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The Third Miracle ~ Is ~ I Am!

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Hey everyone. Hi.


Robert I too love you. I know I have only just met you. I justfelt I want to

share this quote with you in case it may assist. Forgiveness as a reversal of

thinking is a Self referral Gift into Self sufficiency Self Love & Peace I have

found. It is miraculous.

> Robert Weil wrote:

> I cannot seem to resolve a very cruel end

> > to a

> > relationship that still appears in person every now and then, but will

> > not

> > allow any open meeting to finalise things, while claiming there is no

> > animosity. Communication breakdown of a high order, as you say it's

> > difficult to let go of stuff you don't understand. I'm between a sharp

> > rock

> > and a hard place. This is Sisiphus here, for ABC News, Hell. :)

> >

> > Rob

> >


It is a dynamic time we live in where we are healing & transmuting so much pain

into Self Love. Those are my words for It. But it's not narcisistic. It's love

of the Christ child We

Are. For, as Essence Christ sparks we were raised by wounded parents who did

their best but we were all trained to believe we were unworthy ~ worthless ~

as they were taught before us. Now is the time for a reversal in our

thinking. May we accept the Gift of Our own Love ~ for It is This One, we

all seek.


This is from the Christ Reflections series ..


"My voice never condemns or makes fearful. My intention is to bless

everyone. I would have each & everyone of you know once & for all that you

are not guilty except in your own mind, & that imagined guilt can & must be

undone ..


Do not concern yourself with what others do or leave undone. It is not your

responsibility to evaluate their thoughts or their actions. Simply be

responsible for how you think & act. For if you think & act with God you

will influence others without saying a single word.


Charity is found only in self responsibility. Do the very best you can for

yourself & others & leave the rest for God to do. You are not responsible

for the choices that others make, nor are they responsible for yours.

However, you can & must learn from each one another, for what you choose is

not that different from the choice your brother makes. You make many of the

same mistakes.


Mistakes are opportunities for learning. To condemn your brother for making

mistakes is to

pretend to be mistake free, which you are not. I have asked you before & I

will ask again:

which one of you will throw the first stone?


You can release your brother from the judgement you would make of him within

your own

mind. To release him, is to love him, for it places him where love alone

lies, beyond judgement of any kind ..


Those who do my work empower you to love & affirm yourself as you are right


Those who work against me find faults with you, which they would fix. They

would make

you dependent on them for your salvation. Do not accept such lies. Learn to


No one on earth has a better answer than the one you will find through trust

in yourself &

in me ..


Looking for unconditional love in a world of conditions must inevitably

fail. Since all your

brothers & sisters are acting out of shame based patterns, they cannot offer

you the love

you know that you deserve, nor can you offer it to them. The best that you

can do is raise

each others' awareness of the love that is necessary & begin taking

responsibility for giving

it to yourself.


If you do not take responsibility for bringing love to your own wounds, you

will not move out of the vicious cycle of attack/defense, guilt & blame.

Your feelings of rage, hurt & betrayal, all of which seem justified, will

just fuel the fire of interpersonal conflict & continue to reinforce your

unconscious belief that you are unlovable & incapable of loving.


You must learn to see the extent of your own self hatred. Until you look in

the mirror & see your own beliefs reflected there, you will be using every

brother or sister in your experience as a mirror to show you what you

believe about yourself. While there is nothing wrong with this practice, it

is not the shortest or easiest way home, since it is always the tendency to

think that what you see is somebody else's lesson."


Love Without Conditions ~ Reflections of the Christ Mind by Paul Ferrini.


Thanks for sharing Robert,





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At 00:23 28/04/00 +1000, you wrote:

>Hey everyone. Hi.


>Robert I too love you. I know I have only just met you. I justfelt I want

to share this quote with you in case it may assist. Forgiveness as a

reversal of thinking is a Self referral Gift into Self sufficiency Self

Love & Peace I have found. It is miraculous.



Hello, Colette. Honoured to meet you. Nice timing! Have you ever trained

with the Fire Department? :) Thank you, I needed that... I've skim-read

your post, and I'm taking it home to really get into. Good stuff!


I'm so grateful ppl have been so understanding. Thank you.






>It is a dynamic time we live in where we are healing & transmuting so much

pain into Self Love. Those are my words for It. But it's not narcisistic.

It's love of the Christ child We

>Are. For, as Essence Christ sparks we were raised by wounded parents who did

>their best but we were all trained to believe we were unworthy ~ worthless ~

>as they were taught before us. Now is the time for a reversal in our

>thinking. May we accept the Gift of Our own Love ~ for It is This One, we

>all seek.


>This is from the Christ Reflections series ..


>"My voice never condemns or makes fearful. My intention is to bless

>everyone. I would have each & everyone of you know once & for all that you

>are not guilty except in your own mind, & that imagined guilt can & must be

>undone ..


>Do not concern yourself with what others do or leave undone. It is not your

>responsibility to evaluate their thoughts or their actions. Simply be

>responsible for how you think & act. For if you think & act with God you

>will influence others without saying a single word.

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