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Real Nature of Man is Cosmic it is said

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Roger Isaacs [RIsaacs]


I practiced TM for many years. And I believe it can be useful for some

people at a particular stage of the quest.


Despite the TM movement's ever expanding array of revenue generating

techniques, a different story can be heard in some of Maharishi's comments:

'the real guru is the innocent guiding Self within'.


I can't help wondering if those people who constantly shell out more & more

money for the latest TM techniques have not yet found the 'innocent guiding

Self within'. The 'master key' is within, not in any expensive idol.





Thank you Roger for stating it plainly. I have many friends in TM that I

love dearly including Jill Eggers and Dirk. Would I be imposing on you Jill

and Dirk to make a comment on this. Of course I would be! But what are

friends for :--)



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Some of Tarabilda's comments regarding the Veda from www.newu.org





The philosopher and spiritual adept, Rudolph Steiner, warned westerners not

to fall under the sway of the ancient spiritual teachings of the east. These

teachings flourished at a time when humankind was quite different in its

make-up than today. The human ego was less developed and individuals were

far more otherworldly. Their spiritual practices reflected these differences

so that what was useful then could be dangerous today.


Even the question of what is the appropriate role and style of functioning

for a spiritual teacher is handled quite differently in the east. Steiner

also accepted what I constantly emphasize, namely, that the Indian guru

model is no longer appropriate for this age. Westerners who fall under the

sway of Indian gurus are, often, more backward types with poorly developed

egos, lazy minds and weak wills. They are drawn to gurus for the sense of

security and power it gives them.




I have never suggested that the ancient Vedas are best ignored be westerners

as a source of spiritual study and reflection. They should be studied, but

in a spirit of free inquiry and experimentation and with the recognition

that human beings of today are quite different from those of the times when

the Veda was first cognized.




I live in a community (Fairfield, Iowa) where most of the people are still

hypnotized by eastern doctrines and the Indian way of life, due to the

presence of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's university here. These people might be

well served to read Paul Brunton's commentaries on the orient, found in

Volume 10 of his Notebooks. I offer you three samplings:


"I have for some years kept myself apart from the Indian spiritual movements

of every kind and do not wish to get associated with them in any way.

Consequently, I shall not resume my contact with any swami or yogi, for I

wish to work in utter independence of them. My reasons are based on the

illuminations which have come to me, on my understanding that the West must

work out its own salvation, and on the narrow-minded intolerance of the

Indian mentality towards any such creative endeavor on the West's part."


"This geographical conception of spiritual truth, which places the centre of

light in Asia and the centre of darkness in the rest of the world, had some

value in the past centuries, but it is of dubious value in our own."


"The Orient cannot save the Occident for it needs first to save itself. To

arrive at this conclusion was a great change in my beliefs and therefore one

made very slowly."


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Hello Roger.


Roger Isaacs wrote:

> Colette wrote:

> > "The structure of the Rk Veda, as brought to light by Maharishi's

> commentary on Rk Veda,

> > is a master key for understanding any aspect of knowledge.

> > ...

> > To see something quite awesome go here : http://www.vedicobservatory.org/


> Took me a while to find the bottom line: "$3,100 plus shipping, handling,

> and any applicable taxes." Is that what you meant by "awesome"? :-)


> Tarabilda comments on the "Decline & fall of the Veda":

> http://www.dimensional.com/~risaacs/dec_idx.htm

> This page is within www.newu.org


> I practiced TM for many years. And I believe it can be useful for some

> people at a particular stage of the quest.


> Despite the TM movement's ever expanding array of revenue generating

> techniques, a different story can be heard in some of Maharishi's comments:

> 'the real guru is the innocent guiding Self within'.


> I can't help wondering if those people who constantly shell out more & more

> money for the latest TM techniques have not yet found the 'innocent guiding

> Self within'. The 'master key' is within, not in any expensive idol.


> Roger


Hi. I get the impression that you presumed my intention of sharing the url was

to sell some merchandise. Sorry you thought so. There is no way I will be buying



Dear Roger even in simply glimpsing those pictures can alignment be aided. That

is what I know. I am glad I found them, because I am very very curious as to

how my physiology is constructed from the laws of Nature reverberating from the

unified field & as to how my own may be similar to the cosmic physiology. I too

am not at all happy about the prices the TM people place on courses & such.

There is plenty of ego, alive & well there.


I am also curious as to how the planets may effect our functioning in body mind

& emotions. And how may my own consciousness is entwined with the consciousness

of planets animals, plants, etc. I was one of the lucky ones who did Maharishi's

first satellite course for a low price. The knowledge offered & the aligning

techniques too were awesome. A 6 month course for $500. It blew my mind.

Unfortunately after that the price went up. I don't know why.


I guess I am sharing this because I know that we can have great infusions of

Grace or Void on the level of consciousness aware of ItSelf. But then the

integration comes after for we are not just infinite we are also finite form.

