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GloriusGloriaGroundhogGoung E=MC2(not!)

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Hey Antoine .. & friends,


If I can just stop gigggling I will tell you a tale of TwoGoungs or is that

dugongs? Hey maybe we were that in a past life?


I am thrilled to see so many of my friends on this list. Hi & hugs to

Christiana, Harshaji, Bruce, Gloria, xxxtg, Pieter, MelodiousMelody, Dharma,

Annette, Amanda, & my new friends yet to Be, & anyone else I don't know is here



Antoine Carre wrote:

> It is like turning a card, I would not be suprised looking behind my

> eyes that I am fact looking behind the eyes of Amanda. Goung you!,

> you found the Cause behind...


Yes the first cause is Eye! I Am, cause I See.Now what was that one about, 'I

think therefore I am' ?

Yuk yuk no sireee. Eye Sees, therefore 'I' think! Seer Is All ~

Or somesuch thing ~ only a Goung can contemplate His/Her own, Grokness ...

What I see of Antoine IS ME! Astounding Truth!

> > > >A year, and we are not the same, at least I feel so different...


> << Me too. >>


> I knew it!, just wanted to make sure that I was not projecting... how

> could I feel you?


Nothing there, Beloved. As Love ~ I Am. Otherwise ... hmmm .. ?

> > > > But I feel that in a day today, I change as much as I changed

> in

> a year only a couple of years ago.


> << Absolutely. EverDawn .. fresh, serene, unconditioned, freedom .. >>


> Yes even freedom from change itself. :)


Do you like to dance As change too? As all these people, & bumblebees?

> > > > "K Time!!! :)))" would say someone very dear.


> << Wondering if this is also one of my old pals, I know is very dear

> to you & I? >>


> Could more than one say such a wonderful thing?



> << Oh! My French Connecticut from Yankee I may use words as people,

> but thsi time I justzz spelelledd Itt worng! >>


> Hey only me can do that! I have my french Montréal excuse :)


Oh what is my excuse! Hmm I'll think of one!


This will have to DO ..

Oh yes .. in this life .. I'm masquerading as a school teacher so I keep

forgetting who I Am .. so lose myself in letters & words, so they all jumble up

at times when I undo & have to reassemble .. mySelf at that level! there you

have It ~ The Goung!

> > > Huhgs dear One!

> > >

> > > Col


> Hugs and Love, Mark, Colette and all who want some.


> Antoine


Thanks Antoine,


No Thought of the Day by Osho


"Never confuse intellect with intelligence, they are polar opposites.

Intellect is of the head; it is taught by others, it is imposed on you.

You have to cultivate it. It is borrowed, it is something foreign, it is

not inborn. But intelligence is inborn. It is your very being, your very




Meditation Tip of the Day


The function of nature is unceasing change. If one is always continuing

with what he has known and experienced, then he is no different from

being dead.




Love & cookies,



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