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Holotropic breathwork, was: leaving and all...

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On Sun, 16 Apr 2000 14:39:13 GCWein1111 wrote:


l especially remember a

>small and otherwise mild woman who, during each sesion, became filled with

>anger. lt took 2 large men to physically contain her. During my first session

>l released alot of grief that Stan G thought was related to pain from the

>birth experience, due to some of the things that l was feeling physically. l

>can appreciate your desire to do more work with this. l might have done so

>myself had my k experience not intervened, which cut short all other

>spiritual work l was doing then. Unfortunately, l lost contact with people l

>knew who were pursuing this and never found out how this turned out for them.



Jerry, Mark and all,


Isn't it so that holotropic breathwork, due to

the forced breathing patterns may activate

Kundalini ?


I just thought ppl should be aware of this.


Well, ok, so can swimming and free diving,

walking, biking etc too... :)








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Hi Amanda,

>Jerry, Mark and all,


> Isn't it so that holotropic breathwork, due to

> the forced breathing patterns may activate

> Kundalini ?


> I just thought ppl should be aware of this.


I suppose it can, but Ted and David, who facilitate the sessions I

attend have been doing this for years, so maybe 150 sessions, with on

average 20 participants, so 3000 person-sessions, have never seen this.

I think I came close one time. I breathed in the morning and was

sitting as close to lotus position as I ever had, and breathing in very

rapid shallow breaths, using the lower part of my stomach to breath, and

my body started jerking quite strongly. It was very intense and I

panicked. Lunch was a strange experience, and I did an "emergency"

second breathing, during which it receded, and I calmed down. At the

time I was seeking a k experience, and since I have backed off and am

content to work with things as they are, clearing and slowly moving into

a closer relationship with life. I'm content with kriyas now, and

energy movement during yawning and sighing, etc. I think the container

was safe even for this experience and Ted and David are familiar with

the k, although I don't know of their direct experience. (I mean I don't

think they've had it, but haven't asked) If it happens, it happens -

probably better in a place where non-ordinary states are common-place

than at the gym or in the office. Most of the people I see there are

working with deep scars, but now and then I see people making love to

God in their sessions, or experiencing their Oneness, and reporting it

to the group, which gives the rest a lot of hope. It's not a practice I

would recommend to the faint of heart, but I see people, who come in

frightened, growing wings. Anyway, it's another thing that's available

here on planet Earth.


Love, Mark

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