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Can't take it anymore

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Dear Gloria, Annette, Mark and all,


Please anybody, don't feel obliged to leave or

pushed out of the group.


Mark: I have been really enjoying your two

sides, the humorous and the serious one.

It's rare enough to meet a research

scientist that has both humor and compassion,

not to to mention an interest in advaitin


Like TG said about Greg:

If I were enlightened I would have been a

female version of you. ;)

If there had someone like you with your

interests and attitudes in my lab when

Kundalini hit 18 months ago, I would not have

been brought to the brink of insanity as often

as I have because of the impossibility of

expressing an interest in Moksha teachings

with anyone and not risk being deemed ready

for hospitalization by sceptical co workers

and friends.



Please don your 3D pink glasses, join your

naive fellow satsangh'ers and share some

more with us, poetry or reports of exciting

dinners in the white house (what is is they

do up there anyway ?) or how to raise a child

without the help of ritalin, or

whatever else you feel like sharing.


And last but not leastly, Gloria:

you wrote:

>>> I do not expect that others would share my intense emotions from

>>> singing the

>>> Songs of Children, as it is my experience and not theirs. However, I

>>> am

>>> bewildered by the lack of any interest to discuss them or compassion

>>> for the

>>> victims of the Holocaust. Instead there is an obsessive post after

>>> post focus on

>>> Hitler and having compassion for him. There does not seem to have been

>>> any real

>>> hatred for him to begin with, so I do wonder what all the fuss is

>>> about.


As the person starting the "Compassion for

Hitler" thread, I will apologize to you.

As someone involved with the Songs for the

Children project, I very well understand

your wish to want to discuss compassion for

the victims of the Holocaust and share of the

experiences of participating in the project.

I won't carry further any of the posts that

were started on the topic of "Sri" Hitler.


I read some of my own posts on the particular

topic and realized I literally put too much

emotional energy into the posts, which I know

(having been on the receiving end of that

many times) can be inciting to quite intense


I regret that my words became a too strong

sharing from my own "Garden of NeuRoses".


Please share again with us

when you feel the inclination to do so.


To all:


I fully agree with Glo that we should all

(myself included) try to be more aware of each

others' boundaries and points of views.


Hmmmm.... as Greg said, it may be a time for the

monthly group hugs.

Thanks Greg for yours. :)

Here's mine:















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