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"Psychology of awakening"(Col/Greg)

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Greg Goode wrote:

> Hi Colette,


> You're quoting from an excerpt, which I think it's all that is available

> from the web. The entire article is longer than that. A teaser, huh??


Hey have you got the whole article I am hungry!

> I especially like what you say here:


> >Later on after sunyata Witness may be in the foreground,

> >& actually hiding what trauma still exists unhealed in

> >the still present ego structure with its habituated

> >boundaries of patterns of self beliefs. Sunyata is

> >transcendence of manifestation but it is not total

> >healing OF those structures! Many would expect it would be.


Yes this is when Witness (Seer) may actually help perpetuate separation haha!

> Many people pursue non-dual paths *just so* their phenomenal structures

> will heal. I call that "changing the picture" or "rearranging the

> furniture." Normally, from the seekers I've known who want realization

> *and* a different picture, is that realization alone will do it.


Well I must admit some gurus just pictch the transcendence will do it line! Then

provide no back up for the psyche disintegrating & screaming. Such confusion!

Love love love ~ Self. Or else keep the self destruction going but from a larger

awareness ~ more suffering

> And when

> they hear "there's nothing to do" even though they have intense issues

> relating to parents or security or anger or abuse, etc., they will avoid

> getting, as they believe this would betray a low level of spiritual

> attainment.


It's tricky. I know. I myself would have never known there was unfinished

business except I have body sensations (aches) & even anxiety which signals hey

here's another vulnerable child issue asking for begging for your own attention

(no longer repression). We repressed so much to survive this far. Even allowing

the absorption means learning 'not to do'. Even witnessing may appear to be then

resisting (sitting back from - not In As what is present).

> It can go either way, realization before or after the psychological work.

> Either way if psychology is needed, it should be done.


Well it is inevitable & a blessing to embrace. Please may the right teachers

appear :-) And they do.

> Realization before: What realization does is remove the personal element,

> actually freeing one up to get help where help is needed. There's no

> longer a personal, egoic stigma or any spiritual significance to getting

> psychological help. And the psychological processes can actually work with

> no resistance from an ego that says "if I were farther along the spiritual

> path, I wouldn't need this."


Well, as I see it ... freeing up into impersonal awareness shows you the pure no

conceptual Being you are. You might then realise you can now cocreate your

personal expression (personality). before it was so much indoctrinated who am.

Now you may choose to Love unconditionally as you are Knowing yourSelf As That

unconditioned Being.

> Realization after: On the other hand, as Wellwood argues, if one pursues

> psycholgical processes *before* undertaking a non-dual path, then there is

> no spiritual significance -- no blow to the spiritual ego when one goes for

> psychological help. And with some psychological clearing, the non-dual

> path will be much quicker and more joyful.



Ok wow. I honestly don't know if there can be an after. How can a lost ego find

its Self even in psychotherapy? I don't believe it can be done. I always believe

divine awareness & Grace to cut one free is needed. Can a healthy ego be

constructed without unconditional awareness? I guess that's my question.

> Thanks for bringing this up!


> Love,


> --Greg


Yeah well .. it's timely!





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