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Kunju Swami and Ramana Maharshi

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Kunju Swami, after he had glimpses of the Self in Ramana Maharshi's

presence, went home to his village. But after a while he came back

unsatisfied. Later he remembered.



"I, however, asked Bhagavan why I could not get the experience when I

meditated in my house. Bhagavan said: "You have read Kaivalya Navaneeta,

have you not? Don't you remember what it says ?" And he took up the book

and read the relevant verses."



"Sri Bhagavan then explained to me at great length the purport of these

verses. They relate to the doubt raised by the disciple about the need to

continue spiritual practices even after one has had the supreme experience.

The disciple wonders whether the spiritual experience once gained could be

lost. The Guru says that it would be until he took care to practice sravana,

manana and nididhyasana, that is hearing from the Guru the Truth, reflecting

over it and assimilating it. The experience would occur in the presence of

the Guru, but it would not last. Doubts would arise again and again and in

order to clear them the disciple should continue to study, think and

practice. These would be done until the distinction of the knower, the

object of knowledge and the act of knowing no longer arise. In the view of

Sri Bhagavan's explanation I decided to stay always by Bhagavan's side and

practise sravana, manana and nididhyasana. "

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Thank you Harsha,


this clarifies much for me. I find that this is a true description of

the dynamics even when I have realized that the guru is inside. I still

forget and doubt, and then am remembered and feel that there is practice

and keeping it in (well I want to say mind, but perhaps focus is a

better word...) Anyway, as I write this it slips away, but I know it

will come back, so it's fine. When it comes, I wet aside all other

thoughts and dwell within it, and when it goes, I get caught up with the

bills and the meetings. Perhaps that duality will fade as I go deeper.

am I making sense?


Love, Mark


"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" wrote:

> Kunju Swami, after he had glimpses of the Self in Ramana Maharshi's

> presence, went home to his village. But after a while he came back

> unsatisfied. Later he remembered.


> "I, however, asked Bhagavan why I could not get the experience when I

> meditated in my house. Bhagavan said: "You have read Kaivalya

> Navaneeta,

> have you not? Don't you remember what it says ?" And he took up the

> book

> and read the relevant verses."



> "Sri Bhagavan then explained to me at great length the purport of

> these

> verses. They relate to the doubt raised by the disciple about the need

> to

> continue spiritual practices even after one has had the supreme

> experience.

> The disciple wonders whether the spiritual experience once gained

> could be

> lost. The Guru says that it would be until he took care to practice

> sravana,

> manana and nididhyasana, that is hearing from the Guru the Truth,

> reflecting

> over it and assimilating it. The experience would occur in the

> presence of

> the Guru, but it would not last. Doubts would arise again and again

> and in

> order to clear them the disciple should continue to study, think and

> practice. These would be done until the distinction of the knower, the


> object of knowledge and the act of knowing no longer arise. In the

> view of

> Sri Bhagavan's explanation I decided to stay always by Bhagavan's side

> and

> practise sravana, manana and nididhyasana. "



> -----


> -----

> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.


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> www., and select the User Center link

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