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Namaste All, Gloria,


I can't find my stuff on ancient Irish languages, when

I do I will post it and you will see the Semitic

Influence. This is pre-Celtic of course and perhaps at

the same time as the Celtic domination. The Celts

ruled but the bulk of the population of Britain,

Ireland etc remained the original.


As is evidenced by the 9,000 year old skeleton found

in S.W. England,recently, and a local schoolteacher

having the dna descent.This part of England is a

Celtic Area, but the Celts didn't get here before

about 1,000 B.C, at best.


Europe after the sinking of Atlantis or the Ice Age

whichever you choose to believe, was the frontier!

There had been many people living in different parts,

for example the Basques. Hebrews according to Cayce

rebuilt the Stonehenge c 1800 B.C. Many settled in the

Summer land or now Somerset Area. Phoenicians traded

with these areas and probably the Americas as well.


The Celtic, Slavonic and Germanic tribes came in later

than most think.


The people that settled Britain and Ireland W. France,

Spain etc came up from N.Africa, through Spain etc. No

doubt they were refugees and descendents of refugees

from Atlantis, as were many of the population of the

Mediterranean area, especially Eygpt etc.


So there were probably Semitic, whatever that means,

peoples settled in Europe before the westward arrival

of the modern language groups. Excluding the Basques.


Also much later Jewish people were settling in

N.Europe at the same time the Slavs were still



It is all very fuzzy, even the description of Hebrew,

Israelite, Jew etc. Were they the normal population of

N.Africa etc. That's why it is easier to say that

today Judaism is a Faith.


Then we have the Khazzars, they were supposedly

converts from Turkic tribes, how many were there, how

much intermarriage with Palestinians? Are they

themselves descended from Israelite tribes? It goes on

and on. I actually looked at that site after somebody

said it was anti-semitic but there were a lot Jewish

names there, asking for blood samples etc.


I'm not sure of the spelling but it was something



www.khazzaria.com perhaps one z, anyway see what



I don't follow what the universities say for they have

'theory belief religion' with regards to history and

archeology, which is very fundamentalist in nature.


I think later anti-semitism arose because Christians

were not allowed to lend money for it was considered

usury. So certain jobs were allocated to Jews. So

being a money lender was unpopular, as it is today. So

with usual prejudice combined with eliminating debts

or stealing land, one could conduct jealous pogroms

against Jews.


Also the Church labelling them as the killers of

Jesus and their later association with Muslim Spain

and the expulsions didn't help.


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.





ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.




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