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Lets rise above the B.S. on K!

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Namaste All,

>Kundalini Sakti means mind. You feel it rising from

the Heart Centre to the brain only on the day of

Self-Realisation, before that day you cannot feel it.


When you are talking about about K rising to the

Sahasrara, you are speaking of a yogic state, which is

not the highest state. ( there is no Union of

Siva/Sakti at the sahasrara, it has to go back to the



Making the K rise from the muladhara to the sahasrara

is a mental activity. It will not take one beyond the

mind, and it will not kill the mind.


The mind rises to the brain through the amrita nadi

and then goes back to the Heart centre during sleep,

or deep meditation. The mind rising and falling in

this channel is the true Kundalini.


My direct experience is that the mind rises from the

Heart to the brain never from the muladhara to the



Some quotes from Sri Lakshmana Swamy,( 'No mind I am

the Self,' by David Godman.) who received moksha,

1949, whilst still a devotee of Ramana Maharshi. He is

a Jivanmukti and was the guru of Mathru Sri Sarada.

They live in Andhra Pradesh on a small ashram and he

teaches through the medium of spiritual silence, as

per Ramana.


No travelling B.S. roadshow like the high profile

phoney gurus. Saktipat can only be given by a Satguru

or a Jivanmukti. The saktipat of sexual diversionaries

and others who say it is Saktipat is actually Prana as

in Reiki etc.


It is obvious from these teachings, which are not

different from Ramana's, that the experience and the

activity that people call K is actually not Sakti but

cleansing Prana, and doesn't result in moksha, but may

help in acquiring siddhis. The more cleansing

required of the kosas or sheaths, the more activity

there is. Depending on one's behaviour in this life

and the tendencies and samskaras from past lives. Meat

eating, alcohol, sexual desires, desires, thoughts,

company etc.


I am speaking relatively so I am not inviting

somebody, to inform me all lives are now or they don't

exist etc. I understand that!


Some say I don't talk from experience, well I am not a

jivanmukti. However I have, in the past, described my

own K experiences, from when they were dramatic to now

where they are smooth and barely perceptible, except

for the bliss feeling. Which I try and not get

attached to, for bliss is an impediment to

realisation, being an experience and therefore of the



With regard to Lakshmana's statement about the Sakti

going back to the Heart in deep sleep and meditation,

this is my experience to a point. I am not realised so

I don't feel the Sakti or my consciousness go beyond

my mind.

However there is, often, a bliss of remembrance when I

awaken, indicating the above has happened.


There are far too many phoneys, some mentally

imbalanced even, exploiting people, going through this

pranic cleansing, even charging money. When the only

help required comes from within oneself by meditation

or even japa. That is using a name on a rosary or

whatever. This will channel the pranic occurrences and

effect what is known as the rise of K, imperceptibly

and spiritually.


It is about spirituality, not enjoying sex or enjoying

anything. It is about purifying the sheaths and

intellect and leaving attachments behind.


That is the true end of K!


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.


I don't want to get into Tantra and western

misconceptions, read Fuerstein!

Also I only posted on K-gateway because of the

private emails, and because that was where I first

found out about some phoney gurus like Sai Baba etc

etc. I cannot go along with censorship.









ASATHO MA SATH GAMAYA, From the unreal lead me to the real,

THAMASO MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA, From darkness, lead me to light,

MRITHYOR MA AMRITAM GAMAYA.From death, lead me to immortality.

OM, SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI. Om, Peace Peace Peace.




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