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The Ascension of the Soul - Another Way

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> Physical Region meets with the Astral.


> Sant Kabir points out that the Path of Spirituality that He teaches,

> BEGINS at the Sixth Centre, the Ajna Chakra (the Third, or Single Eye).


> Path of Sant Mat [the Way of the Saints] leads through Khand, Brahmand, on

> to Sach Khand, and finally to Sat Naam, the idyllic Home of Almighty God.

> He emphasizes, "Those of the higher Order of this Sadhana, begin with the

> Ajna Chakra, behind the eyes."


> Sant Kabir says that the soul begins its ascent from the Pind


> Region through the Ajna Chakra (the Seat of the Soul), and goes into the

> Andh (Astral) Region, and then further into the Beyond.


> He then begins the description of the Inner Journey by revealing how the

> attention of the devotee becomes focused at the Third Eye, with the Grace


> a True Master.


"A True Master" is not always the Guru outside of us, but can also be the

Guru within, if one so chooses to listen. At some point in time during this

Inner Journey with one's own Master within (rather than a chosen Guru outside

of us), it then becomes an External, rather than Internal, Journey.


I would like to share this version of another way of The Ascension of the

Soul... one that I have chosen.


Starting with, or later joining with an Internal Master (not of form), our

journey begins internally, then becomes external, until the Internal Master

is no longer needed.


"Passing through the optic nerve, the attention is focussed

> at a point called the Third Eye. From here the soul enters the Sukhmana

> (the Middle Path), lying between the Ida (Left Path) and the Pingla (Right

> Path)."


On the path of the Internal Master, one focuses internally on the Christ,

Buddha, or Guru within, which IS the third eye ("I"). Without the one

external Master teacher, as one begins to focus on their own Christ within,

it will eventually bring one to also do this externally... not with one

'chosen' person such as a Guru, but focusing on the willingness to see the

Christ/Buddha in each and every person they meet. (none excluded!) This

will have the same results as the internal search, and the Third Eye will be

opened to realizations which will be seen externally in magnificent 3D,

rather than internally via 3D meditation.

> He emphasizes that the Left and the Right Paths lead into the domain of

> Kaal, but the Middle Path takes one into the Beyond.


The Left and Right Paths is the focus on Ego (man/son) and God (Father),

rather than the Christ/Buddha/Guru (Holy Spirit). With the left/right

paths, (whether internally or externally) one can get caught up in idealism,

sacrifice, etc., whether with the ego or God, and must eventually be brought

to the middle way.


"Only the true Sadhu

> can pass through the Nine Doors and reach to the Tenth (which is also


> as Dhaswan Dwar)," At this stage, the soul merges totally into the

> Luminous, Effulgent Form of the Master, Who remains with the soul, to be


> ever-faithful Guide in the Inner Spiritual Realms.


Whether internally (no form) or externally (with form) choosing the Master to

guide the way, one merges in wondrous desire with this guide in complete

faith and trust.

> As the soul ascends within, it reaches the First Spiritual Stage known as

> Sahansdal-Kanwal, the Region of the thousand candle lights.


With the 'Internal Master' as a guide, the soul does not ascend (with the

feeling of 'going up') at this stage. It merely awakens to this external

(rather than internal) realization and becomes the thousand candle lights in

all its wondrous glory.


One feels the

> bliss of so much radiance and Light, that it appears that this lotus is

> literally a fountain bursting with Light. Sant Kabir says that here, one

> hears the Sound of the Big Bell, or the Conch.


The Big Bell/Conch is not heard in the Internal Master/External Ascension

way. Rather, only the sound of absolute quiet is heard, which deafens one to

all sounds. If there is a bell/conch, it would be seen as it truly is -- as

pure light, with no sound, as sounds and sights are externalized in true

perception, rather than internalized.

> Further up, there is a very narrow tunnel, called the Bunknal, through


> the soul must pass. Its direction leads straight out, then upward, and


> straight out again.


With the external ascension, it is a tunnel at the upper right... leading

straight upwards at a slight right angle. I say this so that one knows it is

not always the same in every case. Kabir apparently took the scenic route


> Sant Kabir has explained in such a way that the whole Region thereafter

> appears to be an upside-down well,


Yes. Tunnels/vortex's appear beneath, instead of above -- feeling as if one

will be sent straight to hell, instead of ascending to heaven. Everything

is backwards and one feels as if you are in an opposite world, and can be

quite confusing and frightening. Words become numbers or symbols; Love

becomes hate; Much trust and faith during this time must be given to the

Master, whether internally or externally.

>and the person who is a true Sadhu can drink here in abundance from the

Fountain of Divine Nectar. "What a pity that whoever doesn't have a Master,

dies in thirst of this Sweet Nectar," says Kabir.


This says, that who every chooses the ego's fear as a guide during this time,

will literally feel thirsty, and unable to drink. Fear was chosen due to the

frightening upside down world that put the soul in total confusion. To one

frightened, the Sweet Nectar is bitter and dry. The more one drinks, the

dryer the mouth. With the Internal Master as the guide, the soul chooses

temporarily the ego as Master in a state of fear, and does NOT die in the

sense of the body dying, if one chooses to follow the path of the True Master

within. It is merely a process until the soul lets go of the fear. All is

not lost. The soul is still rising....:

> Sant Kabir carefully explains that as the soul rises upwards from

> Sahansdal-Kanwal, there are numerous tricks played by the Negative Power


> attract the soul and keep it engrossed in that Region, the purpose being


> deter the soul's progress upwards. For example, He says that there are

> exquisitely beautiful scenes, people, and music to captivate the soul's

> attention. However, these distractions all run away when the person


> the Five Charged Names of God given to him by the Master at the time of

> Spiritual Initiation.


With the Master within again as a Guide, the inner world now becomes the

outer world, the internal visions of beautiful scenes (etc) can now be

'scene' with your newly formed third eye, turned into your physical eyes.

The three eyes are now One. Friends, strangers, people, music, beauty, are

now captivating the soul's attention in what we saw before as the 'physical

world' of illusion. Many get 'caught up' staying here in this dream world.

Why would one want to leave this world of beauty?


Still *seeing* the external Master... or the Guru within... as one to save

us, to give us 'the right words to say' that has been forgotten, keeps us

here in this state. Not a bad place to be, yet one knows there is more, some

state yet not quite reached, due to amnesia.



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