The F.D.A. is not some miraculous clean-white

> ethical exception.


> There are great and there are terrible people at the top. Please,

> do not kid yourself about the CEOs and Chairmans of the

> Pharmaceuticals in

> Switzerland. In Europe, it's a well-known

> fact that Swiss pharmaceuticals are responsible for more pollution

> of European rivers than any other industry. Most countries

> in Europe have been trying to get the Swiss pharmaceuticals to

> clean up the rivers for years.


> Since the pharmaceuticals care not a wit for the clean water

> of millions of French, German, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Spanish

> and Austrian people, do you really, truly think that their care

> extends beyond the bottom-line dollar or Swiss Franc?


> I am sure since they can't bother to clean up the rivers, you,

> the unknown citizen, carries more weight than the leaders of

> France, Germany and Italy. Don't you think? Your welfare,

> your health in Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Jackson, Mississippi;

> New York, N.Y.; you are the Chairman's primary concern, when

> he inks the deal to put the anti-psychotic drug, Wellbutrin, back

> on the market to help you quit smoking.


> Ignorance is the price of freedom, that enslaves us once again.


> "If you think an education is expensive, try ignorance."


> I am going to no-mail for awhile. I am sorry to be outspoken here,

> but truly it is our ignorance and naivete in America that is costing

> us. I am really amazed at the level of naivete here.


> What was it you said once about politicians, Jan? At these dollar

> levels, of course, the politicians are involved.


> I just cannot read this much naivete, I need a break, thank you

> very much for your love and compassion.


> See you in awhile,

> Love*Light*Laughter,

> ~ bo ~

> -----


> -----

> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.


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> www., and select the User Center link

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