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Dear all,


Thank you for your enthusiastic, well informed and

balanced views on Kundalini.

It has been very interesting to read the different



I don't have that much to add. :)

Most of what I wanted to say has been mentioned



Let me just say:

For me it is no wonder the Indian traditions have

called Kundalini Shakti the moving aspect of Shiva,

hinting at the dynamic nature of this energy.


For me, the

Kundalini Shakti has revealed itself continously

as pure energy, where energy means movement,

vibration, consiousness both on the

physical plane as well as the conceptual plane.

Ultimately, pure energy, standing potential

equals pure being, presence.

This is of course very difficult to explain,

and I'm not doing a good job of it, so

this may be another exercise in futility. :)


As pure energy manifests in the physical and other

realms, it can be felt differently for the mindbody.

In the physical body, the energy can be

felt as vibrations,

heat or "electricity", widening the veins and

bringing blood, lymph and nutrients to certain parts

of the body. This is what we call prana.


On Thu, 4 May 2000 13:53:52 GCWein1111 wrote:


Mark wrote:

> We are here because we have been hooked, and God is reeling us

> in. "Become Grace's lunch. Let her

> devour you." If you resist it, you feel the chewing and the acid in the

> stomach. If you surrender to it, you feel your being becoming the body

> of God.


LOL ! This is indeed an apt image of the energy, being hooked and then

devoured. :) It should deter

most ppl from wanting to be hooked, cooked and then eaten. :) As many ppl can

attest to, it's not always

easy or fun.


If one wishes to witness Kundalini-Shakti

one need only watch nature, all the "good" and "bad"

aspects of it, from gentle breeze to raging storm.

Kundalini-Shakti is all That Is.


Jerry wrote:

>But one could say that

>forcing the energy is also a form of resistance: resisting what the energy

>wants to do on its own


That is a thought. :) Resistance has many forms.


In some ways the energy has been testing the mindbody,

seeing how far it can go, calibrating itself against

itself to be able to keep at the highest level of

activity possible.

However, this appproach

is far from something I would recommend for others.




>of the severe problem cases l've talked to went thru an early period, just

>like l did, in which they were excited about k, were having a good

>experience, and trusted it to take care of them. l certainly wasn't resisting

>it, and l don't think most of these people were either.


I find my own experiences to be virtually the opposite

of Jerry's. There were most problems in the beginning

and then things smoothed out over time.


This has

>been an agonizing dilemma for me: if k is a divine force, how can it cause

>such harm -- even on rare occasions, death -- to people?


Hmmm... maybe the key word here is "force".

An energy that enters the physical body and mind

with the goal of turning everything into its own frequency has the potential of

destroying tissue and

cause harm if the process of calibration happens too

quickly or with too much energy at once.



> lf k happens to you, acceptance, gratitude and hope are

>the best options. But because of the risks involved, l personally don't feel

>one should seek it out. lt is not, after all, the only way to God.


I very much agree with this.


far from something I would recommend for others.




>of the severe problem cases l've talked to went thru an early period, just

>like l did, in which they were excited about k, were having a good

>experience, and trusted it to take care of them. l certainly wasn't resisting

>it, and l don't think most of these people were either.


I find my own experiences to be virtually the opposite

of Jerry's. There were most problems in the beginning

and then things smoothed out over time.


This has

>been an agonizing dilemma for me: if k is a divine force, how can it cause

>such harm -- even on rare occasions, death -- to people?


Hmmm... maybe the key word here is "force".

An energy that enters the physical body and mind

with the goal of turning everything into its own frequency has the potential of

destroying tissue and

cause harm if the process of calibration happens



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