Accepting one's own Cosmic Nature requires a physiology reday for it as well as

the right attitudes, as I see it.


This is not just a matter of meditate & boom you're there all safe & cosy. If I

Am the Void I'd like to know what my relationship to the planets & my own body

Is. I see it's all about relationship. This Play ...


So I didn't particularly enjoy your reaction Roger.



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> > Colette wrote:

> > > "The structure of the Rk Veda, as brought to light by Maharishi's

> > commentary on Rk Veda,

> > > is a master key for understanding any aspect of knowledge.

> > > ...

> > > To see something quite awesome go here :


> >Roger:

> > Took me a while to find the bottom line: "$3,100 plus shipping,


> > and any applicable taxes." Is that what you meant by "awesome"? :-)



colette wrote:

> I am also curious as to how the planets may effect

> our functioning in body mind & emotions. ...

> I guess I am sharing this because ...

> If I Am the Void I'd like to know what my relationship

> to the planets & my own body Is. I see it's all about

> relationship. This Play ...


> So I didn't particularly enjoy your reaction Roger.


> Col


Dear Colette:

Maharishi says all of creation is the play of three 'attributes', the

'gunas'. The attributes are harmony (sattva), the spur to action (rajas),

and inertia or destruction (tamas). And he also says 'be without the

attributes' in otherwords don't attach your awareness to the play of these

attributes, recognize your Self as impartial witness of the play.


The planets/astrological archetypes are a more detailed tool for

examination. Instead of using the lense of 3 we are expanding our view to 8

or 70+ if you consider all the houses, signs etc...


Our interaction can be analyzed this way. For example: we could say you are

the 'harmony' part of our dance or call it Jupiter: expansive, positive. I'm

playing the role of destruction or call it Rahu/the North node of the moon,

Rahu is the rebel, the outlaw, Robin Hood is a good representative of this

type of energy. Just being myself! :-)


So let's recognize that we are just doing a dance here and not take it

personally. And let's recognize that any particular issue must always be

viewed from different angles to get a picture of the whole. There is no one

right position or one right person, consider the blind men & the elephant

fable. Suppressing any view because it doesn't fit your preconceived notion

is negative!


Why is destruction necessary? Because no new state can be brought into being

without the destruction of the old state. "Harmony" or sattva can NOT remain

static, when harmony becomes static it takes on inertia, becomes stale &

unresponsive & transforms into something negative! And so internally, if we

cling to harmony, we fail to rise to Maharishi's challenge: 'be without the



How are you going to attain Maharishi's "cosmic consciousness"? Can you

attain "CC" while being dependant on the TM movement or while placing

Maharishi's opinions superior to the innocent guiding Self within you?

Certainly if one takes independence too soon, as a child trying to run

before learning to walk, you WILL fall. On the other hand some initiative is

required otherwise the child will never attain the status of it's parent.

Look at teenagers: some rebellion against authority is required to become

self sufficient. Timing is everything.


I hope this puts some perspective on our conversation. Thanks for your

input. I know from experience that TM is useful, but it's not right for

everyone at all times. You say you've found the Maharishi Vedic Observatory

to be useful: I'm not doubting this, nor am I suggesting that you do

anything other than follow your own inner enthusiasm and thanks for sharing

your enthusiasm here.


By the way, as far as the astrological archetypes and your quest to find

this in your experience, in your life. I've got to recommend my departed

friend Edward Tarabilda's work. www.newu.org Especially his book "The Global

Oracle: a spiritual blueprint". This book explores the astrological

archetypes with new insight and links them to the I-Ching, the tarot, and

other oracles giving emphasis to revitalizing spirituality & education.

Edward passed away last year, however, his widow Bernadette continues to

give consultations in his work called "The Art of Multi-Dimensional Living".

The consultations are a powerful way of finding the influence of the

archetypes in your life, in the spiritual arena, wealth/desire, your

relationship to society, career, empowering your own unique creative skill,

relationships and mental & physical health... all with the intent of

becoming truly self sufficient.




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Hi Roger.


Roger Isaacs wrote:

> Dear Colette:


> Our interaction can be analyzed this way. For example: we could say you are

> the 'harmony' part of our dance or call it Jupiter: expansive, positive. I'm

> playing the role of destruction or call it Rahu/the North node of the moon,

> Rahu is the rebel, the outlaw, Robin Hood is a good representative of this

> type of energy. Just being myself! :-)


Ya know Roger this is very cute!

> I hope this puts some perspective on our conversation. Thanks for your

> input. I know from experience that TM is useful, but it's not right for

> everyone at all times. You say you've found the Maharishi Vedic Observatory

> to be useful: I'm not doubting this, nor am I suggesting that you do

> anything other than follow your own inner enthusiasm and thanks for sharing

> your enthusiasm here.


> Love,

> Roger


Thankyou for sharing Roger. I have not practiced TM for a year now.





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