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On Tue, 02 May 2000 18:27:14 Antoine Carre wrote:

>Is it really to all list members advantage? I know for one that

>Harsha nevers cuts his post. And i must say that i like it that way,

>he answers most often integrally to the context of the

>email/person/list/time of day/state of the moon and Saturn/ etc...




Of course, some likes more stream lined posts,

others do not mind seeing some blubber in posts.

As in a lot else, there are / will be

differing opinions on this.

If it is a problem either way, too much snipping

or too little snipping, we can discuss it

here or among the mod engines.


If you ask me, my

opinion on this particular question is:


Creating a reply mail and keeping parts of it you

specifically comment on is for me totally

ok, it does make it

easier for others to understand what has been

commented on without reiterating subjects and



However, sections of mails not at all commented on,

and even more importantly, "post tails"

(In biochemistry known as Untranslated Regions,

Satellite Regions or simply "introns")

such as signatures, ads, banners etc and former

replies to replies may very well be kept out of the

reply that goes to the list.

>I am ready to cut my post, with even more scissors for the few that

>unnecessary kbs may bother for X reason. But lets

>face it to many kps is less and less a problem in a non image way of

>transfering information.


Of course.


Too much "empty" kbs

is technically no longer the problem it used to be.


For me personally, since I am not on a modem but a

free major uni link, superfluous text is not a problem, but it may be for some.


Another of

the Y number of X reasons for wishing to snip

may be the digest version, which may be easier

to read without "introns". The same goes for very

long literature quotes, say above 20 kbs.

If this is a problem, it can be discussed.


Whatever the list decides to do, I am also

of course prepared to honor it.









Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

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>Creating a reply mail and keeping parts of it you

specifically comment on is for me totally

ok, it does make it

easier for others to understand what has been

commented on without reiterating subjects and



However, sections of mails not at all commented on,

and even more importantly, "post tails"

(In biochemistry known as Untranslated Regions,

Satellite Regions or simply "introns")

such as signatures, ads, banners etc and former

replies to replies may very well be kept out of the

reply that goes to the list.

>I am ready to cut my post, with even more scissors for the few that

>unnecessary kbs may bother for X reason. But lets

>face it to many kps is less and less a problem in a non image way of

>transfering information.


Of course.


Too much "empty" kbs

is technically no longer the problem it used to be.>



Thanks Amanda..

I have a problem which is that as a Hotmail user, my mailbox limit is 2 mb.

I travel a lot, and usually access it once a week or so.. by which time the

Hotmail Janitor has issued several warnings .. and sometimes, even deleted


Added to the rather slow transfer rate in India, you guys will readily

appreciate that big mails cause a problem. Big as in the Digest.

There is no point having the entire mail/ ads/ banners in the messages.








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